Tuesday 28 February 2006


*So there's this chain of shops that are present in and near most NHS hospitals in the UK - or in England at least, since the UK doesn't really exist any more thank you very much Tony Blair you fucking wanker. This chain of shops is called McColl's and they're a general store that functions as a newsagents, grocers, off-licence, that type of affair. Because they have the monopoly for being THE retail outlet of the NHS, this means that they can get away with hugely inflated prices for the shit they peddle.

Frexample, take Cup a soup: Tesco price 89p per pack (or 2 packs for £1.40), McColl's price £1.40 per pack; packet of crisps: Tesco (Express) price, 30p; McColl's price, 50p. Get the idea? My snot sandwich the other day cost me something like £2.50 and others were over £3.

It's the type of place that has a wall of fridges that stock solely Coca Cola products and still mineral water - no fizzy mineral water. I challenged the assistant in the McColl's in my local hospital the other week: "Haven't you got any chilled fizzy water? You seem to have LOADS of varieties of still mineral water."

"We don't put sparkling mineral water in the chillers."

"Why is that?"

"We just don't"

"Perhaps you should. Then people might actually buy it."





Don't fuck with me today
There's nothing worse than an ex-smoker.

This might be true, but I'm pretty easy-going when it comes to people smoking. I oppose the ban on smoking in pubs and clubs where food isn't sold. I think smoking in these establishments is part of the culture and the atmosphere. The country is now in danger of all its pubs become sterile clones and Whacky Warehouses full of families with young children. A large chunk of the British tradition has been lost.

However, there are places where smoking is wholely inappropriate and this includes hospitals. Most hospitals now provide smoking shelters in the vicinity of their main entrances where people can go for a fag without becoming too exposed to the elements. It's pretty undignified and I'd favour the provision of dedicated smoking lounges within the buildings (with proper extraction and the like) - there's something not quite right about seeing people wheeled outside in their pyjamas, IV in situ, while they hurry to smoke a cigarette. Nevertheless, the situation is that smoking isn't allowed in the hospitals and is restricted to designated areas.

I was so very, very fucked off at having to negotiate a wall of smoke in the vestibule of the main entrance to the hospital when I went to visit Mother this evening - going in and coming out - esepcially since the smoking shelter was literally a 5 second walk around the corner. I challenged the culprits: "There's a smoking shelter there, you're not supposed to smoke here."

"But it's cold out there"

I was stunned

"I don't care, that's not my problem, you're not supposed to smoke here."

"Everybody smokes here."

"What if everybody else shat themselves here, would you?"

They looked at me indignantly and carried on. I left before I got angry.

Ignorant cunts.

I'm going to write to the hospital Chief Executive and propose that a sprinkler system is installed that is triggered by people smoking in the entrance. Either that, or I'm going to set the fire hose on the next set of fuckers I see there.

On returning to my car, still annoyed at the altercation at the hospital entrance, I noticed that some lazy twat minicab driver had parked right behind me in a position that restricted the turning angle for my exit from my parking bay. He'd (I'm assuming "he") obviously left his car there because he was too lazy to drive a bit further and find a proper parking space - there were plenty of parking spaces.

Did I take extra special care when manoeuvring out of my parking space? Did I perform mutliple turns of the wheel and repeated forward and reverse steps to get out without hitting the offending vehicle? Did I bollocks.

If you'd been parked legally, I'd have gladly avoided hitting you pal. Leave your car where it was because you're too lazy to walk from a proper parking space and I'll twat your fucking wheel arch. That, my friend, is what bumpers are for.

Do not fuck with Wendy Testaburger!

Everybody enjoy their pancakes?


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


I agree with the smoking at the entrance to hospitals. During the year of Many Hospital Visits, I started to detest my hospital after I quit smoking, because the main entrance and on down the hall always reeked of cigarette smoke because of the people standing RIGHT OUTSIDE THE DOOR smoking.

One day, I made a comment about that to a surgeon I was seeing on an unrelated (not heart) matter, and I'll be damned ... if he wasn't the head man on this hospital's board of directors. Perfect. The next time I had to go to the hospital, the halls were clean, and there was a smoking shack across the road from the main entrance. And it was full.

Anonymous said...

And not even a mention of my little asterisk. How very disappointing.

Anonymous said...

You always were gay.

I fucking hate smokers too. That wonderful "I don't care" attitude really pisses me off because I want my own "I don't care" attitude back.

I had a yoghurt for pudding, but yesterday's pancakes were lovely.

Anonymous said...

Bastard smokers.





My pancakes were scrumptous and extra fluffy this year as I folded in whisked egg whites.

Fuck, Im turning gay!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, it does whiff a bit on your clothes and hair, but that's all part of going out as far as I'm concerned and I don't mind it one bit. I want people to be allowed to smoke in pubs just so I can drink in some of the atmosphere (and nicotine).

