Wednesday 14 November 2007

Don't forget the cannoli

I'm not sure I like mobster films, but I love The Sopranos. It's been the same old scenario whereby I encounter a TV phenomenon as it's coming to its conclusion. I did the same with Spaced, Frasier, Friends and now I'm currently watching The Sopranos on DVD. It's not a bad thing. At least this way, I can get it all over and done with relatively quickly and get on with my life, without having to wait for them to make the programme first.

But yeah, mobsters. Having an Italian dad, I've often wondered what it would've been like if he'd been on slightly the wrong side of the tracks. Fucking brilliant I bet. Imagine having a mob leader for a dad! A phonecall here, a quick word in the ear there, all problems sorted. The nearest we get is him being greeted with a respectful handshake and bowed head at the local Italian restaurant: "Good evening, Mr Donato, I have a fine table for you just here, not too draughty."

The thing I can't cope with in gangster films is all the characters, most of them called Paulie or Sal. It's all too confusing, especially when you can't hear what they're saying with they're mouths full of manicotti and peanuts.

That's what I am. Trump has rekindled her love for Zelda on the Wii. She doesn't half shout and swear a lot when she's playing these games. And here's me thinking they're supposed to be fun and relaxing.

The music is quite sinister. It's making me a bit scared, what with the sounds of running feet and swishing of swords. Her character keeps getting killed, you don't get that in Wii Sports. I wonder if she'd do better if I made her a little outfit to wear, might help her be the main character.


I don't think the main character is called Zelda, I think this is Link, although it could be called "You stupid fucking twat!", from what I can gather.

From what I understand, the Wii will be in short supply yet again this Christmas. Fucking brilliant marketing ploy from Nintendo, as with others; let the whispers out now that stocks are low and hey presto, everyone rushes out to buy the must have present.

It is a brilliant console though.

Clever puppy
I got in from work this evening to discover that Rocky had destroyed: a rental DVD; bank statement; postcard; car insurance correspondence. He has abandonment issues. He also has cat issues, slipper issues, vacuum cleaner issues and Asda puppy food issues.

He doesn't have any girl issues since we had him castrated a couple of weeks ago. That's nothing compared to what we have planned for him for Christmas - dinner jacket and bow tie!

And he likes to pretend he's pack leader. I don't think so!


Anonymous said...

The Sopranos is extraordinary and superb. The very end of the final series is controversial. I'll give nothing away, but opinion is sharply divided between those who think it was a magnificent ending and those who think it was a load of toss. I personally think it was Ace! And Mega! And some other words from school in the 80's! So don't watch it with fear that it will be a let-down. It'll be fine!

And you would fit right in with that crowd, you know you would.

"Hey Sal, at the mall, Dumb fuck tried to pay with a cheque at the basket till, can you believe that shit?"

"So what'choo do, Sniffola?"

"Whathafuck you think I did, I tayyyserd the motherfucka and took his eggs! Ey! Whatchagonnado!"

Not at all out of character. Why not be a mob boss yourself? It's more equal opportunities than it used to be.

Anonymous said...

Seriously, dude, you need to get Rocky a cage. We got our choc lab Frankie one and she loves it. We didn't want one at first, but everyone said it was a must-have. It was. Here's one: We refer to it as her bed, and she only has to be asked once, and she'll go straight in.

Anonymous said...

I second the crate training - I did it with both my corgis, as they would chew the bejesus out of anything in their paths. I have gates on both entrances to my kitchen now, and that is where they spend their days, as they have never mastered the concept of not destroying the house when the humans aren't home.

I only watched the first couple of seasons of the Sopranos. I liked it ok.

Wii will never enter my house. The WCM would never leave it alone.

Anonymous said...

Interesting news day taser-wise. What with West Yorkshire police attacking some bloke going into a diabetic coma because they thought he was a suicide bomber and Vancouver airport security killing a Polish immigrant because he was upset that his mum wasn't there to meet him. Why don't they give tasers to people who won't abuse them? I'd love to be a Ma Bakeresque mob boss. I'd need to trade Rocky in for a rottweiler. Same mentality, different size.

We tried Rocky in a crate for about half an hour. In that time, he'd managed to crap himself and get covered in it. Never again. I'd rather get a basket for the post to drop into.

But oh yes, we're definitely pack leaders.

Anonymous said...

And what's wrong with a smoking jacket and slippers?

Honestly no taste. Poor dog.

Anonymous said...

Smoking jacket and slippers? Sniffy and Trump?

Perish the thought - They'd end up looking like Stan and Hilda Ogden!

Poor doggy indeed.

Anonymous said...

We're lesbians. Therefore, our comfort clothing of choice is a fleece top and pyjama bottoms. In lieu of a pipe/fags, we opt for chocolate and crisps.

Rocky is too young to smoke.