Tuesday 17 April 2007

If I had a hammer

I'd most likely use it on somebody's skull.

But apart from that, for some reason, I've been having flashbacks to my childhood; to the uncomplicated days of the early seventies, where in primary school they made us sing along to the timeless classics of Peter, Paul and Mary.

To much concern from Trump, I downloaded the wonderful tunes If I had a hammer and Go tell it on the mountain followed by I'd like to teach the world to sing from the New Seekers, or Seekers - whoever.

These were the songs that we sand along to when we were nippers, along with The ink is black from fuck knows who. All good, wholesome stuff for impressionable four year olds.

I wonder what went wrong with me.

I wonder how many people would take out their colleagues or collegemates with automatic weapons if guns were readily available in the UK.

Wi-Fi theft
A couple of people have been successfully prosecuted after stealing people's wireless internet connections. One culprit aroused suspicion by sitting in his car outside a house and covering his windows with cardboard while he surfed away. Remind you of anything?

But what a nob, fancy doing it in open view of everyone rather than from behind closed doors (like the rest of us do).

And people who don't enable security on their wireless networks deserve to have people piggybacking them and stealing their bandwidth.

Stupid fucktards.

Full house
There's a full house here at Chez Sniffy tonight. I can't cope. I am hiding in the little room (study/spare bedroom, not toilet) to escape. Both of my cameras are drawing much attention from gadget loving rellies. I love it when people covet my ox, especially people with a penchant for one-upmanship. Although it does run the risk of me having to talk to people when I'm not feeling particularly communicative.

Hey ho.

Hair bear update
Despite having a pathological hatred and fear of hairdressers, I let my hormonal and tired sister cut my hair the other day. Here are the before and after shots.

Oh, I haven't got any before shots because we only take photos of newborn babies these days, but here's the after:

Hair bear
Hairdressers? Pfhah!


Anonymous said...

Yay! First!

That pic is the 'after'? Are you sure? It doesn't look any fucking different!

As for people without wireless security - agreed. they deserve everything they get. Twats.

The New Seekers? You need help. Urgently.

And can you really remember the 1870's? I'm impressed.

Anonymous said...


I couldn't help noticing you're looking a little fatter under the chin area.

Anonymous said...

And why is one eyebrow thicker than the other?


Anonymous said...

The ink is black was by The Spinners!

*must remember to put it in the Taz Radio playlist*

Anonymous said...

Don't you fucking dare put that on the playlist!

And don't you think it's time you removed all the Maria Cary shite while you're at it dear?

Anonymous said...

Slow Cunt

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Don't you mean 'Carey' dear?

Anonymous said...

Yes, I know it's 'Carey' before you fucking say it.

Anonymous said...

Coincidence! I mentioned on my blog a couple of weeks ago that I intended to travel to the past to retrieve a holy book. I was talking about going back to my old infant/junior School to beg one of the "hymn" books we used in assembly for singing! "Come and Praise", I think it was called.

Did you have the same one?

I'm coming up to a birthday so I'm getting nostalgic for the increasingly distant past. That was stupid of me, of course it's increasingly distant, what else could it be? You'll be nostalgic because you're hanging out with a newborn and teaching it bad words.

Anyway, as promised I'm going to blog on this very same topic soon and at [too much] length (naturally).

How eerie that you should be on the same wavelength..


..hang on, are you stealing my bloody wireless internet?!

Guns: I wonder. You can't even be trusted with a hammer!

Hair: T&P said it. No difference!

Anonymous said...

What T&P said without the abuse

Anonymous said...

Hair looks nice, this is a good thing. Who wouldn't want to go back to the 70's especially when you live in the shit hole I live in.