Sunday 11 November 2007


It's been a while, but that just about sums things up.

Things have been busy, to the point that it feels a little out of control. Stuff going on, decorating bits of Trump's house, getting my car written off, dealing with that, having to buy a new car, shit like that.

But there's always one constant that comes back to haunt and taunt me every few years: power tools.

I fucking hate drilling holes in walls for the purposes of screwing things to said wall. You see folk on DIY programmes on the telly; drill hole, insert wall plug; screw bracket - or whatever - to the wall. LIARS!

In Sniffy's experience, it works this way:

  • Climb up rickety ladder
  • Take the thing that's to be fixed to the wall and mark screw holes on the wall
  • Take drill, and select a masonry bit that matches the diameter of the wall plug
  • Climb up ladder
  • Climb down ladder
  • Plug the drill in
  • Climb back up ladder, position drill bit on the screw mark and start drilling
  • Compose yourself, attempt to patch up the wallpaper that's been ripped up by the wandering drill bit, FIRMLY position the drill bit a the site where the hole is supposed to be, then start drilling
  • Climb down ladder, find wall plug
  • Climb up ladder, attempt to insert wall plug into freshly drilled hole, curse
  • Retrieve drill and drill into the existing hole, wiggling it about to widen the opening
  • Use a hammer to knock the wall plug into place
  • Repeat for hole number two
  • Take bracket and position over newly drilled holes, with wall plugs inserted
  • Ponder how the holes can't be in the right position after all that planning
  • Curse
  • Screw into one hole, hammer into the other
I won't go into the palaver of fixing the other bracket to a plaster board wall, but let's just say that it's a miracle how a shower curtain rail can be held in place with a solitary screw and half a tube of No-nails.

And why is it that the colour on the outside of a can of paint NEVER matches how it looks when it's on the wall? The bathroom is now the colour of mint ice cream, as opposed to the more earthier pale sage colour that appeared on the can. I don't understand why they even bother putting those little coloured labels on at all. They should call the whole range Russian roulette or Tin of Tombola because what you end up with is a total lottery.

I suppose it serves me right from migrating from magnolia or natural hessian.

DIY is crapola ultima.


Gadget schmadget
Having to get a new car has its ups and downs. I'm now driving something newer, with a rear windscreen wiper that works and an accelerator as smooth as anything. It's also nice having new bits to play with - mainly the stereo and climate control system - but also playing mind games with the rear parking sensors. On the downside, I'm down on half a litre of engine capacity, I'm in a smaller car with less power and no CD changer, just the single CD slot. Bums, eh?

For a while, I've wondered why car stereos don't come with a USB slot for use with a flash drive MP3 player. It seems obvious to me. Imagine having 4GB of music for Trump to skip every track?

Mistletoe and why?
Christmas is around the corner, Cliff has his 2008 calendar out. Jesus.

Cliff shave

Something else for the ladies
As if the lovely Peter Pants of Pop wasn't enough, here's something else for all hot-blooded women to consider: have you ever managed to put two tampons in at the same time? I did it yesterday - not deliberately, obviously. It was really uncomfortable for a couple of hours and I couldn't quite put my finger on it, so to speak. Imagine my surprise when I came to powder my nose...

I wonder how many I could fit up there. It'd be a bit like those competitions where people see how many basketball players can be squished into a Mini. I suppose it depends on what format they took. I mean, you could fit quite a few in if you hacked them up into bits then liquidised them first.


Anonymous said...


I have an adapter for my iPod. I almost never listen to the radio anymore.

DIY is shit when I have to do it. When the WCM does it, though, it actually works. He's quite handy to keep around sometimes.

Anonymous said...

i quite like the DIY - very therapeutic.

i myself have never done the two tampon thing, but Blondie has done it a few times.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe you stooped so low to post a picture of that cunting closet-poof, Richards.

Truly shameful.

As for the tampon thing...


Anonymous said...

I couldn't resist the Cliff thing. Don't he look just as good as he ever did? Then again...

How much stuff can you put up your bumhole, Piggy?

Anonymous said...

Not as much as Tazzy can.

What about you?

What about Trump? She's got lots of storage space in the arse department, hasn't she?

Anonymous said...

My arse = why the other car got written off.

DIY's ok until Sniff gets up the ladder and declares "these things never work for me". She's be better off stuffing the wall holes with tampons instead of her foo.

Anonymous said...


I'm still surprised the make tampons in that size, though.

Not surprised she got two in there without noticing either.

Anonymous said...

Every drill I ever touch becomes a dust generator. I drill a hole, and dust comes out. Fair enough, this is expected. Then I put the wall plug in, and find that 20-45% of the remaining wall then crumbles to dust, leaving a hole in the wall big enough for, well, two tampons (no offence). Fucking drills. Bastard DIY. Etc.

You are spot on about the paint. Russian Roulette Red sounds like the most decadent colour ever. Definitely one for kinky French aristos. I have painted half the basement a colour which could fit that description, actually, but out of a tin rather than out of lots of heads. And it is a basement, rather than a dungeon, but now I shall view it with fresh eyes (still actually my eyes, not the ones out of the heads.. which I don't have and never did shutupshutup).

Still on paint, I once put a dartboard up in a rented house. The wall behind it was light blue. I made many holes in the wall and had to move in a hurry (not because of the holes). Two days before I moved, I bought three or four little pots of paint, all around what I thought was the colour of the wall. I thought ahead and bought a white pot, too. Did any of the colours match? Did they bollocks. Did they dry a manifestly different colour to that which they displayed when I applied them? Hells yes. Could I get the right shade, even when I mixed bits of white in? Could I fuck as like. The bastard wall looked like there was a Predator (from the film) in front of it, trying to blend in with the shimmery-invisibility-cloak thing by the time I'd finished. I did a runner anyway.

My cheapass aftermarket car stereo has a USB slot. And SD. It works, too. Your desire is out there, made in China.

You know my thoughts on That Man. I will not repeat them but I will say that is is a testament to the fact that so alien and unhuman is his uncanny face, that it even looks superimposed (or photoshopped, for the in crowd) onto his real body in real life. An unnatural creature if ever there was one.

Anonymous said...

You've experienced nothing until you try to cut a roller blind to size for a back door. I had to cut and repeat 5 times - and then try rolling it back straight. And after all that I hung it the opposite way to it's window counterpart. It's still the wrong way after 3 years - fuck removing that again!

T - I've sent you an email

Anonymous said...

Hey Loz, I checked out those stereos - they look the biz! Very tempting.

Lucie, thanks for the link - very interesting! Roller blinds? One is up (not level), four to go - two of them need cutting down. Deep joy.

Tazzypigs - cunts!

Anonymous said...

Here is a good place.


None of the cheapo ones are much different from mine. I got mine from this supplier but it was a couple of years back now. Mine, too, is some unknown Chinese brand, but the thing works and works, actually has a good set of features and decent sound. But if you try to insert a CD without the engine being started, it sticks and you have to pull the unit out and disconnect the power. Could just be my car, the wiring isn't quite as it should be. Ahem. Apart from that, it's top notch!

Anonymous said...

My sister-in-law FORGOT one up there for a week or two. Couldn't figure out why she was feeling so uncomfortable.

eeuw! scary monsters!