Friday 28 December 2007


"Oh my God, this really random thing happened. There was this random guy who was really cute and we got together and it was so random!"

I once worked with somebody who spoke like that. It was almost ironic the way she randomly inserted the word "random" into her sentences.

In some respects, despite the general structure to our daily lives, many occurrences might be attributed to random chance, although not entirely. There are certain constraints that apply, depending on location, time of day, time of year, time of month.

So I guess things aren't so random afterall. Like having music on random play on your MP3 player or PC's media player. It's never random is it? With a thousand tracks on my new media player, and the player set to shuffle, how does it manage to keep playing the same song? Weird.

Oh, did I drop a hint? Yes, Father Christmas spoiled me rotten this year and I got so many wonderful presents from lots of lovely people. Ruined, that's me. Top gift, techno-wise, was a Creative Zen media player. Not an iPod, a Creative. And it's great. Does it play MP3s? Yes! Does it play videos? Yes! Does it play WMAs? Yes! Would an iPod? Er, nope. Has it got a radio? Yes. Does the iPod? Don't think so! Has it got a slot for an SD card? Yes. Does the iPod? Does it bollocks.

Creative wins hands down.

Christmas cheers
I had quite a few liqueur chocolates this Christmas. Being a non-drinker, these made me quite tipsy. Lovely.

Christmas was nice. I spent it between the Sniffy homestead and Trump's family home, it was lovely. Lovely. Lovely.

I love Christmas.

Now, how do I avoid New Year?

Happy holidays
Apparently, our MPs have said again that we in the UK should have an extra bank holiday, since our European neighbours all have more than us.

They say this every year in the middle of winter to make us feel a bit better about the shit weather and the dark. They also say it in the middle of a couple of bank holidays, so as it doesn't hit as hard as if it was mentioned sometime in October. Cunts.

Merry Christmas!


Anonymous said...


I had two Creative Zen players - the first inexplicably stopped working. The second was a complete piece of shit that had an almost totally nonresponsive touchpad. When I took the second one back to the vendor, they suggested the iPod. Got one, and haven't been disappointed. I don't need it to do anything fancy - I have other gadgetry for that. I just want the fecking thing to play music.

It is funny how the random playlist always brings up "Lady Marmalade" though...

Anonymous said...

You must've been doing something wrong.

I've heard that these players aren't without their issues, but mine seems great.

I keep getting strings of the same artist on random play though.


I hate Apple.

Anonymous said...

They (the MP's) always say it just after voting themselves big pay rises too, while screaming at the rest of us to restrain our pay demands.


And I agree with you about Creative.

iPods are overpriced shite.

Anonymous said...

My father is a Mac devotee - I wouldn't have an Apple computer. I really can't bitch about my iPod, though. Hope your Creative lives long and prospers. They have a great return policy, if it doesn't.

Anonymous said...


So now you're wired for sound with your creative thingy, you should hook up with and start scrobbling. 'Cause we'd all would like to know what you're listening to ;)