Friday 17 February 2006

Friday web watch

I'm being purred at by a desperate-looking, lardy-arsed ginger tom. Uh oh, he's creeping nearer.

I love it when people get absolutely obsessed with something. Well, I find it interesting that people can take their own interest/hatred/fascination so far that they don't just restrict themselves to one or two posts in a blog, but they set up a whole website devoted to the object of their obsession.

Two that popped up from this week's Popbitch round up are:

I hate Pete Doherty and
The Diana-Morrissey Phenomenon

The first of the two is pretty self-explanatory. Pete Doherty is a talentless, smacked-up wanker who is supposed to be a "popstar", but who has earned notoriety more for his relationship with Kate Moss and his never-ending run-ins with the police over drugs offences. It looks quite a good site though.

It's the sort of site I'd like to set up myself and dedicate to one of my colleagues: "The evidence: she is a lazy cunt who, from day one, has ensured the systematic redistribution of her workload to everybody else in the department; she is boring; she says "v" or "f" instead of "th" ("wiv", "somefin"); I hate her."

Or I could devote an entire site to my hatred of Asda or Tony Blair or Davina McCall. But I haven't got the energy.

The other site, "The Diana-Morrissey Phenomenon" is much scarier and I hope it's been put together by somebody who is taking the piss. It does have the look of the ramblings of somebody who is a little bit mad though. Still, it's good fun and worth a look.

And at last! Something to shove up smug bastard Mac users' arses. Apparently there's a malicious worm that 's making its way around the iChat system. Good. Fucking pious Mac users and their "People target Windows because they're protesting against the Microsoft monopoly". Well at last somebody is protesting against Mac smugness and shit PC-ness. I'm just amazed they found anything worth attacking in a Mac since they're completely shite to the core.

The electric man has just been here to read the meter. They don't have electric and gas meters in convenient places in older houses; that's unless Social Services have wasted £70,000 on a rennovation for people claiming to have difficulty "coping" with normal houses and they've moved the meters to outdoor boxes. But our gas meter is under my desk here and the electric meter is behind the TV/video/cable box/dvd in the living room. Dad has made a vanity cover to hide it and the fuse box, but this just gives my folks somewhere else to stick loads of shit like this:


I've no idea why, but my dad loves collecting utter crap like this - free things from packets of tea and coffee and breakfast cereal, stuff he finds on the street. I could kill him for it (and many other crimes he's committed against humanity over the years).

So, as much as I try not to be, I'm a bit of a hoarder too. It stems from anything I ever throw away being retrieved from the bin by my dad, with the result that I've given up on throwing things away because they just end up being dragged out of the bin anyway.

"Dad, why have you taken this out of the bin?"

"Because I thought you might want it."

"But I'd put it in the bin because I didn't want it, it's no use... at all... for ANYTHING!"

"Mumble, mumble...Just THROW it away then!"

"Yes, if it's no good for anything, chuck it away."

Simple rule of thumb: if you haven't used/worn something for a year or so, unless it's something very special, the likelihood is that you won't use it ever again. I was looking in the back of the kitchen cupboard the other day - one of the kitchen cupboards that are full to bursting with my parents' medication rather than kitchen-type things - at the back of the cupboard was a box of Premarin, which is an HRT drug. I asked Mum when she stopped her HRT, it was only ten years ago. They've had a new kitchen fitted since then, for fuck's sake.

But they've passed their bad habits onto me; I resist chucking things out because they "might come in". For example, let's have a look through these desk drawers:
  • Ring reinforcements for punched paper;
  • Box of floppy disks (stolen from previous job)
  • Expresson cover for Nokia 8210 mobile phone (2001)
  • Another Expresson cover for a Nokia 8210 mobile phone (2001)
  • 2001 desk diary
  • Packet of photos (35mm!) ca 2001
  • My old ring (replaced by one that ended up being unceremoniously disposed of in takeaway leftovers after a row)
  • Some Blutak
  • Palm instructions (bought 2001)
  • Radio instructions (received Christmas 2000)
  • Packet of retractable pencil rubbers (stolen from previous job)
In fact, I've realised what this desk drawer represents. It represents the "Just find somewhere for it!" actions of somebody who is moving back into the parental home temporarily. Somebody who moved back in 2001 with the intention of only staying 6 months.

