Monday 13 February 2006

Anybody want one?

There's a big political debate and vote in the UK Parliament today as the government tries to push through laws to introduce ID cards in Britain. They tell us that ID cards will be vital to:
  • Prevent terrorism
  • Prevent crime
  • Counter benefit fraud
  • Double up as a passport/drivers' licence
  • Enable us to have all our necessary identifications in one place
To implement the scheme, the Government will have to set up a huge IT system to store lots of our personal details, plus biometric data. This will mean that people who have never committed a crime, who have never done anything other than be a citizen of the UK, will have to have DNA tests, their fingerprints taken and an iris scan. Carrying ID cards will not be compulsory. They will cost "in the region of £100" to those who wish to have them.

No doubt the database will be outsourced to India for maintenance. Whatever happens, I'd like to bet that personal data ends up being sold to the highest bidders.

In terms of playing the prevention of terrorism card, it's already been established that the terrorists who perpertrated the 7th July London bombings were UK citizens; they'd have had UKID cards in the same way as they carried UK passports to go to Pakistan. Those who committed the train bombings in Madrid carried Spanish ID cards. And what about foreign terrorists entering a country, they wouldn't have an ID card anyway.

I've yet to see one argument or shred of evidence to convince me that ID cards can be of use in prevention of terrorism.

It's all a load of complete and utter bollocks, thought up by a paranoid government that is hell-bent on having total control of the people of UK. It is also part of a wider plan of the Europeans to ensure that all people in the EU carry ID cards, with all sorts of personal data being available to share between countries.

Hrrrrrm, not liking the sound of this. Why not just come out and barcode us at birth, or give us serial numbers in the same way that the Nazis treated the Jews and their other victims?

Fuckers. They can shitting well shit off. This is something that I definitely will demonstrate about. I know who I am, my family knows who I am, I can prove my ID ten times over, I do not want or need an ID card. I especially do not want to be fingerprinted or have my DNA analysed or iris scanned and stored on some central computer, along with other information about my family, who I live with, who I vote for, where I shop, how often I leave the country, etc, etc.

How about a quick vote? Who would like an ID card that:

  • Is compulsory to have, but not to carry
  • Contains biometric data such as fingerprints, iris scans, DNA profiles
  • Contains personal data about you and your family
  • Results in all your personal and health data being kept on one database
  • Can be used to track a person's movements from job to job, country to country
  • Can act as a passport (which we already have)
  • Can act as a driver's licence (which we already have)
  • Can act as proof of ID (which we already have)
  • Will cost at least £100
Come on, any takers?

Seven seven, nine eleven
While I'm on about terrorism, which I'm not, there's something that really pisses me off about terrorist attacks (apart from horrific murder and destruction of course): the way they are identified through the abbreviated date of the attack, rather than the location or the targets.

It all started with the attacks on the World Trade Centre and Pentagon on 11th September, 2001. These atrocities, in which thousands of real people died and in which others' lives were destroyed, became abbreviated to 9/11. I think people were trying to signify a link between the loss of life from the NY Fire Department and Emergency Services - dial 911 you see. But in years to come, people will only know of 9/11, not about where the attacks took place, who it affected and why they made such an impact.

Of course the 11th of September 2001 was a kind of watershed, but the dehumanisation of the outrage seems to me to be a dangerous thing.

On 7th July 2005, 52 people were murdered by terrorists on the public transport network in London. To continue the trend, the press insist on describing these events simply by saying 7/7. This is impersonal and disrespectful.

Worse still, it's yet another example of annoying Americanisms creeping into our culture and it gets right on my fucking tits!


Anonymous said...

I do not want a scary ID card, thank you.

I HATE the abbreviation of these terrorist acts. What happened to good ol' descriptive names like VE-Day or VJ-Day, or even Valentine's Day Massacre?

Anonymous said...

Yes, something nice and romantic!

