Monday 20 February 2006

Survival of the fattest

Good news today! Great British crisp brand Golden Wonder has been saved from extinction by Irish salty snack favourite Tayto. There's something pleasing about learning this; it's like the little boy with his finger in the dike, holding back the oppressive force of water.

I suppose we run the danger of always gunning for the underdog, irrespective how their quality compares with their bigger competitors. Big is seen to bad, but if the quality is good, or better than the alternative, then so what. But Golden Wonder ARE nicer, I'm convinced of this.

All this fuss over something that we shouldn't be having anyway.

The great travel to work triathalon
The new multistorey car park has finally opened at work, ending 18 months of park and ride misery as most of us were chucked off site during its construction.

It's a lovely car park - HUGE, with fabulous sweeping slopes and generous parking bays. No tight corners to catch your car on, oh no, this place is a beauty. There's just a slight problem. It has been built to provide parking for a massive hospital site and it is on the furthest possible part of the site from where most people work, so there's a ten to fifteen minute walk to or from your desk. The car park is so far away from any of the clinical areas that there's even a shuttle bus service to take patients and visitors around the site.

Walk? Yes, Tina, it's that thing you do when you go to the bar.

That's progress for you.

Lovely car park though.

A series of unfortunate typos
The standard typewriter keyboard is a weird thing, all the letters being jumbled up so as to prevent proficient early typists become too fast and mashing up the typewriter keys. A consequence of this is the positioning of the letter 'U' next to the letter 'I'. With a name like "Tina", this can result in the unfortunate typo of me signing off e-mails as:

Best wishes,


A series of unfortunate skin complaints
I am in my mid thirties and I am still suffering from terrible pustulous boils on my face, and now neck. My latest spot is right on the margin of my top lip and it hurts like a complete bastard.

You'd think that I'd have learned by now that my spots are never really that good for squeezing, but I still always give them a go. They're just agonisingly painful for a few days before disappearing, so I suffer the idnignity of disfigurement as well as the pain, but rarely get to experience the pleasure of splattering one out against a clean mirror.

Life is a constant let down.

Pancake day
Tomorrow is Pancake Day, or Shrove Tuesday (or Mardi Gras if you're poncy). It's something to symbolise Jesus's 40 days and nights in the wilderness while he found himself. It was just as well he'd nipped into that Little Chef before he went. It was there that he enjoyed a plate of delicious pancakes with maple syrup and ice cream before he wandered off. The calorific value of 15,000 was just about enough to see him through his ordeal. A few of the facts may be a bit hazy there, but that's something like how it was.

I love pancakes, but I only tend to have them on Pancake Day. Like they say, everything in moderation. But since I like virtually everything, there has to be a trade off whereby I can only have certain things once a year (McDonald's, Pizza Hut, pancakes, sex, etc).

I was surprised to learn that my Muslim colleague would also be enjoying pancakes and that she wouldn't turn her nose up to a hot cross bun. The cheek on it! I don't know, Muslims complain about westerners' lack of understanding, but they constantly confuse us and shift the goal posts: it's OK for them to do Easter and Christmas things, but ask them get you a sausage barm when they're at the canteen, or offer them a pork pie and they're up in arms, burning your duffle coat!

I don't know, you just can't win with some people.

Anyway, back to pancakes. In terms of fillings, despite generally going for the savoury alternative for most things (nuts, popcorn, etc), I prefer sweet fillings for my pancakes. The absolute BEST way to enjoy them is with a sprinkling of sugar and drizzled with lemon juice - simplicity and perfection. Of course, I wouldn't turn down maple syrup and ice cream, or oranges in Cointreau syrup, but lemon and sugar does it for me just fine.

So today's burning question is:

How will you be having your pancakes?


Anonymous said...

yay! i'm first! (been a while)

pancakes = lemon and sugar. and that's it. no deviation, no fancy-pants shenanigans.

as for spots - am thirty three next month and no sign of a letup. who do i complain to.

i am gorgeous apart from this, obviously.

Anonymous said...

Definitely lemon and sugar, although a drizzle of melted butter and golden syrup is a perfectly acceptable substitute.

I like crepes, but they're a bastard to make. I need at least ten, and that takes aeons.

Anonymous said...

Oh and another question, how thick/thin do you like them? I tend to go for about 2-3mm thickness and 8-10" diameter (nice mixing of units there).

