Friday 23 November 2007



Anyway, what's been going on? Oh, the usual... it's getting freezing-my-tits-off cold now. And it's dark to match as we descend into the depths of winter. Bums.

Trump may have found a buyer for her house. This would be amazing and great, but I'm not counting chickens.

I've forgotten how to type.

I'm trying to remember what I was going to blog about, but Trump is playing maniacally on her Nintendo DS. It sounds like a Super Mario game. I like the way she does the sound effects. I have convinced myself that it's endearing.

She sometimes plays on her DS at bedtime, this isn't nearly as irritating having to listen to BBC Radio 4, which I despise. It's politics 90% of the time. People droning on and on and on. It's maddening. Last night it wasn't politics, it was some woman with the poshest voice ever talking about one thing after another, seemingly without paragraphs; cooking, travel, knitting all sorts of things in a plum in her mouth monotone.

And then the relief.

A lull in the talking and the sound of Sailing by started. I was relaxed in an instance. This piece of music transports the listener the deck of a boat, drifting in a slight summer's breeze. It is lovely and is used to introduce the Shipping Forecast every night. The forecast itself is enough to send me to sleep happy.

Shipping areas

With all the digital channels that the BBC has, why can't it give one over to have the shipping forecast and Sailing By on loop, 24 hr a day? Perhaps inter-dispersed with a few numbers station broadcasts from the Lincolnshire Poacher.

It'd be far more entertaining than most of the utter shite they churn out. It pisses me off that they think they can get away with producing self-indulgent rubbish because they don't have commercial sponsors to answer to. The other day on 6 Music, listeners were subjected to a good ten minutes of tuneless noise, simply because they could play it. Arseholes.

Childless benefit
AT LAST there's some benefit from the tax man for not having kids. After ten years of being screwed over time and again for the sake of people who keep breeding, those of us without kids are smiling. HA HA HA!!!

Well done Gordon!


Anonymous said...

That's interesting - I associate the shipping forecast with numbers stations, too. In fact, when I was in Oz, I was introducing my sister to the delights of UK radio, via the web. Radio 4 was one of the things I showed her, and I deliberatly selected the shipping forecast as a point of interest (who doesn't at least smile at "Silly Automatic" (I know)). Immediately after that, as a related topic, I went and showed her the numbers stations mp3s, (from the Conet Project) the entire set is available freely online.. some of them are downright creepy. Very atmospheric and well worth a listen if you want to pretend to be a spy for 10 minutes, crouching below the horizon in a Czech field in the 1950s, fiddling with a massive "portable" radio.

And ha, yes, never thought of it that way - it's a new punishment for those with children. The whole child benefit thing is a ridiculous and obscene waste of money anyway. It's not means-tested! Everyone gets it, irrespective of how much they earn! Talk about a waste of fucking money. "Oh, the welfare system is taking all the money for hospitals and police". Stop fucking giving weekly handouts to the financially comfortable then, you cunts! Irresponsible and outrageous.

Anonymous said...

I keep meaning to tune into the Lincolnshire poacher, but I never have my short wave radio with me at 2pm.

I would love somebody to write a book about them from the perspective of somebody who either broadcast them or somebody who took instruction from them, with examples of what the fuck they were on about. I'm talking about numbers stations, not the shit you get on Radio 4 - although some explanation of Radio 4 might also be welcome.

Anonymous said...

I love Radio 4. They generally are informative, even if you don't care for the subject you've only to wait half an hour and they'll be on something else. It's the depth and focus of coverage I enjoy, zoomed-in radio, because it's detail about things you wouldn't otherwise be likely to hear. A commercial station sure as anything wouldn't have articles about Gambian archaeology or the growth of credit unions in China. And if you are eating in the car it is the ideal accompanyment. Though I'm with you on the politics. To be honest, it gets better the later in the day it is.

Yes, I love it. Except the gardening which I've tried to like, as one might enjoy an eccentric uncle or a soothing walk, but it just irritates the piss out of me. The way it's a panel of experts, competing to see who can toss off the most Latin or rant the longest about the most trivial detail of a fucking shrub really does my tits in.

I need to swear less.

I think you think of Radio 4 the way I think of the Guardian.

I was wondering, do you know what's happened to/with Tickersoid? He's not ill or anything is he? It seems everyone's not really up for blogging much around this time of year.

Anonymous said...




The lazy bitch has posted.

The lazy bitch has posted.



Anonymous said...

I hate Radio 4, it drives me fucking mad. As far as I'm concerned Radio 4 might as well be Guardian FM. I despise the Guardian and the smugness of its readership; which is matched by the smugness of Radio 4 listeners and their superior attitude over those who prefer to listen to stations that play music.

Anonymous said...

Fuck off SID, you cheeky Irish bastard.

Anonymous said...

Either/Or is a bit of a sad way to approach the joy of radio, though, isn't it? Sometimes you want music but now and again you want to be talked at, and not by Jo fucking Wiley, my word she's nasal and insincere.

Too much talking on music radio, and adverts too. I want music on the music channels and talking on the talking ones. Music for driving, talking if parked up (or really bored). I've never met another Radio 4 listener in real life, so I can't answer for them, but I think it's fair to say that anyone who considers music to be below them is a grade A arse. I enjoy it as part of a balanced audio diet. I don't prefer talk over music, or music above talk, same way I don't prefer food to drink or vice versa. As for being superior, well. I am, so HA and up yer bum.

But discretion is the key, there is a load of dreary rubbish on there, just as there are shite songs on the music channels. I end up driving with one hand more or less permanently on the radio, changing channels as though I'm typing.

Actually, you're right, it is shit, as is every other channel. I knew there was a reason I had CDs.

But like you I'd totally tune into the numbers station channel or "Shipping Forcast 24".

Anonymous said...

I was once subjected to Radio 4 on a three and half hour journey to Norfolk. No music, just the droning voices of the presenters.

Car = music, LOUD!

Actually, I quite like my local BBC station - the talk is generally relevant and they play music too.

Anonymous said...

Ha! I read that article (re: children) and IMMEDIATELY thought how you would be happy about that news and your (non-)situation :D


Anonymous said...

The shipping forecast isn't much fun if you're sat in a leaking trawler somewhere off the Hebrides when there's a force nine in the offing.

Then again, you shouldn't be sat in a leaky trawler when a force nine is imminent.

Stupid bastards.

Come on the fish!

I want those discs. I could claw back some of the benefits wrongly awarded to scrounging gits who shag without contraceptives and then sit back and watch the state pay.

Anonymous said...

C'mon and post already

Anonymous said...

What Connie said.