Wednesday 9 August 2006

Prawn cocktail

Here's a scenario for everyone. Person A works in an office environment in Location 2a that has a shared kitchen facility that includes a fridge, sink, microwave, toaster, dishwasher. One Thursday, Person A buys a packet of prawns in the "EAT WITHIN 24hr!" section of Asda and takes them into work for their lunch. At lunchtime they open the prawns and pour the excess liquid down the kitchen sink. If you were Person A, would you:

a) Leave the liquid sitting in the sink, or
b) Flush it down with plenty of hot water?

Person A doesn't eat all the prawns so they put half in a sealed container and leave it in the salad compartment of the fridge... should be OK for another day. On the Friday, Person A packs up and finishes work for a week's well-deserved annual leave. If you were Person A, would you:

a) Remove prawns from the fridge and throw them away, or
b) Leave them in the fridge?

Persons B, C, D and E are the colleagues of our resident prawn-fancier. They come to work on the Monday and Tuesday and must surely notice the increasingly bad smell in the fridge. Do they:

a) Investigate, but leave it for the cleaner to deal with,
b) Investigate and throw out the offending peeled crustaceans,
c) Amongst four people, not actually notice?

Person Sniffy works in another location on Mondays and Tuesdays and comes to location 2a for the first time on Wednesday of the week. On opening the fridge, they notice a disgusting smell and, on putting their cans of pop into the salad drawer, they realise that the prawns that were put there the previous Thursday were still there. Does Person Sniffy:

a) Leave them there,
b) Take them out and leave them on the side for Person A to see and deal with,
c) Take them out and leave them on the side and not realise that Person A is on holiday?

Persons B, C and D come to work (E doesn't work Wednesdays). A commotion ensues as they notice the Prawns. A full scale enquiry leads them to conclude that the cleaner must've been tidying up the fridge and left them there; they go on to ponder why the cleaner hadn't thrown them away. They probably also ponder why the cleaner hadn't wiped their arses for them.

Before anybody can say "NO, DON'T DO THAT!!!!", does Person C:

a) Put the whole thing unopened in the bin in the kitchen,
b) Open the container in the kitchen and throw the prawns in the bin there,
c) Open the container in the kitchen and run from the kitchen to the toilet near the offices, wafting the smell across the entire floor, before flushing them down the toilet and churning up even more fucking smell that fills the entire fucking building for two fucking hours?????

Jesus fucking Christ, how thick ARE these people?

Of course the smell induced a schoolgirl-type hysteria amongst Persons B and D and it gave them the excuse to run around, opening windows, spraying perfume and shouting a lot saying "It's not us.. hee, hee, hee... we're having a problem with prawns!".

I am in my happy place (plaice).

An edit: Too much information
I've just been reading on the BBC Website about the conviction of two brothers for the manslaughter of a young boy in 2000. The case was highly publicised and it took a while for the killers to be found. It seems that justice may have been done today.

I can't believe the reporting though. What is it with so-called journalists that thay seem compelled to flower up their reports with unnecessary editorial shite? Get this:

"Damilola was surrounded by a gang of youths in Blakes Road, Peckham, as he made his way from an after-school club at Peckham library to his home on the run-down North Peckham Estate.

Someone broke a small, green beer bottle leaving a shard of glass which was used to stab Damilola in his left thigh. By the time he limped along the road and up two flights of a filthy stairwell, he was near death."

By the time he limped along the road and up two flights of a filthy stairwell, he was near death.

It's like something out of a fucking secondary school English essay. How does the reporter know Damilola limped, were there witnesses to this? What difference does it make to the outcome that it was "run-down" estate and that the stairwell was "filthy"?

Christ almighty, get a fucking grip.


Anonymous said...

With those editorial skills, her salary only affords her to live in that same run-down area and she knows it well. The stairwell was filthy from her "other job" blow jobs to supplement her income.

Oh the office kitchen politics, always a fun time. Might he claim the leftovers to be an experiment in the name of science?

