Thursday 24 August 2006

The hottest August since time began


Or at least that's what was being said at the end of July, a month where UK temperatures had been hovering steadily around the 30°C mark.

With a week of August 2006 left, I can't remember the temperature getting above 20°C, or the sun coming out. It's been fucking horrible and so very depressing.

You see, the end of August marks the end of summer. Once my birthday is out of the way, it seems that autumn is well and truly round the corner and another summer has gone. We have the next nine months of darkness and cold and misery to get through before there's any hope of feeling the warm sun on our bones again. By that time, we'll be just that little bit older.

So there you have it. Summer is over and it feels like it's not even started.

Good job I'm off to Greece at the end of next week. There's nothing like all over third degree burns to remind you that hot sun and white people don't really go together and that's why pasty white people are indigenous to parts of the world where the summers are crap.

Shattered dreams
And then they go and do this to me! After years of trying to learn the planets of our solar system - and failing - I came to the conclusion that I'll ever know about half of them. Let's see:

Errrm, Mercury

Pluto was always one of the easiest ones because of Mickey Mouse's mate. But now, members of that strange sect, "The Mysterious They", have decided that Pluto isn't a planet afterall.



Anonymous said...

Pack a fire extinguisher, there are raging forest fires in Greece at the moment.

Kebab heaven. I'm jealous.

Anonymous said...

Strangely enough, I'd have gone to Halkidiki if I could've flown next Friday.

Spooky eh?

Anonymous said...

Don't listen to Garfy - Strap a tree trunk to your back!

Oh no, she's not going with you, is she?

Oh well. Maybe a real one then.

I so wanted to tell a joke with Uranus in it, but that'd be tacky, wouldn't it? I'll leave that to some twat like SID to do. He's bound to be along shortly.

As for Pluto - I actually felt quite sad about that. And also the fact that they didn't allow the 3 new planets to become part of our wee solar system.

I was going to post about it, you you fucking beat me to it.


Anonymous said...

I hear ya, that's why I want to move to a coconut farm or mango...I'm not fussy.

Bring on the heat!

Anonymous said...

Pack plenty of sunscreen and apply liberally. And lots of loose waisted clothing, because Greek food? Scrumptious. Have some baklava for me.

Oh, and happy early birthday.

Anonymous said...

Of course, this is my last day in work before my hols. The last day of driving into the City while the schools are off. The last day of not-too-bad traffic in the morning before the chaos of September descends on us. And what happens? A big fucking accident that blocks the road and leaves me in queuing traffic for half a fucking hour!

Careless bastards who have accidents at rush hour want shooting and their licences taking off them.

Anonymous said...

YAY for earthangels going back to school.

The little buggers have waved me off to work every morning for 2 months now.
I'm taking off the 1st week of September just to get my own back.

Your site wasn't loading properly hence the late visit.

Anonymous said...

He's such a liar is that Oirish cunt.

He was entranced by the porn sites again and forgot the time.

I hope he washes his hands.

Anonymous said...

Happy early birthday, Sniff!

Have a wonderful trip!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday (I don't know if this is still early, or whether it's late, now - no sense of time at the moment).

Anonymous said...

So when is your bd?