Thursday 16 February 2006

Oh, what a bother!

Did you know that if you're caught with a load of deadly chemicals and you have the intention of using them to kill people in like a terrorist attack, you could be convicted of "conspiracy to cause a public nuisance".

I don't mean to sound funny, but causing a public nuisance is getting a bit pissed and shouting a lot at passers by. Or running up to people really fast then running round them in circles till they get dizzy.

Getting hold of a load of ricin (which is one of the deadliest naturally occuring things on the planet) and plotting to use it to kill a load of people isn't my idea of being a bit of a nuisance.

"Oh what bother, hundreds of people have been killed by ricin getting into the water supply. Tsk!"

Never mind.

Unholy thoughts
A friend has just sent me a text message to ask if it's wrong to have improper thoughts about a priest? Well, it's not wrong for her because she's clearly a sex-crazed fiend and it just comes naturally, but what does everybody else think?

People of the cloth - worth one?

Personally, I have a bit of a nun thing going on, but I blame Julie Andrews for that.


Anonymous said...

no, it's not improper at all. depending on their denomination, though, it might be improper for _the priest (or minister)_ to have thoughts of your friend. or, for them to follow up on those thoughts.


Anonymous said...

I hate it when hundreds are can be such a downer.

And of course we can have thoughts about priests and such. But I agree with aas...perhaps just not act upon them. I think it's similar to admiring other people outside of a monogamous relationship...just don't cheat.

Anonymous said...

Julie Andrews?
That's a bad habit to get into!

Boom, and indeed, boom.

Anonymous said...

Depends if the priest has sworn a vow of celibacy.
If not, go4it.

I always think nuns look a bit mumsy. There's nothing wrong with getting someone else to wear a habit & wimple, however... and then ripping it off them again.

I like to save time, mind, and ask that any lady approaching me does it nude.

Anonymous said...

I use to work with a few nuns, and one of them was a cracker.

Talk about teasing!

She use to wear low cut wimples, and smell of Eau de Lourdes.

Its only because we want the things we cannot attain.

Yeah right!

Anonymous said...

BTW. Sympathy, please. I'm still in work :(

Anonymous said...

Don't know about priests, but some of those female vicars are a bit toothsome.

I quite fancy a tussle with a tassock in the vestry.

Anonymous said...

Is nothing I say private these days???


Anonymous said...

I was desperate for something to write about. But thanks for letting everyone know that it was you who sent the text.

I've just had 4 huge orgasms.

Anonymous said...

Hey, I'm that type of gal and it's fun to see who checks back over previous post comments.

Anonymous said...

Bit of an over share there T

Anonymous said...

Personally, I think that if God had not intended for us to have sex, he would have found another way to further the species.

Priests should be able to get married and have little urchins. They are really missing out, in my opinion.

Anonymous said...

I say they're fair game.