Tuesday 14 February 2006

Five three one

Can I go on?

Of course I can, I always seem to. More's the pity.

You can stick your poncy Duke of Edinburgh award, FT! This is a tale of real adventure, real danger of life-threatening moments where split-second decisions were vital.

Yes, I had to WALK home from Swinton, a mile and half away, this evening. Walk. "It's that thing you do when you go to the bar", somebody once told me when I questioned the suggestion that we "WALK???" home from Coventry city centre after a night out. Walking a mile and a half in school shoes (those ones with really hard, but thin soles) is a killer, especially on uneven paving slabs.

When you're walking along and you come to a junction and you stop because you've seen that a car is turning into that junction and you don't want to cause the motorist any delay, why is it that the motorist invariably waves you on? You've stopped for fuck's sake, it's no odds to you, but they might miss a gap in the traffic if they don't make the turn there and then and then they'll hate you forever. So you have to set off in a half-hearted run to show your appreciation for their courtesy, mumbling to yourself all the to the other pavement "Stupid fuckers, fancy making me run. Twats."

But what tragedy befell me to plunge me into such a test of my endurance? My car is getting MOTd tomorrow and I had to drop it into the garage this evening because I won't have chance to take it there before work in the morning. The garage is OK. I just hope that the chap who I handed my keys to - who isn't the sharpest of the bunch of the blokes there - remembers to lock my car away inside the workshop before they go home tonight. Should I go and check?

I'm sure the MOT is a complete rip off. For those not in the know, MOT stands for "Ministry of Transport" (I think) and is the name given to the annual test of roadworthiness of all vehicles of 3 years of age and over. The test costs about £40 at the moment, but they always manage to find minor repairs that bring the total bill to over £100.

Of course in the olden days of my first car, the MOT was an annual event that filled me dread. Already wallowing in the mire of postgraduate debt, my car was a continual drain on my resources. It was a 12 year old, 1980 Ford Fiesta 1.1 GL (that meant that it had a rear windscreen wiper!). It overheated all the time and I had to drive with the radiator on hot through all weather conditions. I later discovered that it needed a new radiator, after 3 thermostats and lots of very uncomfortable journeys - not only because of the heat, but also the smell of curry that wafted through the car when the heater blower was turned on. I think I replaced just about everything on that car at least once by the time I got rid of it. I did many of the repairs myself and when it became necessary to replace the starter motor a second time, I just couldn't face battling with the thing while lying on the frosty February ground. I got myself a loan and bought a new(er) car. That little car was famous around here; I painted eyelashes on the bonnet above the headlamps you see. The things you do when you're bored and you have a Hammerite-loaded paintbrush in your hand.

Heated debate
There was a burning issue that I was determined to open a debate on, but I can't remember what it was.

OK then, instead of that, let me ask the incredibly important question: what is your favourite type of bean?


Anonymous said...

The first car I bought was a twelve year old Jaguar that did 10 mpg and broke, constantly. I took it for MOT and was told that the essential repairs would be £1K, while the value of the car was £250.

I've always been an astute investor.

My favourite bean (apart from the ones you flick)is the borlotti, with the canellini coming in a close second.

I actually prefer lentils to beans.

Anonymous said...

In the 4 years that I had that first car (worth no more than £200), it cost me at least £2,000 in repairs and MOTs and things.

Bean flicker - you're so rude.

Love lentils too (green ones are my fave), and I'll go with you on borlotti beans. However, I've recently rediscovered my taste for broad beans - FUCKIN' DELISH!

Anonymous said...

T, who the hell is funnything.blogspot? Have you checked out the link? It's some girly weirdo who is far too clever for her own well-maintained boots.

I'm going to sulk now.

BTW, we have these things in Wales called 'taxis', have you heard of them?


Anonymous said...

I always thought MOT stood for Massively Overpriced Test. Or Mumbling Old Tosser but I can't see how that one fits in with the whole automobile malarkey.

Favourite bean? Hmmm... Mong.

Anonymous said...

We have the emissions test that must be completed every other year. You can stand and watch and it always fills me with the dread that this little $30 test is going to cost me $500 when it's all said and done.


Anonymous said...

