Thursday 19 January 2006

Who am I?

Here is a little quiz that will hopefully make people have a look around at some of my most favourite blogs in the whole world - call it a lesson in culture.

The idea is that I describe something that's been mentioned in somebody else's blog and you have to do a bit of research to find out what I'm on about. I tell you whose blog I'm referring to and the month, all you have to do is try to find the pertinent post and leave the link in the comments. Be warned though, I might throw in a red herring.

All the hyperlinks will take you to the correct archive page, but you have to have a look through to see which post the clue refers to. I hope that this will give people the opportunity to have a look back at some of the older stuff that people have done on their blogs.

  1. From the most wonderful blog creation EVER, lovely Herge's Angry Chimp: "I am small but perfectly formed, but I gave Herge cause for concern in May. Who am I?"
  2. Our very own airplane-fixing, lady-loving, first generation eurotrash-Canadian grrrly-grrrl Connie has always provided lots of fun and grinder action while maintaining a healthy lesbian interest. "I came out to play with lots of my other friends. Who am I?"
  3. Ah, I surely hope the months fly by so that I'll soon find myself in British Columbia, Canada, where'll I'll meet the lovely April Pissoff. "I'm purple with a red stripe. Who am I?"
  4. It took a fair bit of persuading to get Garfer to share his teacakes with us, but I'm sure glad he did. "I'm an annoying twat. Who am I?"
  5. This pair of cunts are legends in South Yorkshire and we've grown to love them here in Blogland. "I only made one appearance here, but I had to take a Court Order out on somebody to stop them stalking me because of it. Who am I?"
  6. He claims to be Irish, but I've heard him speak and that's a put on accent if ever I've heard one. Top o' da mornin' te ya, S.I.D! "There I was, running free in the forest, then BLAM! I end up dehydrated, abused and ridiculed for the sake of cheap laughs. Who am I?"
  7. Funny Thing is a Welsh, of all things (in this day and age too). She is quite funny and is a thing, since we never get to see her, or find out her name - boring git. "I've enhanced FT's life no end and without me, she'd be a right skanky mare. Who am I?"
  8. Whinger is another one of those annoying bloggers who preserves her anonymity. I bet she's dead fit too. "Things were getting very serious between Whinger and me and then, Poof! I changed into a different type of energy. Who the devil am I?"
I think that will do for now, but I'll come up with some more from other bloggers when I'm a little less tired. It will be interesting to see whether the bloggers in question know what I'm referring to without having to check back over their stuff.


Anonymous said...

I clearly have too much downtime at work to play this little game, but found all these bloggers (me, especially!) to be quite funny as promised.

I didn't get them all, and am MUCH too lazy to turn these into links, but here are my answers:

1. Dixon, the little doll.

2. Hmmm...couldn't narrow it down.

3. This is hard, but enjoyable as that April's quite funny. The pickle jar has a red stripe...but that's all I could find on the subject in a quick perusal.

4. Gyles Brandreth. Am mostly assuming he's annoying based on his Scrabble affiliation.

5. Stephanie then.

6. Poor reindeer.

7. She IS a funny thing even if she hates Americans. Am now hooked. As for the question, am guessing it's Imp?

8. Dear old Kevin, of course.

Anonymous said...

Legends? Blimey!

Anonymous said...

Bloomin' hell!
You're quite demanding, aren't you T? It's Friday, for goodness sake, we're all supposed to be winding down...
I'm doing my pot plant impression at the moment (and getting paid for it - Wahey!).

I'm just going to go away for some gas 'n' air.... see you in a mo.

Anonymous said...

That's an interesting way to get people to blog hop. Good on ya! Glad to hear your mum is doing better. :-)

Anonymous said...

Certainly a great way to get rid of readers by the looks of things.

Anonymous said...

Anonymityness rocks.


Anonymous said...

Good idea.

A lot of my posts are about annoying twats, so I'm not even sure which one you are refering to.

It's interesting to trawl through other peoples archives now and then. Some remain the same, some develop, and some (mine for instance) just get more boring.

Hey ho.

Anonymous said...

Ooooh, now then, your blog is anything but boring Garfer!