Anonymous said...

I advocated smoking in public places for months after I stopped smoking but after hauling myself in from a night out stinking like a fucking ashtray I say fuck it, let em go outside an spark up. Rah :P

Anonymous said...

Tazzy wouldn't let me have any pancakes.

The cunt.

I may have to suffocate him tonight as he sleeps.

It wont let us add 'Piggy & Tazzy' - whats up?

Anonymous said...

Yes, I was referring to you, Indianajones.

Wasn't it you who was wondering about the floating asterisk the other day? I write this post especially for you.

You should know by now that I always come up with humorous and imaginative post titles.

Anonymous said...

I thought you were so pissed OFF that you couldn't title your post with anything other than an asterisk. That is, if you were talking to me.

Anonymous said...

I don't know what's going on Piggy, Blogger's been a bit of a shit today. Bear with it and it might come good.

Would you be suffocating Tazzy with your nob?

Anonymous said...

That would be me, and how very sweet of you to think of me in the madness that is Snifferville this evening.

PIG!!! She's blocked you! Bwaaaahhhahahahahahaha!

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, Mother. I'd forgotten about her. She seems fine this evening. We'll see how it goes over the next week or so. Here's hoping.

Anonymous said...

Hoping your mom's wires are soon where they should be. Meantime, keep her pinnie warm.

Anonymous said...

28 smoking in pubs days left in Scotland. Have you seen the film '28 Days Later'? There's gonna be carnage I tell ya.

I think there should be an island for smokers, just like the Nazis thought Madagascar would be ok for the Jews.

Is smoking still allowed in old folks homes? Last time I was in one they were smoking like troopers (they were all married to ex smokers at one time).

Anonymous said...

I think old people's homes are the next on the list of things to be banned by this government.

Anonymous said...

I wondered if this was the footnote...so glad to see you're finishing what you've started.

I've started feeling the least bit sorry for our smokers, huddled outside in the garage getting all sorts of carbon monoxide poisoning in addition to what they're doing to themselves...and then I sit next to one on the train and smell like cigarette for the rest of the day and all empathy passes.

I do not think there should be smoking in pubs and the like, simply because I feel compelled to take a shower after having been out, and it can be difficult while intoxicated, which is often when I insist upon the shower the most.

Anonymous said...

Damn...Is it already Tuesday over there? Oh wait, today IS Tuesday. Whooo, must be losing it. Ok, back to your post.

Anonymous said...

I might have to take smoking up again, just so I can stand around outside hospitals and piss Tina off.
So, you're happy to 'soak up the atmosphere' in a pub, but not in a hospital? What's wrong with you, woman? Without smokers we wouldn't have any hospitals....


Anonymous said...

I was considering giving up, but I'm sure as fuck not now.

Has anyone got a surf board?

Anonymous said...

I've always wanted to have the balls enough to just hit someone elses car, but I didn't want the responsibilty of having to pay for the repairs, because I KNOW that I'd get caught.

I'm totally with you on the smoking around hospital entrances. Drives me nuts. Houston has just recently gone to a no smoking ordinance in restaurants(September '05). It's been heaven for me because I'm allergic to smoke, it makes me sick for weeks, literally.

We're going to sing Kareoke Saturday night, I'll have to anti-histimine up before we go.

Glad to hear mum is on the mend. much love to you and the fam. :-)

Anonymous said...

It's not so much the fact that they were smoking that pissed me off, it was the fact that they were breaking the rules and being complete cocks.

Smoking in pubs is absolutely right and ought to be compulsory.

Anonymous said...

I wasn't that bothered about being around smoke in pubs - until I lived in Ireland. Great pokey little bars, filled to bursting with people. Smoke seemingly exiting from their ears (and their arses probably, it wouldn't have surprised me). At the end of the night, I couldn't see clearly (no, it wasn't the beer), I stank, all my clothes had to be cleaned and sometimes thrown out if there were too many burns. Fast forward to life in California: no smoking - anywhere. I can see, breathe and be a complete tart about laundry. Would I give it up for a pint of Batham's and a bag of pork scratchings? Probably. I know, there's no pleasing some people.

Anonymous said...

I think what I'm trying to say is that there should be choice. People have the right not to be subject to the smoke of others, of course they do. But I think the decision as to whether a bar is smoking or no-smoking should be left to the management. All customers and businesses would benefit in this scenario.

Anonymous said...

I am just an ignorant American, what were the pancakes for?

Anonymous said...

Shrove Tuesday is the last day before the start of lent. During olden days, people had to get rid of all their perishables before the fasting started on Ash Wednesday. Hence they used up eggs and milk and flour to make pancakes. Her in the UK we go a bundle on pancakes on Shrove Tuesday, hence we call it Pancake Day.

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