I'm a sugar/lemon girl myself, although I find maple syrup perfectly acceptable. I'm looking forward to trying April's Canadian treats while I'm over there. I've heard her pancakes are good too.

Anonymous said...

Yuk. Looks like I'll be having mine with vomit!

If I manage to hold it down, I'll have lemon & sugar too. Pancakes will be as thin as poss (about 1-2mm) and as big as my biggest pan.

Mmmm... can't wait.

Anonymous said...

Tomorrow? I thought there was another week to go?
Not exactly on-the-ball, me.

I'll be having lettuce and imagining that it is a pancake.
Then I'll be following that with black coffee and imagining it is whiskey.


Anonymous said...

Big fat ones..Lemon juice and drizzle of Golden syrup....maple if you can get it.

Ahhh Maple syrup.

Thats 2 good things to come out of Canada.

Anonymous said...

And it is next week!

Anonymous said...

No pancakes for me, either, as I thought Mardi Gras was a week away. I had sweet-potato pancakes for brunch yesterday at a nice little restaurant in Charleston. Butter & maple syrup were the complements of choice. Yummmmmmmmy!

Anonymous said...

Local Episcopalians are having an American versus English pancake cook-off at a nearby church on Tuesday, down town San Francisco. That means maple syrup and blueberries as well as lemon and sugar. Ah, the best of both worlds. Burp.

Anonymous said...

Hang on. Lent is next week, isn't it? Or am I going mad? Silence.

Anonymous said...

Shite, is it really next week? Fucking bollocks. Oh well, I've fooled Mother into thinking it's today. Bloody Christians, why can't they pick a named date for their bloody events.

You sure it's next week?

Anonymous said...

Yes, Shove Tuesday definitely the 28th February - looks like double helpings for you. Will your muslim colleague rename Hot Cross Buns as Hot Crescent Buns?
I like pancakes with lemon & sugar and Golden Syrup. American pancakes are much thicker than ours, just not right.

Anonymous said...

Thank goodness it's next week. The kitchen is in no state for cooking in (even simple stuff like pancakes) as I'm in the middle of decorating.

* phew *

Anonymous said...

Wow, today is pancake day & I would have missed it if it weren't for you, Sniff.

I like traditional pancakes, butter and tonnes of maple syrup.

Although, IHOP has these stuffed crepes... WAY too good!

Anonymous said...

Whew.... next week. That means I have one more week before the busy season of choir starts!!!

Anonymous said...

Well, I hope you're pleased with yourself, Sniffer - sending us all sqwawking about, and for no pancakes. Such power!

Anonymous said...

Today is national kiss-a-Welsh-person day, I hear.

I'm waiting........

Anonymous said...

Of course it's next week. It'll be 5 years to the day that I left my job in Sheffield, we went for cocktails, I got pissed and licked your face, then we went back to your flat and found the purple-loving BBQ sauce-obsessed bitch tossing for her freak of a boyfriend. And now, ironically, I'm changing jobs on that day once again.


Anonymous said...

Whether it's today or next week, I had NO IDEA there was a pancake day, and am appalled that I've been missing it, nigh these thirty years.

I will be having mine with butter and sugar...a complete breakfast.

Anonymous said...

So, Funny Thing - mmwhhaa.

Anonymous said...

Well, Whinger, Shrove Tuesday (pancake day) was the last day before people started to fast for Lent (Ash Wednesday) so folk had to use up perishables like milk and eggs that would've gone off over the 40 day fast. Hence pancakes.

Anonymous said...

Oh no, my mistake.

Kiss-a-Welsh-person day is next week.

Only it's Kiss-a-Welsh-person and give-them-a-tenner-(in a non-prostitute kind of way)-day.


(*wink, nice one, Arabella*)

Anonymous said...

and 'Burn A Welsh Person At The Stake' day is on March 1st, isn't it?

I'm looking forward to that one.

Anonymous said...

Now, I'm all in favour of bolstering international relations with the occasional air-kiss,but I draw the line at donating ten pounds. Nice try though.

Anonymous said...

You plonker Sniff. Apple pancakes with lemon and sugar. However, ask an north american about lemon and sugar as a pancake topping and most people don't have a clue what you're talking about. Oh, and I'll also be serving up a seal penis with that.

Zits... 38 and still suffering.

Anonymous said...

Ok, where are you and what depraved acts are you committing that you can't post about them? Let's go, lazybones!

Hope it's nothing serious!