I mean, what about when President Kennedy was assassinated? It's the day that President Kennedy was assassinated, not errrm, whenever it was, something 11 or 11 something if you're an American. If was in November, whenever, you know what I mean.

I'm sure there have been enough tragic events to use up the entire calendar too. Today we're commemorating 13/2 (Madrid bombings), tomorrow it's 14/2 (St Valentine's Day Massacre), etc, etc. And what if two really bad events happen on the same date? Arseholes.

Anonymous said...

I hate the ID card craze. When I worked at the Large Pharmaceutical Company, I had to wear ID all the time. It was required to get in and out of the building. Fear of Industrial espionage, you know.

When the School District I teach at now decided that all teachers needed to wear ID, I flipped. Um, look the fuck around, would you? I am OBVIOUSLY not a student. I have chalk all over my clothes, ink on my hands, and am forever carrying a gradebook and homework assignments to mark. Who the fuck am I? The janitor?

I refuse to wear one. I can just imagine someone telling me I need a bloody ID card. Fuck right off, cunts. I'm with you - it would get right on my lumpy tits, too.

Anonymous said...

I refuse to wear my ID at work too, it saves members of the public asking for directions around the hospital. saying that though, the cheeky bastards have just built a new car park and your ID doubles as the swipe card for the barriers. It's a ruse to make sure people wear their cards to work and then throttle themselves as they try to get into and out of the car park.

Anonymous said...

When I was a young man working for an insurance company, I refused, even though it was a condition of contract, to have my picture taken for their head office records. They had a board meeting and dropped the issue. Hurah for me!
Ironically, I probably would have benefitted from the picture, because I look alot smarter than I am.
Your rant was 'pushing on an open door' from my perspective.

Anonymous said...

Bronwen - In all fairness, when I was a 23-year-old teacher, I was often asked for my hall pass and such. So teachers who look like students can be made to wear ID -- it would save them some time.

Tina - Exactly! Our entire calendar is going to fill with remembrances of horrible things. It's best just to leave it at descriptors that don't give you pause on the actual day. World Trade Center bombing day would not necessarily give me a queasy feeling on September 11th, as I wouldn't be absolutely sure of the exact date.

Anonymous said...

I WILL NOT sign up for an ID card

I WILL NOT pay for the 'privilege'

I WILL NOT carry one in the event that I'm forced to possess one.

I WILL NOT accept this fucking governments sly, stupid, two-faced, bullshit idea's and explanations for why I should have one.

I've been against this from the day they first floated the idea. What's really fucking me off though is the fact that 99% of the UK population don't want one, but the cunting politicians who represent us just wont fucking listen.

I consider it a massive invasion of my privacy.

I consider it a massive infringment of my civil liberties and ability to conduct my life in private, without government fucking spies trawling my movements, actions, etc.

I'm sick to the fucking back teeth of twats muttering 'oh but if you've got nothing to hide, whats the problem?'... For fucks sake, how many times do I have to state that actually I FUCKING DO have some things I want to hide. One is called my privacy, another is called my choice to live my life without officials (which one's we'll never know) knowing everything I fucking do - let alone every other fucking nosey cunt with access to the database that'll be compiling statistics.

I want the retain the ability to remain anonymous, should I so choose. If an official requires my proving who I am, I can quite easily provide my passport, driving license, birth certificate, numerous bank cards, my parents and a hundred people who can confirm my identity thank you very much.

I certainly don't need another bit of fucking plastic. Especially one that I have to pay through the nose for (and then don't need to fucking carry around with me - how fucking stupid is that?).

As for the terrorists - Oh yeah, I can see them now, just walking out of their hideout, bombs wrapped around their waists, hopping on the bus and then thinking 'Oh fuck, I left my ID card at home. I better go back and get it'.

I don't fucking want one. No, NO and fucking NO!

If I end up going to jail for refusing to own/pay for one, at least I won't be alone.

I'm rapidly becoming even sicker of this government. I wish they'd stop interfering in my fucking life.

*end of rant*

Jolly good post, Tina! I agree with your every word.

