Thursday 4 May 2006

Wash that mouth out!

I admit it, I'm a bit of a potty mouth.

What started off as a bit of a joke has become a really bad habit and now I can't put a sentence together without including expletives. I really do need my mouth washing out with soap and water.

I was in Norfolkland over the weekend and I used my toothbrush that lives with my friends. People who know me will verify this; I have toothbrushes all over the country. It just saves me worrying about packing mine the night before I'm due to set off to visit my friends. Plus, there's nothing worse than transporting a soggy toothbrush - well there is, but you know what I mean.

While I'm not there, my toothbrush lives in a drawer in one of the spare bedrooms. This is the same drawer that Cath's mum stores her own special brand of 20p a bottle purple shower gel (supermarket own brand purple shower gel has got to be the foulest smelling shite on the planet - apart from shite). Cath's mum brings her own shower gel because the Calvin Klein stuff clearly wasn't good enough. Then again, she takes her own food too. ANYWAY. Imagine my delight to find late on Friday night that my toothbrush had been sat in a puddle of foul-smelling cheapo purple shower gel! No amount of rinsing could get rid of that stuff brushing my teeth brought back memories of a childhood incident when I mistakenly used my dad's shaving cream because it was in a tube that was the same shape as the toothpaste tube.


I've known my friends in Norfolk for a long time and I also know parents and things. They're just parents and families the same as anybody else's. Except Cath's mum is a bit odd at times. There was an incident on my birthday last year when we came to blows over a game of Trivial Pursuit that she'd insisted on us playing because she thought she could beat win against three people who have 7 degrees between them. HAH! Anyway, she got a cob on when I wouldn't allow her to sing the theme tune to Chariot's of Fire in lieu of answering the question "Vangelis won the oscar for the theme tune to which record-breaking oscar-winning film about running and that?" And what REALLY pissed me off was when I said "I don't know" when I didn't know the answer to a question, was the way in which she insisted on pressing me and trying to give me clues. "I DON'T FUCKING KNOW!!!!"

She also calls the baby "My lickle pwincess". Pwincess. Deary me.


I can't believe I'm getting grief for not posting every day from some folk who don't even bother on a weekly basis! With all due respect, arse off. I am trying my best, but the problem is that I'm quite happy at the moment and so I'm tending to see the world in a new light. This is making it difficult to find annoying things to lay into here. Parents are always fair game, but there's only so far you go with them.

I tell you what is REALLY annoying though: traffic information on the car radio; I'm sure I've had a gripe about this before. Why is it that you get regular interruptions to the CD you're listening to with travel bulletins from cities up to 40 miles away when you're pootling about on clear roads in the evenings or weekends, but when you're stuck in real traffic trouble, there's no information to be found anywhere? You never EVER get warnings or information about trouble that affects your journey. Useless fucking waste of time.

It's going to be a scorcher today - up to 25°C they reckon. I can't wait to hear the fuss from Posh Scouse. Can't wait to see the get-up she arrives in. She's here: capped-sleeved white t-shirt; below the knee denim skirt; flip flops (bare feet). I hate that noise, that sort of slurp-slap of foot on plastic.

Here at Base 2, we've now been given notices to put above electrical appliances such as toasters and microwaves. Risk assessments must also be conducted in all rooms where such appliances are situated. Is it just me, or does this seem like a total waste of somebody's time?

I can't believe that they've botched together this shite and couldn't even be bothered to check the spelling.


Health and safety and risk management people must surely live in a state of total paranoia and near panic in their homes. Do they conduct risk assessments for the layout of their rooms, for each task they perform, or do they use common sense like the rest of us?


Anonymous said...

I'm never letting any of those health and safety people in my house. They'll probably lock me in and burn it down to improve then environment.

Anonymous said...

How about a case for the toothbrush?

Anonymous said...

on an unrelated note, I really enjoy your posts. :)

Anonymous said...

Right. I have a case for my toothbrush that shines an ultraviolet light on the bristles to dry them between uses.

I know it's weird, but it's wonderful as well.

So glad you're happy. Those in like (or love) often have difficulty griping, and that's a good thing.

Anonymous said...

Falling in love is a risk.

Mrs SIDs risk assessment on me is reviewed on a daily basis, and she still loves me as far as is reasonably practicable.

Anonymous said...

Risk advice with the earthangels involves the words.



Anonymous said...

I'm very happy that you are happy, not so happy that you have a purple toothbrush, just as disgusted as you by the sound of flip-flops slapping flesh, and wondering what happened to the stalker guy in the car outside your House.

Anonymous said...

darn it, I suck at trivial pursuit, but since it IS my favourite classical'ish piece....I would have been proud to blurt out that answer. She sounds annoying however and nevermind posting everyday. Quality over quantity as they say. Loved the title btw.

Anonymous said...

I do feel somewhat guilty that Sniffer's lack of bile lately is down, in part, to me.
Should I wind her up a bit? Get her narky so she'll get creative again??

Anonymous said...

Jesus, Trump don't you start. If I have to read that post about sniffy's handbag again...

The pair of you, stop fiddling with each other and get blogging.

Anonymous said...

What you on about Stew? Didn't I publish this post only yesterday? As for that Trump, I can't control what she does or doesn't do.

Anonymous said...

Heavens no, Trump! Keep her on an even keep - for your own good!

Even though I miss your daily, and sometimes twice-daily, rants, I'm glad you're happy.

Anonymous said...

Ultraviolet toothbrush case?
I need one of these for an up-coming trip. Whinger, where oh where etc? And would you consider a career as a personal shopper/discoverer of stuff indispensable?

Anonymous said...

Toothbrushes All Over England, that almost sounds like a title of a book.

So, when ya gonna write the great English Novel, Sniff?

Anonymous said...

OK then, so I started reading your post and then I started to realize that you've lost your edge.

It's just fading and fading as you spend ever less time writing screaming-shocking posts about weirdo-men on your street, and ever more time lying face down, sighing into the pillow after the mother of all orgasms.

Give up the happiness and start writing with an edge again.

Once you start the blog-thing, your life is no longer your own. You exist to augment our pathetic lives with stories of rage from the bowels of Lancashire.

Get back on top of it. There are desperate people out here who need to know there is someone more unhappy than us out there in the world.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, Get the finger out bitch!

Anonymous said...

Seeing the safety sticker on the microwave reminded me - Did you know that the microwave oven was once called the Magnetron

Anonymous said...

Surely you mean 'get your finger out of the bitch', SID?

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you're happy Tina. I enjoy your rants but even non-rants are great. good idea about the toothbrush. I hate carrying them around too.

Anonymous said...

Kids are great cos they're kebab sized. Give them all the chance to be on the bbq I say, that's equality for you.
no point fucking up your back chasing them round.

Anonymous said...

I can't say I disagree.

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