Monday 23 April 2007

Where in the world?

Where in the world could you be subjected to aural torture, incompetence and frustration for over an hour, when you're actually wanting to spend about £700?

Where in the world?

PC FUCKING WORLD, that's where. Bunch of shits.

Trump has been after a new laptop and had spotted a rather nifty model when we'd nipped in to PC World a couple of weeks ago. On that occasion, we'd been hounded by the spotty staff more than once as we browsed. "No, we're just looking thanks".

"Nice laptop, we'll look online and see if it's cheaper anywhere."

We did, and it was. But you couldn't actually buy it online, you had to reserve it, then go and pick it up. The logic of this defies all reason, but hey ho, there you go.

So on Saturday, we went to PC World, Pin Hill, Manchester, clutching the piece of paper that said we'd reserved the laptop for pickup online.

As we entered the store, we were met with the most horrendous noise as the super wide screen TV and surround sound system that was playing Shrek at full blast - a gang of monged-out toddlers staring hypnotically at the screen. Walking through the store, it became apparent that everything that made a noise was turned on full blast. Very pleasant.

We looked for somebody to help out, there wasn't anybody. A PC World store on a Saturday afternoon and no spotty geeks to help? What the hell was going on? We were told by somebody wearing a jacket (duty manager?) that he'd get somebody to help. Nobody came, the noise from the TVs, PCs, tannoys were all unbearable. Tempers were getting frayed as more people queued up for help.

An angry mob was gathering... in my head.

Where the fuck was everyone?

After an hour, the jacketed man finished dealing with the bloke who he'd helped pay for something after trying four credit cards and a finance deal. "Has nobody come to help?"

"Err, no" Actually, we like standing here getting increasingly annoyed while being offended by all the fucking noise in here, so we're just hanging out.

"I'll go and get somebody".

He arrived, as did a number of other youths who must've been in the staff room, surfing porn.

"We've reserved one of these and would like to buy one please" Trump showed him the paper.

"Errm, there's no reference number on here, we need a reference number. Have you already paid for it online?"

"No, it won't let you pay for it or order it online, you can only reserve it and come and collect it."

"Well, we can't give you the online price without the reference number. This banner advert has printed over it."

"So you're telling us that the advert from your site has printed over the reference number?"

"It appears to have done that yes."

"Well, let us on the internet here and we'll get another reference number."

"We can't do that."

"But you must have a PC with internet access here?"

"We can't do that, you'll have to go and print it out to get the reference number and come back."

"I don't think so"

I turned on my heel and walked out.

Here are some suggestions for PC World:

  • Don't have exclusive online offers unless you're going to let people actually BUY things online
  • Don't have banners ads that cover the oh-so-important reference number when you print the bloody page
  • Turn off all the sodding TVs in your shops. In fact, you're a PC shop, sell PCs not tellies, arseholes
  • Train your staff to come and help people when they need it, and not hassle them when they're just browsing

Makes my blood boil.


Tomorrow: Flatpack fun and frolics with Habitat.


Anonymous said...

every single branch is the same. their recruitment ads obviously include the line "must be an incompetent fuckwit when it comes to dealing with the public"

conet were much nicer.

Anonymous said...

Too right, they're total fucktards.

Anonymous said...

Flapjacks? That's not some lesbo term for minge, is it?

Re your post about PC World - Ditto

Anonymous said...

Currys are as bad as PC World.

Anonymous said...

Currys, Dixons, PC World - all part of the same retail group, all completely shite on customer service.