Saturday 18 February 2006

A quest

Right you tossers, since I have a severe problem in finding shoes that I like, why don't YOU find some for me?

Take a look at the Schuh website and choose a pair that you think might suit me. Nothing daft, no strappies (ho, ho, ho!), something that might be OK for me based on the problems I highlighted in the previous post. If you find a pair that you think is suitable, e-mail me the link using the "e-mail a friend" feature at the website.

I'll post the piccies here and I may buy the most popular pair.

NB I don't need trainers and I've recently bought some Docs, so I'm after a pair of shoes that'll look good with jeans.


Anonymous said...

Have you considered clogs?

They tend to minimise the arse/torso discrepancy, or so I've heard.

Anonymous said...

Done the email bit.

Have you seen Piggys shoes??

And he thought I had bad taste!

Anonymous said...

Better say I did the e-mail bit too, so everybody knows I did my part. She won't listen to me though, I'll just bet.

Anonymous said...

Ok, I've done it. Admittedly I didn't spend long looking because I hate shoe shopping because I can never find any I like. This was quite easy, though. Probably because I'm not going to be wearing them!

Anonymous said...

The emails came back to me. If you didn't get them, I chose:

Destroy Silvecar Ankle at £79.99 (how bloody expensive?) and,

Harlot Jaw Bootie at £84.99 (what a rip!).

They were from page 1 & 2 of Casual Ankle.

Fucking emails...

Anonymous said...

Oh you lazy bitch. Telling us to choose some for you and then you *may* get some!

Anyway (fave word), we spotted some rather nice flowery and pink wellies that we thought would suit you.

Nice and girly, and just right for stomping through any 'bush' you might cum across.

Anonymous said...

Something tells me this is going to be a bit of a waste time.

I've also decided never to get involved with anybody EVER, either casually for a one-nighter or in a relationship. This is because a) it never happens anyway and b) a couldn't face the hassle of having the piss taking out of me by a couple of Yorkshire cunts.

Anonymous said...

Bollocks to Schuh, get some New Rocks coz when you live in Manchester you need boots that pack a good kick.

Although my footwear of choice when I lived in Salford were running shoes so I could outrun the bricks that were lobbed at my head on a daily basis.

Anonymous said...

So why can't you just get a pair of flip-flops from Poundland? It's nearly summer, after all.

And they'll air your feet too. The added bonus being that your feet may, just may, end up a natural shape.

Don't want to give you false hope or anything.

And our wish for this Sunday is going to be that you find yourself a nice young lady to settle down with. One that'll fall at your feet and do your every bid.

Yes, that's what's needed, Tina to find her own little rosey-cheeked farm girl. A right proper little english rose, all shy and adoring.

We'll see what we can do for you.