Tuesday 7 February 2006

Take it as read

read Why do I never learn from my mistakes?
The number of times when I've sent out e-mail shots to LOADS of people, you'd think I'd remember to turn off the "request read receipt" before I click send. What a tit. This was today's response, or some of it. I've no idea how long I'll be getting these things back, but I'm still getting returns from when I e-mailed the entire organisation of 4,000 staff members a couple of years ago.

I love e-mails. They give you the time to get composed, to think what you're trying to convey, to correct mistakes, to get the clear message across to the recipient and your recipient has your message in writing to refer back to should they need to review the information. E-mails are also very convenient: you can send documents and data almost anywhere in the world at any time of day. As a matter of fact, I've just given some advice to a consultant this very second, which is very nice of me considering they earn about four times what I'm on. I'm not bitter though. So there you go, e-mails are brilliant, they give you documentary evidence of the information you provide people and they're convenient and super.

However, with the click of a button, your world could quite easily come to an end. It's very easy to be a bit too honest when you're writing messages to loved ones. The tone of your voice as you write may come over completely differently when read by the recipient. Avoid sending e-mails when upset. Also, one bad habit that I've got is inserting the recipient's name into the"To" field before I've composed the message and added any relevant attachments. Anybody ever noticed how close the "attach" button is to the "send" button in Outlook? Actually, they've been separated in the latest version - 'bout bloody time too.

E-mails = great

Phone calls = trauma

Answerphone messages = absolutely out of the question: "Hello, my name is Tina Indecipherable Surname (that's spelt Aye, Bee, See, Dee...) and I'm calling from such and such a department with a message for somebody I'd much rather e-mail, but they've given me the wrong address. I'd like to speak to them concerning something that's not very interesting, but it pays the bills, so if they could get back to me on extension 1234 or e-mail me - I'm on the global address list. Thanks very much, cheerio, bye-bye."

In fact, I'm tempted to unplug the phone in my office. Every time it rings I growl and snarl "Ahhh, just fuck off!...." - smile - "....Hello, Thingy and Whatsit, Tina speaking!". Frig.

Poo plugs
Something awful happened to me earlier on. Having enjoyed 3 good motions today, I went to the toilet for another evacuation of my bowel. I'd just finished washing my hands, when I experienced desperate colonic urgency and I had to go again - like horribly liquidy. And then again once more. It seems to have settled now.

I have a theory about poo plugs: these are good, satisfying poos, behind which lurk a torrent of brown, pooey liquid just waiting to catch you unawares within minutes of the release of the plug.

Very nasty if you squeeze one out before getting into your car at the beginning of a delay-filled journey.


Anonymous said...

Alcoholic excess is the worst for producing poo plugs.

The Niagra of explosive slurry that lies behind the poo plug waits for nobody.

Anonymous said...

Oh, how come the big text?

Are you trying to make your posts seem longer, or do you assume that we are all blind, slow reading, mongs?

Any chance of a braille version?

Anonymous said...

I haven't changed the text and it looks the same to me. I'll check a few things out.

I could do an audio version of my blog from Day 1!

Anonymous said...

1) sent an e-mail to a friend which did not convey the proper body language or tone; we spent a couple of hours in person reading the e-mail and dissecting it so that we could make sure we were on the same page. save time? no, waste time explaining the e-mail!

2) i thought you were going to blog about a butt plug. *sigh*


Anonymous said...

Hate, hate, hate the answering machine. Hate leaving messages, hate receiving them.


Anonymous said...

I remember that I got a warning about an html tag not being closed when I first published the post - just edited it and it should be sorted now.

Answering machines are the instruments of Satan.

You only need to do a follow-through wet-one once to know the warning signs and how to avoid them.

Anonymous said...

by the by, the text looked normal to me.


Anonymous said...

that's strange, my comments aren't showing up...


Anonymous said...

Well I am a blind, slow reading mong so the text was fine for me.

Lucky you didn't trump and have a follow through so at least you've got that.

Anonymous said...

They're there Aas, but there's something weird happening with the space-time continuum. Are you on a lay line by any chance?

Anonymous said...

Hang on, the comments are all over the bloody place! What the fuck is going on?

I just SAW your previous two comments Aas, but as I commented, they disappeared. How very curious.

Anonymous said...

It's a ley line ectually.

Just saying.

Anonymous said...

So it is. Thank you Gerfar.

Anonymous said...

I once seen this shit film all about poo.

Faecal Attraction.

Sorry, just trying to plug my own joke.

Anonymous said...

Oh gawd, SID, that was rubbish.

Come on though piggy, I'm sure you must have something to add about poo plugs?

Anonymous said...

That's fucking vile.

Dirty cunt.

No, not your dirty cunt, more your dirty arse.

Get it wiped properly before it scabs.

Anonymous said...

i must be getting leyed.


Anonymous said...

Ley off all these poo comments as I have a guest here - ifaeces he'll think all I do is google shit!

Anonymous said...

Even worse than the poo plug is the dreaded "shart." You know, you think it's just gas, but when you go to pass it, it's liquid. Wonderful.

I'd've expected more from Piggy & Tazzy, too.

Anonymous said...

Well really! What do you takes us for?

We couldn't possibly lower ourselves to discussing such disgusting matters.

Filthy cunts, the lot of you.

Actually, we're just too busy at the moment preparing Connie for her star performance on T&P TV tomorrow.

Now that she's a cyborg, (enjoying her symbiotic relationship with her pacemaker and it's pleasureable side effect of dancing paps) we thought she'd be enjoy playing a part in ...

'Terminator Connie'

Controlling her never-ending outburst of foul language is proving problematic, so we've decided to let her get on with it. Easy to see where our Sniffy get's it from though.

*shocked and appalled*

Anonymous said...

I don't know what's funnier, your post or the wild creatures from the zoo who hang out in your comments section! Thanks for the laugh.
(Can't believe how much the Brits like talking about poo. Its been quite a revelation)

Anonymous said...

Ahh, don't get in the habit of learning CTRL+ENTER to send emails like I did. Somehow I've got that confused with CTRL+BACKSPACE (delete the previous whole word) a few times, only to wind up sending my email unfinished.

Solution: don't put the recipients in until you're ready to send it.

Alternative solution: call them. Oh, wait, we've done that haven't we?

Anonymous said...

Hah! I can top you. I sent out a notification of a Global Address List update to the entirety of the General Electric Corporation, with Read Receipts enabled. General Electric (at the time) had eleven subdivisions, of which NBC was one. Over 120,000 people in the Global Address List.

I was still getting read:receipts two years later when I left GE.

Anonymous said...

Where's Tina?

Anonymous said...


In another dimension?

In the psycho ward?

Travelling around the world on a skateboard?

In the dog?