Anonymous said...

It was a she and she has no excuses. No wonder her fucking kids are always getting sick.

Anonymous said...

Office fridges are always rife with scandal (and bacteria). No one cleans out ours, so I don't use it. Black mold near my food? I don't think so. I'm not going to clean it out, either. Not my job.

Anonymous said...

Nothing pisses me off more than those people who use their children as an excuse to not come into work. "Oh, my son is really sick, I'll be taking a few days off to be with him."

I had to work with one useless fucker who pulled that crap all the time.


Anonymous said...

Personally, I'd have buttered a couple of slices of bread, put the prawns in a sarnie and asked anyone if they wanted them.

That would have been fun.

Nice to see you're alive.

Anonymous said...

Yes, nice to see your alive, you limp prawn.

Piggy and Tazzy said some lovely things about you.

Anonymous said...

When there's out of date food in the fridge of the office where I work, I don't leave it on the counter to metaphorically rub the owner's nose in it, I chuck it away, wash it down the sink or whatever is required. Perhaps you could have done the same on the Wednesday instead of exaccerbating the situation. Then you really would have the moral high ground you so obviously seek.

Luv your blog!

Anonymous said...

Yeah right, I'm going to clean away some other stupid fucker's mess? What sort of fucking idiot do you take me for?

In all honesty, I took it out to deal with it and forgot all about it. I've got better things to do first thing in the morning.

I didn't mention the huge cake box that's still in the fridge that contains a 10x5cm slice of cake that remains from last week.

Anonymous said...

Cake? There's cake abandoned in the office fridge? I thought you worked with a load of women - how come the cake's not been eaten?

Anonymous said...

They're all probably "being good" and only eating huge pieces of chocolate cake when there's a "y" in the day. God knows how their minds work. I've been there 5 years and still can't fathom them out.

Anonymous said...

Women don't know the meaning of the word 'good'.

And I agree with hm the cat. i think you caused a right fucking commotion, when you should simply have removed it and disposed of it.

Honestly, women these days. They've clearly forgotten what cleaning and waste disposal is.

Fucking nuisances.


Anonymous said...

Arse off Piggy!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Great limping prawns, man, get a grip! NO, not on the prawns. Eh, bugger. Terrific post for the clarity and succinctness of it. Well done, etc.

Anonymous said...

Why thank you, what did I used to call you way back when you first started, was it indianajones?

Anonymous said...

All I can say is why on earth would Person A have bought prawns in the first place? Ick ick ick.

Came across your blog through Surly Girl's "D-Flat Chime Bar" blog. I LOVE the picture in the header. Dare I ask where you managed to find the flag bears???

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your support Karen.

The bears are called Be@rbricks. . There are 12 series of these collectables, each containing bears in different designs (flag, horror, cute, basic, etc). Each series contains a "flag" bear (series 12 hs the France flag, Canada was Series 10 and I can't remember which Series Italy was. The thing is, the boxes are blank, so you don't know what you're getting in the box! To find a flag bear, you're best off doing a search on Ebay where you'll be able to pick one up for a couple of quid.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the info Sniffy! I'm going to do some searching and see if I can't find one of those Canada Bears!

Anonymous said...

I'd let you have Chadwick, but he's happy living with Francesco in Manchester now.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like Chadwick is one lucky bear. Why can't I live in Manchester with some guy named Francesco...

Anonymous said...

Perhaps Manchester wouldn't be so appealing if you realised that Francesco was also a plastic bear...

Anonymous said...

I recently left some lox in the fridge at work which started to grow hair. Instead of removing them (don't ask me why I didn't because I'm the one that always cleans the fridge) I left them there to fester. The other fuckers in the office didn't do a god damn thing. The cleaner finally threw them away.

Ah well, you can't be perfect all the time. Then again, I'm pretty close (ask Sniff).

Anonymous said...

Very cool design! Useful information. Go on! » »