Friday 14 September 2007

Dehydrated disasters

I have, in the past, extolled the virtues of dehydrated food that, when rehydrated with hot water, transform into fuckin' delish, nutrish meals. One of my all time favourites is the chicken and mushroom Pot Noodle, in my opinion, the ultimate pot-based snack. But now they are ruined. Why? Well, because of this:

Pot noodle saltless

Yes, Pot Noodles now contain 50% less salt than in 2005 - when coincidentally, I first wrote of my love for them. But what have manufacturers done? Have they just removed the salt to give noodle-lovers the opportunity to replace it themselves? Have they bollocks! The bastards have replaced it with potassium chloride - the stuff that gives you a metallic burning sensation in your mouth when you eat it.


Why do they have to mess about with things that you love? For fuck's sake, it's a Pot fucking Noodle! It's SUPPOSED TO BE SALTY! Just leave the fuck alone.

I really hate the salt Nazis who have taken over everything. Don't people realise that food doesn't taste of anything if there's no salt? There'll be reduced salt salty snacks next. Fucking arseholes.

I've e-mailed them to complain, but I don't think they'll respond. This consumer champion has well and truly lost her mojo.

The L Word
Nice to see that Living TV have put the fourth series of The L Word in the prime spot of midnight on a Friday night. Bastards.

You get four hours of CSI in the run up, but they couldn't bring it forward by an hour or so.

At least they didn't put the big bill board ads up for it this year; almost make me crash my car, they do.

Monsieur Rocky's coiffeur
Rocky had his first hair cut last week. I'm not sure what Angel did to him, but he had his lipstick out for 2 hours after and he's been trying to shag all the ladies since.

The next cut Rocky's getting ain't going to be with electric clippers.

Anyway, Boy Wonder has gone from this:

Rocky walk

To this:

Rocky hair cut

He's been to the beach too. We think he liked it, although I think he may not have noticed the sand and the freedom of being without his lead, he seemed preoccupied in chasing Lea.

Rocky Lea beach

Rocky beach 2

Rocky beach 1


Anonymous said...

oh yeah, your dogs a pimp. ha, bring on the salt nazi's. I'll kick their butts.

Anonymous said...

ffs, I leave the country for one month and they kill pot noodles. Bah.

Anonymous said...

It's awful, isn't it? My life is ruined. I wish Golden Wonder still made them; they'd never have fucked about with a winning recipe.

Anonymous said...

At some point in recent history I was addicted to sweet 'n' sour Pot Noodles.

Thankfully, I grew out of them.

I'm now addicted to Bombay Bad Boy Pot Noodles. The king sized ones.

Pot Noodles Rule!

(with or without salt)

Anonymous said...

I like the Posh Noodles. Not sure I like the idea of sweet and sour though. You can't beat chicken and mushroom in my opinion.

Where the fuck have you been?

Anonymous said...

Posh Noodles? What the... Are they posh because one can only eat them in a restaurant? The chef just boils the kettle and you pay the extortionate overheads?

Anonymous said...

Where have I been?

Morrisons, Tesco, Alton Towers and Dorset and London this past couple of weeks.

Oh and revamping our server (again - we're back at the address).

But oh how we've missed you!

Anonymous said...

Posh Noodles are shite! They're a bit slushy, don't you think?

IVD - Posh Noodles are like normal Pot Noodles, just slushier and 20p extra.

Anonymous said...

And they have a camp disco/glitterball on the tub.

They really should have been called 'Poof Noodles'