Saturday 11 February 2006

Like being constantly poked

Ooooh, my poor back! It's been hurting me for a week now. The pain feels like it's above my right kidney, but I think it's muscular rather than anything horrid like a kidney stone. It's like being constantly poked.

I shall have to make sure I keep it covered and warm. A bit of gentle exercise should be ok too.

Groundhog life
For the third consecutive Saturday, I found myself in Costco and Asda. Asda, I just can't get used to it. Everything about the place just irritates me. Today's annoyance was their bread organisation. Looking for a standard white sliced loaf, all I could see was 3/4 of the shelving occupied with granary, wholemeal and other brown breads, with the remaining quarter of the shelving being given over to white sliced bread. But they were all those tiny granny loaves that have small slices. I couldn't fathom out where the normal sized white loaves were, or whether they just didn't sell them. Wandering to the next aisle, which advertised "cakes", I found the bread I was looking for. Mongs.

Coscto was good though. I went mad on pork products today. In fact the trolley encapsulated my life:
  • 3 crates of Pepsi Max;
  • 1 crate of fizzy water;
  • 2 crates of Whiskas;
  • 1 crate of Felix;
  • 1 packet of sliced Napoli sausage;
  • 1 packet of sliced mortadella;
  • 1 haggis (don't ask);
  • 1 packet of Grandma Porco's Italian-style sausages
  • 1 crate of peeled plum tomatoes
  • 2 jars of stuffed green olives
The only thing missing was an item techno gadgetry I suppose.

I love fashion! Actually, that's a lie. I'd much rather wear clothes that were comfortable than those that were deemed "fashionable". Straight-legged jeans, for goodness sake!

One trend that I really can't accept is the wearing of clothes in a way that reveals the midrif and lower back - certainly not with my lower back problems! I just think it looks really common and horrible to have your tummy on show - especially some of the bloated examples that are on display in Greater Manchester and Salford. Perhaps you can make concessions for young women with nice flat tummies, but Jesus, they're so few and far between around here.

After my gripe about uncomfortable clothing labels that rub and scratch, another irritant is when tops come out of my trousers and expose my lower back. I really hate it; it's so uncomfortable. Why can't then make things long enough so they stay tucked in? I've take to buying boys' t-shirts because they're longer in the body. Perhaps if my tits and tummy were a bit slimmer, I wouldn't encounter this problem.


Anonymous said...

I've been convinced for some time that the 'low waisted jeans' movement is a conspiracy to make us have to buy a whole new wardrobe of long T sirts. In San Francisco any trip on a crowded trolley car around town could involve having your face pressed up against an exposed navel. While that might be enjoyable for some, it's a little too touchy feely for me. "Do you have any jeans that don't reveal pubic hair?" I ask a semi-naked shop assistant. "Oh no, but, like, you could totally like have a brazilian wax and that style would, like, totally suit you." Impudence. The abundance of long T shirts here goes some way to sparing my blushes. On-line shopping for them might just save yours. Can you tell I've just had a really strong first cup of coffee?

Anonymous said...

Yeah, the combination of low-slung jeans and standard ladies' t-shirts and tops is a really bad one for anybody with anything like a bit of a tummy.

The thing is, I always end up buying jeans that are a size too big for me so as I can hitch them up a little further so they cover my udder.

I've discovered that I can buy boys' t-shirts from T K Maxx at a really reasonable price.

Anonymous said...

Tell me again: Why do you go to monging old Asda?

I tried getting some bootcut trousers from Next the other day. What a waste of time. Seems straight leg is well and truly back. Why?
I tried some on and couldn't get them off quick enough. They made me look unbalanced as if I was about to topple over from being too top heavy.

Anonymous said...

I go to Asda when I need a single item of something that I can't get from Costco, which is right next door. It's just handier than having to go into the Morrison's on my way home.

I've no idea where this straight-legged idea has come from, but somebody wants shooting. I'd look rhomboid in a pair of straight-legged jeans. It's bad enough that I have to endure this particular "look" while I'm wearing my gym-gear, but I'm certainly not being seen on the streets like that too. They can ninnies!

Anonymous said...

I wear short t's in order to display my navel piercing to an appreciative world (not).

n.b. An anon Yank mong has taken umbrage at my arses post and complained at length. Tosser.

Anonymous said...

Excellent! I'll go check them out.

Anonymous said...

I'll be right behind you, T.

By the way, if you're too poor to buy proper food, don't eat cat food.. the Salvation Army will probably give you a couple of tins of tomato soup if you ask nicely enough.

re: pubic hair and the exposing of.. I tuck it all in my socks.

Anonymous said...

Funnily enough, as I left Asda, I noticed an advert for Felix pouches that showed a close-up of a bowl of the tender meaty cuts in gravy/jelly. The advert tells us it "Tastes as good as it looks". I'm sorry, but it looks and smells (and from experience I know) like shite.

Anonymous said...

Have a funny feeling I know who that is garfer.

I wound them up too, oh and they called all me fellow bloggers twatholes.


Anonymous said...

If you are like me, and I think you might be, my belly button is really low, so all the clothes that are made are for short waisted people with really high belly buttons and hips up to their armpits.

It's really hard to find a pair of pants that don't come up to my girls and to find shirts that go past my hips.

Frustrating really.

Anonymous said...

I've never heard anyone described as rhomboid before. It didn't half make me laugh!

Anonymous said...

Gimboid beats rhomboid anyroad up.

Anonymous said...

yeah, its as conspiracy for sure. I have a long waist and it pisses me off to no end to always be exposing skin whenever I move my arms. Same with leg length on jean.s I'm not a giant but slightly taller than average and its hard to find slacks that don't come about my ankles. Most aggravating.

sorry about your back pain by the way. That's not fun.

Anonymous said...

Yes, sorry about your back pain, NOT!

And we all know you wear boys t-shirts because that's what your sort do.

Anonymous said...

Well, I suppose you're right.


Anonymous said...

You tuck your T-Shirts in? Ah well, I'm sure the 80s will be back soon.

There's this lass I work with, massive she is, so huge in fact that not only does her belly fall out of her Far Too Small Top so does her back.

Anonymous said...

Tucking-in is a throw-back habit from childhood when mother would tuck my vest into my knickers. I'm easy on the tucked-in/left out front so long as all flesh remains covered.

Your colleague needs to have the error of her ways pointed out to her... in no uncertain terms. I bet she gets her upper arms out all the time too.