I was tempted to say 'mong' bean.

My fave is the kidney bean (how spookily topical is that, eh?).

Walking eh? Well that's one way to get rid of some of that fat from your arse, I suppose.

Oh, and Happy Valentines Day (whats left of it), Stinky Snatch.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I will hold a brief respire this evening in your honour, of course. 'Tis not every day one sees the honourable Dr. Tina ... walking.

Edamame. Soy? Delish.

Anonymous said...

Oops, soz FT, I knew I was having a spaz attack at the time that I did it. I couldn't quite put my finger on what it was. Is the Funny thing blog any more entertaining than yours though? It might be worth a look, eh?

Thanks T&P, cunts.

I walk loads I do, you git. It's just that I have no choice but to drive a lot because of my job.

Anonymous said...

Eh, I do know right off you're loads more physically-inclined than myself. Aren't you the Bicycle Queen of the UK? Isn't it bad during off-season - what do you do to keep fit? Go work out inside, then?

Anonymous said...

Haricots in tomato sauce on toast.

After that its the kidney bean.

Happy VD Sniffy!

Anonymous said...

Baked beans are delish, and by far my favorite kind.

My first car was a 1972 Oldsmobile Cutlass. She was a beauty - in the same way that bulldogs are gorgeous - and I named her Jezebel. Jez had a V8 and could haul ass and suck gas better than any car I've had since. She had no radio, no air conditioning and was dark green with dark green naugahyde upholstery. You had to peel yourself off the seats if you wore shorts in the summer. My grandmother hadn't driven her in over 10 years when I got custody of her in 1988 - Nan sold her to me for $1. God, I loved that car.

Anonymous said...

Bron, you've got good taste in cars. My first car was a '72 baby blue Cutlass Supreme. 440. I did a lot of drag racing in that car.

Anonymous said...

fave bean? Mr.

second fave, soy.

don't own a car, i walk and bicycle. mebbe one day i'll own a motorcycle. and then eventually i'll learn to ride it.


Anonymous said...

Fava beans, preferably with Chianti but I don't get to eat them as often as I'd like .... fth fth fth fth.

My first car was a Mk2 Cavalier, nice and bronze with a brown vinyl roof. During my ownership of it we ended up in a field, it had a reconditioned engine, it got skewered by a fork lift, I got rammed by an old biddy who didn't know that you gave way when joining a road and the wheel fell off at the suspension arm.

Anonymous said...

My first car was an Austin Allegro - possible the most unreliable car ever made, spent more time in the repair shop than on the road.

My favourite is Pinto beans, they have a nice mottled colour and I use them in rice dishes (whats the difference between beans and pulses?). Broad beans? can you remember "Kitty" from VW and her bucket of butter bean whip?

Anonymous said...

I don't know if I have a favorite bean but I do know that your blog just made me laugh out loud in the middle of class and now i'm getting evil looks because I should be paying attention :P

Do you care if I link you later today???

Anonymous said...

Hi Brianne, link away!


Anonymous said...

Can I just make an announcement?

Broad bean are disgusting and are also illegal in Wales, or anywhere within a 100 miles of Wales.

Tina, you nee to rethink your actions because you are putting both yourself and your family at risk and you shoudl be ashamed of yourself.
I hope you're very, VERY sorry.

Anonymous said...

Butter beans, first, then
Great northern, then
Navy, then

Anonymous said...

OMG FT, for a veggielesbian, you are so VEH-VEH-VEH WRONG! I can't believe you can even come out with such crap. Then I remember you're Welsh and have to make a mental concession. Broad beans are so fuckin' delish it's amazing.

However, fave beans are borlotti. You want the top five?

1. Borlotti
2. Broad beans
3. Cannellini
4. Mongo
5. Butter

Anonymous said...

A little late, but my favourite bean is Jelly(beans, black!)

Anonymous said...

Meant to ask, which Swinton? Grew up in Swinton, Mcr.

Anonymous said...

Yep, manchester. It was featured quite a lot on that TV programme about car thieves just now.

Anonymous said...

Yeh, soz. I'll have a word with our kid.

Anonymous said...

Funny thing is right, broad beans are illegal here in Wales.