Thursday 20 December 2007

One more get up

Yep, just one more get up to go before I break up for Christmas, then I'm off until the 3rd of January.

Thank fuck!

Did my Christmas shopping in Manchester this evening; it was pleasantly quiet. I wandered around the shops looking for inspiration, but didn't find much. So it was something smelly from Boots for my brother, something smelly from Selfridge's for Bomb, a jumper type thing for my dad from Marks's, a toy for Little Con, something for the in-laws.

Hrrrm, that's a tricky one. I ended up in Lush and my olfactory senses were immediately assaulted with the overpowering odours of soap that smells of foodstuff... mainly because the soap is made of foodstuff. I couldn't distinguish one thing from another so I gave up on that one. Rubbish.

There's so much pressure, and it's all so easy, to spend loads of money on crap that you don't need. As I queued for the tills in the shops I visited, I looked at the items for sale, all especially packaged to be sold as Christmas presents. By Monday lunchtime, they'll be a third of the price. I'm tempted to nip into town on Monday lunchtime, but STOP! It's all tat! there's no need to even consider buying any of that stuff... apart from perhaps the puppy chaise longue I saw. Rocky would look the biz on one of those.

Trump bought herself a new games console. She's doing skateboarding now. I'm sure it's much easier to do the real thing, judging by the complexity of controls. The soundtrack to most of these games consists of hard rock music and shouting, or hip hop. It's no wonder kids are mental.


Anonymous said...

Yay! I'm off till the 7th! I couldn't bear to face those "what was your Christmas like?" "Mine was fucking loud now fuck off" questions.

Praise be holidays.

Anonymous said...

Merry Crimbo to everyone in the Sniffy/Trump households!

*gives puppy a bone*

Anonymous said...

"Something smelly..."???

Do tell.

Anonymous said...

I fucking love Lush! You really got about 45 seconds in that store to determine what you like, after that, it all smells the same.

Anonymous said...

Fuck me, she lives!

Soap that smells of food = bad. It all seems too soft too, so you pay a bomb for something that squishes to shite within a few handwashes.