It's time to get out.


Anonymous said...

Sort all your stuff out that you don't want and stick it in a box by your bedroom door. Then wait till rubbish day and stick the box on top on your way out the door when you go to work.

Either that or put it in the car and drop it off at the local tip or charidee shop.

Oh yay first.

Anonymous said...

Yay indeed.

But what if I ever get another Nokia 8210?

They're in the bin. Watch this space.

Anonymous said...

Clearly I did not mean to have the "this site" text twice.

Anonymous said...

If you haven't seen this sitethis site, you must now. Completely devoted to paintings inspired by Stevie Nicks.

Anonymous said...







How on earth did you come across that one?

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, what's wrong with Davina (dare I ask)?

Anonymous said...

Gosh. What a ghastly load of old tat!

I think that covers everything from electric-box-gubbins through The Diana-Morrissey Phenomenon to Stevie Nicks.

Not your post though which is as informative as ever. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Oh no! I love Davina. I want her to be my sister.

Am I barred?

Anonymous said...

It won an award for weirdest site or something a few year's back. Whenever I think of the strangeness of the Internet, I think of that lady.

Anonymous said...

That woman needs locking up Whinger, that is truly weird.

Davina McCall? Well, she's a bit of an enigma, isn't she? She is a lovely woman, really, honestly, she's lovely. It's just that something goes so badly wrong when she's allowed to present a live programme on the TV (or radio): she transforms into the most annoying, shouty cunt on the planet and I can't stand her. So, presenting something in documentary format, or giving an interview - epitome of brilliant. Presenting Big Brother or other live TV show - annoying cunt.

And her nose is weird too: normal from the front and witchy-poo from the side. Check it out.

Anonymous said...

I have the same problem with my daughter that you do with your Dad. I've taken to sneaking things into the garage garbage can which so far she has never gone rooting through.

I'm surrounded by pack rats.

Anonymous said...

You could always collect all your dad's tat and sell it on ebay. Failing that, you could sell your dad on ebay.

The last time I looked in my mother's kitchen cupboards there was 6 half empty bottles of Lea @ Perrins, and 14 tins of Ambrosia tinned rice. I suppose it's best to stock up for emergencies.

Anonymous said...

*drops in to say 'oink!'*

*and to cringe at those tack wallace and gromit figures*

Anonymous said...

What, so the other shit that's on there isn't tat?

Fuck's sake, it's alright you fuckers, you don't have to live with this shit.

You check out that konk IDV, you'll see I'm right.

Anonymous said...

"witchy-poo" Bwah hah hah ha! : )

Anonymous said...

Pete Doherty is king! You know it's true!

Hahaha. Truth is I don't even know his name. Peter what?

Anonymous said...

Christ I don't give a flying fuck about any of it, I tell you - but please please please answer my question - what the hell is Blutak? And I think I know what a pencil rubber is, but I'm really not sure.

I feel so stupid, STUPID. ::whacking self in head repeatedly::: FINE.

Anonymous said...

You don't know what Blutak is, indiawhatsit?

It's that putty-like stuff that you roll into a little ball and stick things on the wall with. Sort of like blue snot.

And it's apparently non-toxic if kids eat it, which is a pity.

Anonymous said...

And a pencil rubber is something made of rubber (plastic these days) that rubs out pencil marks from paper. You call them "erasers", thicko.

Anonymous said...


And it's Saturday now, by the way. I'm fed up reading Friday's post.

You're obviously up and awake, so get your finger out of yer arse and post something.

Lazy smelly minged cunt.

Anonymous said...

Ah, I thank you for the information. My life has now been enriched. Apparently Americans aren't to be trusted with blue snotty stuff that you can stick to the wall. Or I've not lived in any part of the U.S. that allows it or something.

Eraser! What a concept!

Anonymous said...

Bloody Hell Tina, does your Dad not realise he has the last remaining collectors item from the Elf on a Toadstool Art Collection???

Worth a fortune....Tel Sothebys now!