Monday 1 May 2006


I decided to get a bit arty farty with my camera when I was down in Norfolk. I'm hoping this isn't the best I can do...

Photo mirror*

Cherry blossom

Beanie pursuit

*Yes, if you look in the reflection in the window, you'll see a sat nav controller. Hrrrm, the best thing about it was the way it gave you the turning warning beep just as you passed the turning and the way the woman said "when it is safe to do so, do a u-turn". It also had us going round in circles at one point and took us the longest, most convoluted route to our destination, but apart from that, I can see the appeal.

The cherry blossoms are a delight at the moment, as are the magnolias. Such beatuiful flowers. The trees work for eleven months to produce their display of blooms and when they arrive, we marvel at the perfection of the flowers. Then the wind comes and blows the fuckers to kingdom come!

The baby is now nearly a year old and she is a demon crawler - frighteningly fast at pursuing feline playmates and people with cameras. She is also a very messy eater. I don't know how her parents cope and I think they should consider foster care at weekends, or at least mealtimes. Somebody could start a meals on wheels service for busy parents. I'd just cut out the middle man and smear chewed up bread, cheese, fruit and god knows what else all over the house before fucking off with a fat cheque in my hand. Dirty little buggers.

It was OK in Norfolk though and I managed not to get bird flu, although I do have a tickly cough, so there's time yet. One my last views on leaving my friends' was of a sparrowhawk devouring a pigeon (something with white/grey feathers). That scene of carnage will stick with me for some time. Those friggin' birds ARE dangerous. Still, that's one less thick fucker of a pigeon to worry about. Stupid bloody creatures. In fact, that particular house was witness to two horrific murders today as the entire house (except me) was woken in the early hours by the cat dragging a baby rabbit in through the cat flap and murdering it in the kitchen. Little bitch.

The weekend was not conducive to text message exchanges or snatched conversations with distant loved ones. The mobile phone reception there is appalling and, despite loving my new phone, it is the worst one I've had for coping with a poor signal. I'm sure my friends do it on purpose: every single house they buy has the shittest mobile phone reception. Or perhaps I'm just with the shittest mobile phone network. Hrrrrm.

I am now being given strong hints to wrap this up by Bomb. She has somehow managed to tear her cornea and so cannot see very well and is unable to drive. I have agreed to give her a lift to her house. She's been sleeping in my bed. She hasn't made my bed to my standards. This really pisses me off and she knows it, but instead of saying "Oh, ever so sorry, I was in a rush before but I'll got and do it properly now", I just get a load of fucking abuse.


Anonymous said...

Yay! I'm first!

Urrrgh! A child!

Take it away! Make it into a Pot Noodle!

Anonymous said...

Demand hospital corners. Reject anything less.

You can have John Cleese giving directions on some sat navs.

Nifty photo of the cherry blossoms.

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

VEry nice! I also found a place where you can make some cash... Just kidding.

Loving the photos! The baby and the kitty have the same back view.

Anonymous said...

Poor Bomb - a torn cornea is nothing to sneeze at. And you're right - children are the biggest mess-makers in the known universe. I'm glad I have dogs to clean up after Miss Peanut.

I agree with Garfer - nice cherry blossoms!

I'm fussy about the covers on the bed - they can't be crooked or uneven. And I like a lot of them, too. Something about the dense weight of quilt & down blanket is remarkably comforting.

Anonymous said...

If she won't make the bed up to proper standards, then she has to go. It smacks of habitual untidiness.

How can you be expected to flog the fanny of a woman who won't even make the bed.


Anonymous said...

Wonderfully photogenic ... er, photos. Very clever. Etc.

Anonymous said...

So Norfolk is still in black and white? I hear that they may be getting electricity soon.

Bit like Salford.

Anonymous said...

you git. stop snapping shots whilst driving.


loverly bloomers, btw. I mean, blooms.

Anonymous said...

A torn cornea doesn't sound too fun. Does she have an eye patch?

Anonymous said...

I want cherry blossoms.

Anonymous said...

The Cherry Blossom tree in my garden is pathetic.

I'm off to cut it down.


Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, Bomb isn't wearing an eye patch. The torn cornea may not be much fun for her, but I'm certainly having a laugh about it.

Our cherry blossoms are pathetic too.

Anonymous said...

lovely photos I loved the cherry blossoms....still waiting on my infant magnolias (4 of 'em) to finally produce something more than buds *sigh*

As for Bomb....sorry to say it, but guess used to such only gets worses.

Anonymous said...

You're lucky you didn't get a lynx dragging a half dead red deer into the house - you should see some of the wildlife we have to contend with in Norfolk!

On the plus side, all the carcasses in my garden have been covered in cherry blossom - the only good thing about that balsted cherry tree...

Anonymous said...

'balsted' is a real word. Really.

Anonymous said...

Look at you all artsy. Love the last picture.

Poor cat.

Anonymous said...

Kyahgirl: You want cherry blossoms? Come to Vancouver. You just missed the Cherry Blossom Festival though.36,000 blossoming trees and you only had to cross the Alberta border.

Anonymous said...

Who the hell is Bomb?

Am I missing something? (I'm still a bit feverish, you know. Sympathy is welcome).

Anonymous said...

Fare nuff, you're alive with the joys of Spring (cherry blossoms always get me going).

It's still no excuse for ignoring those of us who can be arsed to post once a week (when we get round to it).

Anonymous said...

What's happened to ya Sniff...? You'd think you had a girlfriend or somthing.

Anonymous said...

Writers block, Sniffmmeister?

Ok. It's enough now. Stop playing with Scary Pussy The Fishwife and post something!

Your getting as bad as that lazy fucking April creature.

Anonymous said...

Hey... I heard that. I actually posted about 20 words today - better than usual!