Wednesday 16 August 2006

Just like post-Communist Russia

My hatred of Walmart-owned supermarket chain Asda is well-documented. When Asda superstores first appeared in the late 1970s, they were actually OK. I remember them having amazing variety at really reasonable prices, with a great deli counter and superb instore bakery. Well, my mum and her sister always said it was good value for money, I wouldn't know because I was only a nipper.

Asda never had a café back then so I still preferred Tesco (which also sold clothes), but in general it was OK. Even up to about twelve or thirteen years ago, I didn't mind shopping there.

But something went very wrong with Asda, they introduced "Rollback" and it's been downhill since. I've no idea why, but "Rollback" (a con to make people think that some of their prices are the same as they were about ten years ago) has attracted all sorts of ner do wells to Asda stores around the land. I liked their special offer on papardelle last night: £1 a packet or two packets for £5 - Bargain! Idiots.

And just look at the role models who they get to advertise for them: Sharon Osbourne; Wayne Rooney; Colleen McLoughlin. That's right, a reality TV millionaire producer with a brummie accent, a thug footballer with the face of a fuck knows what and his WAG Colleen who has achieved nothing more than meeting Wayne when he was 15 and deciding it was shrewd business sense to stay with him despite him being exposed for shagging grandmother prostitutes (oh and did I mention that despite him being as ugly as fuck, thick as pigshit and Scouse, he's also really rather rich... and so is Colleen now).

So, Asda clearly thinks its clientele look up to these sorts of people and accordingly shows the respect they think their customers deserve. They do this by making their stores simply unbearable to be in, while stocking them with mediocre produce. Well, not really stocking them, because if you go at the wrong time of day, there's no fresh stock left on the shelves. I wanted some fresh crusty bread to accompany the soup that I was having for tea last night. The shelves were almost cleared of instore-baked bread and the stuff that was there was soft. It looked crusty and fresh, but was soft. It's not just because I was there in the evening either, you can go to Asda bakery at any time of day or night and the bread crust is always soft.


I hate that fucking shop. For all of you wondering, I'm referring to the one at Eastlands, Manchester (opposite Manchester City's stadium). This store is only surpassed in fucking horribleness by the Asda store at Hulme. What makes the experience even worse is the way that other shoppers insist on taking their entire families with them at all times of night. It can be gone 10.30 at night (and on a school night!) and there'll be loads of families with young kids screaming and running around under your feet. Why? Why are these monsters not locked up at this time? Shocked and very appalled.

Why do I go there? Well, I only go there with Trump and she's now so fed up of my moaning that she's finally agreed to let me go to Tesco next time we have to go to the supermarket. Thank fuck for that!

Notice how I mentioned that Asda was owned by Walmart? Well, I went to a Walmart when I was in America and, despite feeling sick at seeing the selection of "George" clothing, I was pleased to see that Walmart doesn't sell fresh produce. Well, nor does Asda I suppose, but I wish they wouldn't pretend that they did. Fuckers.

A petition
I've been handed a request to ask people to sign a petition to prevent the government from introducing black boxes in cars and on motorbikes to limit speed by reducing the throttle or applying the brakes. That sounds safe. Have those wankers in the government never seen Christine?

Check it out

I wonder who they expect to bear the cost of this innovation...

Black pepper
I had a bit of black pepper stuck in between my teeth all afternoon and nobody told me. You don't get that with white pepper. Then again, you probably don't get that if your teeth aren't crooked.


Anonymous said...

Yay! First!

Yay! Yay! Yay! Yay! Yay!
Yay! Yay! Yay! Yay! Yay!
Yay! Yay! Yay! Yay! Yay!
Yay! Yay! Yay! Yay! Yay!
Yay! Yay! Yay! Yay! Yay!
Yay! Yay! Yay! Yay! Yay!
Yay! Yay! Yay! Yay! Yay!
Yay! Yay! Yay! Yay! Yay!

I hate Asda too. I also hate Walmart, the slave drivers of the U.S.


Anonymous said...

I think a lot of Asda employees hate Walmart too. Still, that's no excuse for them being crap at their jobs.

Anonymous said...

I often wonder if it's a requirement to be a chav to work there.

I mean, have you seen the state of half of them.

Untidy, unwashed cunts.

Anonymous said...

And having to wear that lime green uniform is a fucking embarrassment.

Anonymous said...

I love the Walmart here and their just-off-the-boat employees!

It's like walking through the UN Headquarters.

Anonymous said...

Our Asda employees are generally "just out on parole" or "just six months into the same combination of tablets that Kerry Katona was on when she split up from Brian McFadden".

Anonymous said...

Ah, Lisa from Alaska has just dropped by. How I miss her...

Anonymous said...

I HATE that, when you've got a bit of pepper between your teeth, and no b*gger tells you about it - and you know they've all seen it, and have probably even mentioned it to each other. I'd have told you...

I don't think I've ever been in an ASDA - now I'm wondering what I'm missing.

Anonymous said...

Tesco staff here are lovely.

They smile.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Mrs Ed. At least there are some decent folk still out there. You're lucky to have avoided the hell that is Asda. Stay away for your own sanity.

SID, Tesco staff ARE nice, aren't they? I think Sainsbury's staff are good too. What is your opinion on Marks's?

Anonymous said...

This converastion is a bit supermarket related for my liking.

Having said that, Morrisons are ipmroving all the time, even if they are Braford gobshites who don't know the differnce between a chapatti and a partha.

And they dress like paramilitaries.

Anonymous said...

I think Marksy staff are a bit up themselves....also think they have lost the will to live.

Anonymous said...

No post? And it a Friday too...shame!

Anonymous said...

She's doing her Friday job - filling the shelves at Asda.

Anonymous said...

Dear Tina

I do think you should floss more often

Kind Regards

Anonymous said...

She doesnt need to floss - her teeth are removable.

Like her knickers, but without the requirement of a chisel.

Anonymous said...

Come on Flossy where are you?

Anonymous said...

BUT Sniff... you didn't mind the Super Walmart in Omak did you? We actually ended up buying a camera there after you left.

As for the pepper... you know you can't rely on anyone so always check your teeth after a meal or after putting anything in your gob. Always. Just think though... pepper is better than a pubic hair.

Anonymous said...

I am busy wiv me bird. When I am not enjoying a full and varied sex life, I am either shopping, cooking, eating or asleep. Today I am going to an aquarium with Bomb. I will post when I have something worthwhile contributing.

Anonymous said...

Super Walmart was ace, but as I said, at least Walmat recognise their own shortcomins and don't bother selling "fresh produce".

Pubic hair in my teeth? How on earth might that get there? Dirty bitch.

Anonymous said...

The same way rice pudding would get there.

So I'm told.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Tina.

Anonymous said...

We don't have Asda on the Isle of Wight. Guess we're not missing much.

Anonymous said...

best regards, nice info » » »