Tuesday 9 May 2006


I had to go to London yesterday to attend an afternoon meeting at short notice. Travel was arranged through work and my train tickets were waiting for me when I arrived in the office in the morning. Imagine my delight when I saw this:

London train 1

Yes, that's a FIRST class ticket to London. Me! In first class, away from the plebs. Oh yes, this is more like it, things are looking up. Until I got to my seat.... it faced backwards all the fucking journey. And then if that wasn't bad enough, I got fed all the way there: coffee; water; croissants; bacon toastie; more coffee; more croissants. By the time I reached Euston, I was covered in greasy crumbs and I felt a bit sick.

Still I suppose the first class ticket was a sort of sweetener to soften me up, since they all know that I hate: a) deputising for people in meetings; b) London; c) public transport - especially trains.

On reaching Euston, I had to negotiate the Underground. I was a bit scared of this because I didn't really know what I was doing and there never seems to be anybody to ask; everybody always seems in such a rush in railway stations. There are never any police men because they're generally practising shooting the faces off innocent immigrant workers. The rest of the workforce in the stations tend to be immigrants who possibly don't speak English too well and wouldn't have a hope of understanding a strong northern accent. Oh we provincial types must be such a hoot to watch for the natives!

Anyway, the underground is a doddle and I don't know what I was worried about. It's quite spooky the way the train's arrival is announced a few seconds beforehand by a blast of warm air up the tunnel. Woosh!

So I got to my meeting and didn't really say anything, but looked good in my suit. Got back to Euston and fished my going home ticket out and, to my horror, saw this:

london train 2

Yes, that's a standard class ticket! That's right, they soft-soap you so you on the way down there so you don't kick off in the meeting or just fuck about doing shopping, but they know you'll be so desperate to get home that you'd accept a ticket in a livestock transporter just to get out of there. Cheap bastards. Saying that though, the going home ticket was well expensive compared to the going there ticket.

In all honesty, there's not much difference between the two and it's not really my idea of "first class" to find myself in an It's a knockout-type challenge as I try to drink coffee or eat pastries on a tilting train that's doing fuck knows how many miles an hour. Tilting trains eh? Whatever next?

People I saw
I was pleased to note a couple of people who were sat in the first class carriage with standard tickets.

And then the Inspector lady was nice to me as she tried four times to get me to show her the right ticket for my journey home. They all looked the same and it's a good job I hadn't slung the one she wanted because it was actually the underground ticket for getting to Euston from Victoria. Phew.

This chap had interesting eyebrows. I liked him.

Euston eyebrow man

There was a woman across the aisle from me on the way home. She appeared to be a member of the Sisterhood, but she wore her trousers with one of the legs rolled up. I found this very strange. She also used her Blackberry a lot and picked her nose and ate it. I think she worked for the TUC, so I wouldn't put it past/passed her.

Mobiles on trains
It was weird that I had no problem with mobile phone reception on the way down, but hardly had any reception on the way home. Do first class carriages have signal boosters?

One of my favourite games on public transport is "Bluetooth stalking". You just ask your mobile phone or other bluetooth device to search for other devices. I found three on my quick search yesterday. I quite like the names people give their devices too and was particularly fond of "Crumple".

I wrote this post ages ago, but my PC crashed before I had chance to click "post". The original was much better and included the story of the two people having sex near the toilet when I went for a wee. And pulling your trousers up on a tilting train is really difficult.


Anonymous said...

Sex on trains?! Sex in public?! Some people have no shame. That said, a colleague of mine walked past a couple at it in the stairwell of the carpark.

First class tickets eh? I'll remember that when you're moaning about being made redundant

Anonymous said...

It's Londinium actually. Just saying.

Couldn't the NHS have afforded a private helicopter or summat? Rail travel is always slumming it, even if it is patrician class. Christ, you cant even have a puff out of the windows between the carriages these days.

Virgin rail is wank. They have airline style seats and the legroom to match. Big toothed tosser, making my life miserable and promising 200mph trains in 2010. Fat chance.

Anonymous said...

What a shame they didn't put you up in a first-class hotel for your trouble.

Strange that the standard class was more expensive than first -- was it the time of day or somesuch? Am I just not reading the ticket correctly? Odd.

I like Eyebrow-Man, too.

Anonymous said...

Londinium? Who'd have thunk it?

I think the standard class ticket was more expensive because it was peak time travel, yeah.

All trains are rubbish. I hate that feeling of not being in control of somthing that's travelling so fast. With train drivers notoriously bad at ignoring red signals, all it takes is a bit of bad look and BLAMMO! big massive accident that you can't do anything about. Then the unions blame the lack of training. I'm sorry, but how much training does it take to know not to go through a red light?

Why don't trains have seat belts?

I'm looking like eyebrow man today. Except that I'm not quite as bald.

Anonymous said...

I noticed the standard was more expnensive than the first class ticket too.

I don't understand train prices anymore.

Mind you, as a queer, I don't do punlic transport, first class or not.

Anonymous said...

It's weird how queer blokes won't go near public transport (and I'm with them on this one), yet trains are full of queer women (you know the sort).

I don't understand train prices. Then again, I don't go on trains unless work is paying.

Anonymous said...

Woohoo, Sniffy, you're out from under the duvet.

Trains? We don't do trains in Canada. We have one train on VI that goes north in the morning and south in the evening. We all have big, gas guzzling vehicles to get us aboot.

Anonymous said...

Well, I'm sure we'd help sort our transport crisis if we tarmacked the railway lines and built a load of new roads on top of them.

Yay for April! Not long now, missus! Do I get to have a go in a gas-guzzler please???

Anonymous said...

trains are good for people watching though. Eyebrow man was interesting. Looks a bit like caterpillars on his face.

Is garfer really tall? seems pretty upset about the size of the seats on the train.

Anonymous said...

Don't know about Garfer being really tall. I'm pretty short and I found the leg room on the train pretty restrictive.

I think "people watching" has took on a new meaning in the immediate aftermath of the London bombings last July. It was nice to note that people around the stations were pretty "normal" while I was there. I suppose they were a bit stunned at how fabulous I looked, but I don't really blame them. Anything to brighen up their drab existence.

Anonymous said...

I don't mind trains or buses, although I've only ever been on either in France. I quite like the idea of being able to get my reading done, listen to my ipod, or writing in my journal while someone else is responsible for getting me to my destination.

That said, I've never taken a train or bus in the US. Why bother, when I have a perfectly good gas-guzzling car?

Anonymous said...

Hello..whats your name??

"I hate that feeling of not being in control of somthing that's travelling so fast."

Spare a thought,that's me driving the car.

Anonymous said...

£20 quid more for a standard, Jesus Crist, they really dont like normal people do they!

Anonymous said...

VIRGIN TRNS ONLY: They only transport virgins? But, that'd make you... NOOOOO!!!

"MS TINA": is that Microsoft's new product? But, that'd make you... NOOOOO!!!


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