Monday 14 August 2006

Sugar, sugar

Ah, honey honey! You are my candy bears...

Silly Illy

Having posted this photo last night, something dawned on me. Any connoisseur of the espresso will be able to point out a couple of minor faults with the coffee here. Firstly, it has been delivered to the table with brown sugar and not white and secondly, the volume of coffee is a tad too much.

Why white sugar? Well it's simple really, it dissolves quicker. Brown sugar takes too long to go into solution and your coffee is cold by the time it has dissolved. The beauty of an espresso is that it is quick - gone in a mouthful. Get your coffee, couple of sugars, couple of stirs and down it goes.

You have to be wary of those places that offer you a double espresso (two shots of espresso, one cup) because they often give you a long espresso instead (this is one shot's worth of espresso with more water gone through it). Cheats! In fact, I often ask for two espressos to save them making a mistake. I get looked at funny, but that's nothing new. When you're in a place like Caffè Nero, they describe a "large espresso", I have no idea what this means so I steer well clear.

A fan in Iran!
I was checking my site stats earlier and I noticed that I had a visitor from the Islamic Republic of Iran! How very forward thinking of them, I thought. People in fascist Iran being able to look at blogs; the blogs of infidels in the West. Even worse, gay women infidels!!!! Whatever next? The Iranian president will be getting himself a blog to spout his bile, while pretending to be a man of the people and a good muslim who has struggled to get to the top, where he aims to guide his beloved people in their fight against the satanic west and Israel! Fuck.

Of course, the thing about Iran and other such places is that nobody else is allowed to have blogs, or they're very much the victims of censorship. I bet you have to be pretty high up in the Iranian food chain to be allowed to access blogs of gay women infidels. In fact, I'd like to bet that only the top man himself can access them.

That being the case, Mr Ahmadinejad, you'll never be popular in Blogworld unless you get some plastic bears on your site!

Of course, I shouldn't really complain about such Islamic regimes. They never do you any harm unless you're a westerner, a woman, gay or Jewish, or any other religion for that matter. They're really very tolerant and fine so long as you don't dare open your mouth.

I'm not saying that our societies are much cop, but at least we're allowed to voice our opinions and vote for change (not that it makes any difference) and live in a fairly equitable society - one that still has much to achieve, but at least it's one where we all recognise the need for fairness and equality and we're all pretty much bought into those ideals.

Four eyes
After threatening the purchase of new specs ages ago, I finally did the deed. Here they are:


I apologise for the pose. I have no idea what I was doing at the time.


Anonymous said...

The new glasses are completely fab-u-lous!

As for the espresso, when an Italian friend and I used to get together at an italian coffee bar/bistro (what the heck IS the correct term these days), all they ever had was "raw" sugar. I prefer the taste to that of that white icky overprocessed crud.

Dang-nabit! I thought I was reasonably popular in the blogosphere. But Alas! It is all in my head according to the fabulous Ms. Sniffy! I have no plastic bears. Therefore I am pond scum. Sigh...I need to quit my job to find my bear.

Anonymous said...

Supporting the doorframe after it had consumed one too many tequilas?

How very thoughtful of you. Specs look good, though.

Anonymous said...

Iranians viewing your blog will only lead to a fatwah being issued against you when they discover you are a girl on girl sort.

You could probably put them off the scent by marrying Salman Rushdie. I know he's a bit ugly, but it might be worth a pop.

Anonymous said...

If I get stoned in the street, you'll know why. Jealously because of lack of plastic bear availability in Iran.

Anonymous said...

Good choice in eye wear!

Has there been an Iranian bear yet...I bet he'd be a gay bear too.

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure whether there's been an Iranian bear. If there was, he was probably melted at birth when the Ayatollah got wind of his sexuality.

Anonymous said...

Those bears are filthy little pervs. You should've seen them on my desk 'at it'. All kind of positions. No wonder Francesco has loose legs.

Anonymous said...

What size do you want your stone for the stoning?


Anonymous said...

Stereotypical lesbo goggles. What a surprise.

You could almost pass for being German now, although you might need to smile less to be convincing.

Anonymous said...

Oh and I once knew the first Iranian bear to be granted asylum in the UK as a result of being gay.

Many years ago and sadly no longer with us.

Anonymous said...

Nice specs.

I tend to be more the Caffe Mocha type. I feel like espresso is strong enough to put hair on your chest.

Anonymous said...

I've got similar glasses - what does that mean? Ohhh, but I did get jiggy with an Iranian once does that absolve me?

Anonymous said...

I've got similar glasses - what does that mean? Ohhh, but I did get jiggy with an Iranian once does that absolve me?

Anonymous said...

April, it means that you're an infidel whore and you must be stoned to death. Why did you post that comment twice? Bit twitchy were you?

Your glasses are quite similar to these, aren't they? Are you my sister?

Anonymous said...

April was paid by that Iranian.

We've got pictures of her offering her snatch for sale outside Baywater underground station.

The little sign around her neck read 'Will fuck for ice-cream'. From what we can tell, she was paid 2 cornets with lashings of strawberry sauce.

It looks like she wasn't worth the extra flake.

Shocking stuff.

Anonymous said...

i had an iranian visitor too, and my glasses are a bit like yours.

what can it mean? where will it end?

Anonymous said...

And I've just realised....

You're wearing PINK!

Anonymous said...

Hey Tina, can you post this link and get as many people as possible to sign it? It's a petition to prevent the government from introducing black boxes in cars and on motorbikes to limit speed by reducing the throttle or applying the brakes.

Anonymous said...

Okay then, don't tell us why you were wearing pink.

Ignorant dyke cunt.

Anonymous said...

You made a statement! I didn't realise you were askign me to justify or explain, you twat.

It's just a t-shirt Piggy, that's all. I don't have much pink in my wardrobe- one blouse and that t-shirt. Occasionally I wear them.

Anonymous said...

Bizarrely, the Iranian president has just started his own blog.

From the BBC - "The US is heavily criticised by the president. At one point he describes it as 'Great Satan USA'".

Fantastic. Or something.

Anonymous said...

Aye Nicky, that's who I'm referring to: the voice of reason, Mr El Presidente himself.