Anonymous said...

As I've said before, I've never joined a mass protest against of for anything but this is one matter that I would gladly voice my opposition to. Bring it on, you fuckers, just bring it right on!

Anonymous said...

I absolutely agree. Inane but true.

Anonymous said...

Won't be compulsory my arse. How long do they think it would be before banks refuse to allow you to open an account without first presenting an ID card?

I will not carry one. They can jail me if they like.

9/11 sounds like a convenience store.

Anonymous said...

Good points.

I don't want one.

What a crock...

Anonymous said...

I won't have one either, I'll be in jail with you.

This could hopefully become New Labour's Poll Tax. I just wish the stupid fucking twats in this country hadn't been so blind as to let this lot back in in the first place. Fucking numpties deserve all they get.

As for the 9/11 convenience store? I can imagine if it was run by the people I work with at Base 2a: opening at 9.15, with 2 hours off for lunch, closing at about 10.30. In between this, you wouldn't be able to buy anything because they'd ignore all customers as they maintained their self-absorbed conversation about whatever crap has got a bee in their bonnets that particular day.

Anonymous said...

What Piggy And Tazzy said:

Yeah, that. Agreed.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm. Sounds nasty. You probably already know that Americans have a social security card that's practically given them at birth - but all it has is the name and their social security number. It's required. Then you've got options to either get a State I.D. or a State driver's license, if you want to drive. None are required to carry, even the D.L. We're carded out, over here. I wouldn't mind just having ONE card for life. Even better, have it as an RFID chip and implanted somewhere in my body. HA! Kiss that! Er, not you, them. I don't mind the corporate I.D. either - rather swipe a card to get in the door than be boonswoggled by some pretender. But that's just me. I DO agree that we need to stop depersonalizing horrendous massacres of people. It's going to keep happening and eventually we won't know what's what.

Anonymous said...

Oops - guess I should add the obvious - no amount of I.D. cards have stopped any of the horrendous violence, has it?

Anonymous said...

there is no way its going to do anything to stop terrorism but it will go a long way towards giving the government insights into parts of your life that are none of their bloody business.

It's definitely worth protesting against this one!

Anonymous said...

Yeh! What piggy and tazzy said, but perhaps I wouldn't use the words 'cunt' and 'fuck' quite as much.
I'm half English you see. Don't want to make a fuss.

Anonymous said...

Seems you'e hit a nerve, Tina. Whinger has a small point, one that I also experienced when I was a 22-year old teacher and told "Excuse me, this is the teachers' parking lot. You need to move your car..." Occasionally ID can come in handy, but certainly not the sort of thing your gov. is proposing. Nor mine, should it come to that.

Anonymous said...

Steel worker - but I like those words!

Indiawhatsit - 'boonswoggled ' - I like that word too!

Anonymous said...

I am wholly against these id cards. There already exists an id card, and funnily enough it is the NI card which you must have if you want a job.

I wish that I could've stated my case as eloquently as Piggy but FUCK RIGHT OFF BLAIR AND YOUR CUNTING GOVERNMENT!

Ah ... better.

I am hoping and praying that the Lords will overturn this one again as the costs of this particular railroad have not been completely and honestly considered or indicated.

Oh yeah, if the government wanted to know just what everyone is doing they should slap an order on Tesco to provide their database as that seems to contain just about everything on everyone.

Anonymous said...

I'm at work at the moment, if anyone wants to know.
Later I'll be at home.

Tomorrow I'll be at work and then later I'll be at home.

If I deviate from this I'll be sure to ring up the House of lords or someone, just to check it's okay.

Anonymous said...

I'm on for carrying a mirror.

If anyone asks for my ID I will just point to my reflection and say "See him? Thats not me".

ID this Tony....Fuck Off!

Anonymous said...

Can we have a protest march please? I promise not to threaten to chop anybody's head off or blow anything up - well, I won't be stupid enough to advertise my intentions on a placard!