Sunday 19 February 2006

Potty mouth

At 19 February, 2006 16:43, Anonymous said...

"Why must young people always use the F word in their Bio. Free speech and all that I know. I used to be that way when I was young too. Now I am middle aged and have teenagers that insist on using the F word. Now I find it disgusting."

This was a comment that was left today on one of my posts from a few weeks back. In all fairness, I agree that I swear too much, both in real life and in my blog. It was something that started out as a bit of a joke then became a bad habit. One that is hard to kick. I don't like hearing swearing much either, but it all depends on the context I suppose. I think here, I write the things I wish I could say to people and that includes all the expletives that I wish on the world on a daily basis.

However, I'd like to point something out to this commenter. Firstly, I ain't that young. Secondly, I can't take credit for the profile text that they are referring to:
They fuck you up, your mum and dad.
They may not mean to, but they do.
They fill you with the faults they had
And add some extra, just for you.

But they were fucked up in their turn
By fools in old-style hats and coats,
Who half the time were soppy-stern
And half at one another's throats.

Man hands on misery to man.
It deepens like a coastal shelf.
Get out as early as you can,
And don't have any kids yourself.
This is actually Philip Larkin's This be the verse, which I'd never heard of because I'm an uncultured yob, but Garfer kindly posted into a comment he left somewhere. I absolutely love it; it sums up my attitude to life and, since many of my gripes relate to my parents and other people's kids, it seems apt for this blog.

For the rest of my blog? Yes, I am foul-fucking-mouthed, but so what? Nearly 2,000 died in a mudslide at the tail end of last week, the muslims are still going potty and wanting us all wiped off the face of the earth, the fundamentalist Christians have got a stranglehold of the American government, we're living in a dictatorship, we pay too much tax and get nothing back for it, and half the world is starving. My use of colourful language seems rather insignificant in comparison.

Well, my heart has been well and truly warmed by the overwhelming response to my plea for help in my epic quest for a pair of shoes that I like. Here are the suggestions from the wonderful Land of Blog.

Bearing in mind I said that I only ever wear "comfortable" shoes or trainers and I never wear anything "girly", I was really pleased with people's suggestions.

First up was that wonderful Irish man, SID

Thanks, SID. I really appreciate the effort you went to in identifying these as something that I might wear.

Jesus help me.

Then we had Indiana Jones's suggestion:
Indiana Jones

Not bad, but I might have trouble finding my size in some of That Merrill's styles.

Inexplicable Device chose these:


And here are some that I quite the look of:
RocketdogRdog SPIkonDM_slipDMClarks

Stuff it, I'll just stick with my trainers I think. It's far too difficult.


Anonymous said...

Philip Larkin rocks. I'm a big fan.

I'm not such a big fan of bad language.. I'm trying very hard not to use it (excessively) myself.
Used strategically it can be quite funny, but I don't think it needs to be used all the time.

However I know what you mean about saying here what you wish you could say in real life.
What's a blog for, if you can't let off steam, eh?

If you ever decide to slow down on the F words I think you'll be forced to push humour a bit harder.. it could be a positive?

Feel free to tell me to buggar off.

Anonymous said...

With all due respect, arse off and help me find some shoes!

Anonymous said...

You're right though, I could concentrate more on humorous things. But then again, if I was doing this for a job, I might invest the time, but since I'm not...

Shoe update on its way.

Anonymous said...

"I don't do Thursday's!"

Christ. All that work for nothing.

* tut *

Actually, I should thank you. I had a look at some of the men's shoes while I was there. Much less stress than actually going into a shop to be harrassed by some spotty oik assistant.

And there's more choice.

Anonymous said...

Larkin really was a miserable cunt. I can't abide the fucking wallowing. Life is flawed; crack on, deal with it.

Swearing? Good swearing good, bad swearing fucking awful. Like my old gran used to say, "It's nice to be nice, and it's good to be nice. No one wants to hear your dirty foul-mouthed little cunt. Now fuck off out of it and put my bets on"

Btw, funny thing, is that pic the Glyders?

Anonymous said...

Just to show you can have a big bum and small feet and still look cute. Check out
'href='>'SuziQ' at 'Where the sun don't shine'.

Anonymous said...

Looks like I cocked that link up!
OK visit my blog and click on the blog link for 'when the sun don't shine.' or is it 'where the sun don't shine'


Anonymous said...

Glad to be of assistance. Mule lover.

Anonymous said...

i quite like the brown trainery-looking ones bottom left.

and swearing fucking rocks. i love a good swear, me. having a small person means tempering my language 50% or so of the time, so i like to talk like a fucking navvy the rest of the time. juvenile? yes. satisfying? completely.

and i carry that larkin poem with me. yes, life is flawed. yes, wallowing and all that. but it just sort of sums it all up, really. that's what i think poetry does - gives you something to hang your issues on and take comfort that someone else felt it too at some point.

right. i'll shut up now.

Anonymous said...

How ironic I should sidle into your blog while listening to Alec Empire's Everything starts with a fuck. Now he has a potty mouth.

Larkin was a bit of a dangerous weirdo. Little bit or a nazi racist as I recall. I've always been wary of him.

Incidentally my introduction to Larkin was via that same poem, during A-levels, by the teacher: PLEASE don't be shocked that a teacher would propogate such filth, that's what she wanted. She was obviously only doing it for attention, trying, and failing to be hip and with it.

Anonymous said...

You cunts wouldn't know a potty mouth if it came up and shat in your fucking face.