Saturday 29 December 2007

That dog has distemper!

A wonderfully lazy Saturday morning had seen Trump force me out of bed at 10am. I didn't want to get up, I was still tired, but she made me. After taking a couple of hours to come round, I realised that Rocky was restless, so I took him for a wander.

He's hopeless at walking on a lead; choosing to pull and half choke himself, resulting in him wheezing, grunting and ultimately throwing up (spray collar to come). Anyhoo, I didn't care as I was accompanied by music from my wonder-gadget, so I just plodded along, allowing him to sniff, leap at crows that was hundreds of metres away, wee, sniff, pull, poo - dog things.

As we pootled along, a little girl on a bike approached, as she neared, I saw that she was saying something to me. For fuck's sake, I've been walking this dog for months and no fucker has spoken a word and now that I choose to listen to some music on my walk, I am bothered by a child seeking my attention! I removed the earphones. She was pleasant enough and very polite. She asked if she could pet Rocky. Of course she could, but I warned that he might want to jump on her velour trousers (how very oo-la-la we are in Levenshulme!) because he gets excited with the attention but that he had muddy feet and so she should be careful. At this point, he vommed up a few swollen dog biscuits in front of her.

"He does that because he pulls on his lead", I told her.

She wasn't too keen to pet him after that.

We continued our journey and the wind picked up like a bugger. It sent him bonkers; he pulled, leaped, spun round in the air. I noticed another couple approaching, then as they passed, the man said something to me. I didn't understand because I had my earphones in so I removed them. He repeated what he'd said and I still didn't understand because he was Irish or something weird.


"How old is dat dog?"

"Eight months"

"Dat dog 'as disdemper! You can tell from da noise he's makin' from 's troat."

"Oh no, he's fine, he's just choking because he pulls on his lead too hard"

"Does 'e 'av all 'is jabz?" He gesticulated an injecting motion.

"Oh yes, he's fully vaccinated. He's fine"

We continued our journey.

Mr tambourine man
I think I'm going to develop a new skill. Nothing particularly useful or "transferable", but something fun. Something that will make me stand out at a party. I'm going to learn to play the tambourine and bongos. Perhaps I could be a mercenary for the Salvation Army.

Noise reducing
I bought some in-ear, noise-reducing earphones today. You know the sort that prevent others being annoyed by the tst-tst-tst noise that usually emanates from people with iPods? Anyway, they're really good, but they feel quite weird, a bit like they're going to come out through the back of my throat.

People might make the mistake of thinking I have distemper. Or just a temper.

Dinner for one
Apparently, it costs $14CDN to send a box of Kraft dinners from Canada to Barnsley. But did you know that you can get Canadian delicacies from the Canada Shop Online? Here, you can buy Kraft Dinner original or spirals for £1.95. I'd better stock up for when April gets here. I want to make Manchester a home from home for her. Things I need to arrange:

  • Somebody to keep her warm at night
    • Telephone local donkey sanctuary to see if they'll lend me one of their residents for a day or two
  • Finest Canadian cuisine
    • Kraft dinner
    • Bicks pickles
    • Lays crisps (chips, whatever the fuck they call 'em)
    • Must remember to buy some Twiglets for her to try
    • All washed down with some Clamato
  • Sporting activity
    • Waterskiing down the Ship Canal
    • Hoodie clubbing in Gorton
Oh yes, we're going to have so much fun! I wonder how she'll cope with being taken out in the big city? Probably something like Crocodile Dundee with foul language.


Anonymous said...


We received the Kraft Dinner on Crimbo Eve!

We too noticed how much they'd cost to send.

We;re looking forward to her arrival though.

Anonymous said...

Did you have those tasty macaroni with your Christmas Dinner, or are you saving them for a New Year treat?

If I'd had my scanner connected, I'd have shown you what I received from her today. Let's just say that she'd spent her postage budget on your pressie, which is fair enough considering the food parcel she sent me and her hospitality last year. And the fact that I ate your Kraft Dinners.

I can't wait to see April again, she's so lovely. No idea what I'm going to do with her, I mean WE'RE going to do with her. Trump is looking forward to meeting her too.

Anonymous said...

It's a shame Rocky couldn't throw up a couple of dog biscuits for that heathen couple. They were probably jealous that the little girl got some but they didn't.

Please tell me Clamato isn't a hideous clam/tomato juice blend?

Anonymous said...

Clamato is indeed a tomato/clam juice drink. They serve it with a stick of celery or a chilli, you know.

Anonymous said...

I like Clamato.

Anonymous said...

I heard that!

Stock up on the KD and Bicks because that's what we Canadians live on.

Whooo hooo. I have internet.