Anonymous said...

And there I was, near to completing the follow-up post for this one. It had taken me fucking ages and everything. Then came along April and I decided to send her the link so she could stream Tittybangbang from the bbc 3 website and lo and behold, it fucked it up. So I lost the post and now I'm too arsed off and fucking knackered to do it again.

fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck

Anonymous said...

It's too much work for this chick. You're going to be driving the cougar while you're here Sniff. Actually... I now may have to tie you up and place you in the trunk of the vehicle.

Anonymous said...

She'd like that.

Fucking perv.

But will you then be rolling the Cougar over the cliff?

Oh, the excitment!

Anonymous said...


Bit pissed off, then?
Keep doing that myself, (or Blogger plays silly-buggers) and I always curse myself for not copying it to clipboard or Word, before I try to publish.

Hind-sight. Bastard bloody thing.

Hope you enjoy your bad mood. There's nothing like starting the weekend in grumpy-git mode.

Anonymous said...

'majesty and grandeur of the scenery'.

Spot the Julie Walters line from Victoria Wood sketch.

Do I get a prize?

Anonymous said...

I think people have got the wrong idea about my trip to Canada - particularly my gay boss who thinks I'm going to be somebody's internet bride. I am going for the majesty and grandeur of the landscape. But it will be interesting to see what sort of cars and things they have there too - it's the whole cultural exchange thing.

Anonymous said...

NO you do not, because that was Spain and this is Canada.

Anonymous said...

That's so pedantic.

Anyway, they're all funny foreigners. Bet they talk funny and eat things like scrotal chutney.

Make sure you pack some emergency Marmite.

Anonymous said...

Well, I'm not giving you credit for your mis-spent youth, watching a comedy goddess's work. Anybody could do that.

Fuck, most of my best oneliners are Victoria Wood's.

Yeah, I'll have to check on the Marmite actually. April was eating something called "ranch dip" with crisps last night. I asked her what flavour it was (you know, cheesy, salsa, BBQ, frexample) and she just said "Ranch flavour". What, like horse poo? I'll be Ok because I eat meat and fish, you'd probably starve.

Anonymous said...

Ranch is kind of garlicky mayonnaisey stuff. Quite nice.

My favourite it line when VW walks onto stage asking if you've seen her friend 'Kim-burleh'

'she's really, really tall and she's got bits of ceiling in her hair'.


Anonymous said...

*my favourite line is'

My fingers are rebelling this am.

Anonymous said...

It looked like window putty to me.

Who's been telling you about guttering?

Anonymous said...

Rebelling fingers eh? I see.

Anonymous said...

Aye. Right, I've done the ironing. Now I'm going to watch those episodes of TTBB and eat my brunch.

My life is really not that interesting.
Oh, and I'm lost on the guttering. Have I missed a rude refernce?

Anonymous said...

No, not rude at all. You're obviously not such a smart arse afterall.

Anonymous said...

"...I am going for the majesty and grandeur of the landscape"

Yeah right. My bloody arse. You're going to Canada to convert poor sweet and innocent April (okay, okay, I know that's stretching the imagination a bit) to the Dykehood.

If she was really ugly, would you still be going?

Thought not. Those kind of lesbo's can be had in plentiful amounts here at home.

Anonymous said...

Yeah right. Do you honestly think that April is the type of woman who could be converted, or persuaded to anything that she didn't want to do? And do you honestly think that I'd be interested in going if she was?

Obviously you do, but you're a perv.

Anonymous said...

C'mon. Put me out my misery. Guttering?

I've just cycled 8 1/2 paces on my unicycle. WAHEY! I'm so happy....

Anonymous said...

Well done you!

Remember that sketch in "As seen on TV" where she plays a bit of a dim lass alongside her boyfrend Carl? They're both wearing striped footie scarves and are sat in a bus shelter. They talk about making plans for the future and Carl says "We could have a penthouse flat, they have them in Paris" (something like that). And she says something like, "Will it have guttering?" or something and he says "Who's been telling you about guttering?". To which she replies "You. Remember last night, when were all snuggled up, being romantic? That's when you told me about guttering".

You had to be there.