Sunday 12 February 2006

Staring at breasts

It's fascinating, finding out how people get referred to this blog. I'm sure everybody has a look to see what Google or MSN search terms people use.

Here are some good ones from the past day or so.

A visitor from Kuala Lumpur asks: "Is it wrong to stare at women's breasts?" . To put your mind at ease, no, it's not wrong at all. Certainly not if they're a nice purt pair that are worth having a good ogle at. Of course, some ladies may object, but I'm sure most would find it quite flattering.

Then again, if you happen to be a Muslim - as you might be, judging from your location - then YES! It's extremely wrong to stare at women's breasts and you should be throroughly ashamed of yourself. You're lucky not to have your head lopped off for even thinking such vile things. Perv.

Another visitor from Australia has just found me by searching for "the kill ers wallpaper". No idea, sorry.

Some others include:
  • "hairy people"
  • "videos of manky mating"
  • "heather mills mccartney hate"
  • "twat"
  • "twat sniffer"
  • "sniff my cunt"
I think we're seeing a theme here. Dirty fuckers.

It's been raining for the past 12 hours. Shitting weather.

What would I have done if the weather had been fine?
  1. Washed my car
  2. Gone for a walk up a hill
  3. Raked up the leaves from the front lawn
  4. Helped Dad erect a fence (MSN search: "erect dad")
  5. Sat and pissed about on the internet all day
I'm going for number 5.

There's a very Piggy feel to the weekend. Not only has blogworld been shocked and worried by that cunt Piggy being put to the mercy of the NHS , but I've been going mad buying all sorts of pig-products .

I love pork products and pigs have got to be the absolute BEST animals on the planet for the variety of meats we can get from them. Not only that, they're cute little (big) buggers when they're not slaughtered and chopped up into various bits of things. It's true when they say "You can eat everything except the squeak".

I just wish meat didn't come from animals, it's a real shame.

The smell of Sunday
In a line from kd lang's Summer Fling, she sings "The smell of Sunday in our hair, we ran on the beach with Kennedy flair".

Oh if only I could get the smell of Sunday out of my hair. The smell of Sunday chez Sniff is a mixture of persistent Dad poo and boiling veg.

I've no idea what it is about my dad's Sunday poos, but he saves up some of the rankest smelling shite for the day of rest. How anybody is supposed to rest with that permeating the house is beyond me. The smell survives open windows and multiple blasts of air freshener. I'm currently trying to keep it at bay with Toilet Duck and a closed toilet lid.

There's something odd about men; they can't just go for a poo, they have to go for a "sit". How can having a poo become an event? Do all men save their poos for a special occasion, or are they generally normal during the week, but have some Y-linked thing that compels them to sit on the toilet for an hour each Sunday, making smells that could fell a herd of buffalo?

Who knows???

I'm off to see if it's safe to lift the lid on the toilet again. I may be some time.


Anonymous said...

You're right... what is it with men an shits. My son's friend, 11 years old, spends 1/2-3/4 hour pinching a loaf. It irritates the shit out of me. As you can see it starts at an early age.

I, personally, have rosy sweet smelling poops that take less than 20 seconds to squeeze out then I'm back washing and cleaning.

I'm eating a chicken tonight. Stupid, dirty animals infected with avian flu.


Anonymous said...

Well I didn't even want to mention people who read while on the pot because that's something that deserves a dedicated post all of its own.

Anonymous said...

And then there's the Library Shit, wherein one must take one's literary tome into the toilet for a good read while crapping. I swear, my husband's legs have fallen asleep on the toilet, he's sat there so long. I'm with PO - in and out and we're done and back to work.

Anonymous said...

Hrrm, I think my ISP's clock might be set a bit fast. My comments keep queue-jumping.

Anonymous said...

I like reading while I have a dump.

There's something really satisfying about reading the paper - or a magazine - whilst vacating the bowel.

I quite like shitting. It's relaxing and quite nice to know that all the good food I've eaten during the week is now providing that pleasureable sensation on it's exit.

The big fat ones that slip out eaily are the best. You can even feel the heat from them as they fill the pan, rising up like miniature volcanoes from the water.

Just as an aside: since the kidney stone thing, I haven't been able to poo. It's been 4 days now (I'm usually a regular pooer) so my next one's going to be a real treat, densely packed as it's bound to be.

Anonymous said...

The opiates will have made you constipated, it's quite normal and nothing to be concerned about.

I bet you're harbouring a huge poo plug. Hold on to your hat!

Anonymous said...

Prunes, Piggy. Eat prunes. And drink lots of water. That'll flush you out quicker than you can say crap.

Um, not to be indelicate here and stray into TMI territory, but it's the reverse in my house. The WCM is a quick shitter. I'm the one that takes a book with me. And do you know why that is? The toilet is the only place in the house where I can get some bloody privacy, that's why! And even then, Miss Peanut thinks nothing of popping her head in to ask "Whatcha doin'?" I'm baking a cake, kid. What's it look like I'm doing?

Re: your shopping list. No pickles?

Anonymous said...

My nan had an outside lav (them were the days). The walls were papered with pages from the Beano.

I spent hours in there.

Anonymous said...

> making smells that could fell a herd of buffalo < Priceless! I imagined them falling over domino style as the poo-air waves hit them.

I must admit I'm a library-pooer but only when taking a bath afterwards. I can sit there reading then, once the chapter's finished, wipe up then get in the bath.


Anonymous said...

Partner and I had an extensive conversation just this weekend about how pig is by far the best animal for eating.

It is our vote for animal to accompany us to deserted island.

Anonymous said...

Tried 'library shitting' once.
The 'attached surplus' dried out and I had to dunk toilet tissues in the cistern to soften it for wipe off. Never again it took ages.

If I'm in the cubical at work, and I hear someone come in for a waz, I some times do a 'Harry met Sally' orgasm as I slip out the 'brown trout' just for comedic effect.

Anonymous said...

I've never spent long enough on the loo to allow a poo to dehydrate. What were you reading, War and Peace?