Friday 13 January 2006


Are you supposed to enjoy playing Monopoly? I suppose Monopoly Smackdown Challenge might be fun and, let's face it, that's how the game usually ends up anyway - somebody always ends up in a strop.

I once had a major hissy fit when I got trounced at Scrabble by the blogger formerly known as Trillion. Or the former blogger "Trillion". Whatever. She was supposed to be being nice to me but did the queyntish thing of, well, this:

"How many points for queynte?"

Yep, the addition of "cove" to "omit" gave her a triple word score on "cove" plus the additional points from "vomit" quite literally made me sick. With an unassailable lead, I admitted defeat by throwing the board off the table and stropping away, muttering "I can't even fucking play fucking scrabble".

Everyone knows that cheese and onion is GREEN!
But back to Monopoly, or monopolies. This consumer champion wants fairness in the market place. It should be up to us, the consumers, to decide what brands we want to buy and things shouldn't be forced on us by the large retailers. My main argument is the availability of Coca Cola brands over Pepsi brands, there only ever being chilled still water and never chilled fizzy water.

This week, salty snack manufacturer Golden Wonder called in the administrators as it admitted financial difficulties. There was a time when Golden Wonder brand crisps dominated the market. The "golden age" of snacking was the late 1970s and early 1980s when, not only did they have a healthy share of the crisp market, but they also had the genius idea of coming up with the FUCKIN' DELISH Pot Noodle. Things couldn't have been better.

In the late 1980s, something odd happened: a new brand of crisps emerged in the North West. These were weird, their packet colours didn't conform to the traditional norms: cheese and onion (always green/yellow) were blue, salt and vinegar (always pale blue) were green. What the fuck was all this about?


The brand that suddenly appeared was "Walkers". We'd never had them before, but when I moved about to universities and things, I noticed that Walkers were becoming more and more prevalent. It got to the point in the mid 1990s whereby you'd notice similar product placement in supermarkets: Walkers would take prime spot in Tesco, weird colours and all. Why? What was going on?

Walkers crisps are OK, but they're not as nice as Golden Wonder. I guess I still can't come to terms with having salt and vinegar crisps in a green packet. Green??? Everybody knows that green is cheese and onion.

Walkers = WRONG!

I find it a shame, but also very annoying, that companies that have done nothing wrong (except selling Pot Noodle to Proctor and Gamble or some other weird multinational conglomerate) have essentially been driven into extinction because of aggressive marketing within our supermarkets. It shouldn't be up to the supermarkets to decide what brands we buy. In fact, I'd expect the supermarkets to be entirely independent and give all brands an equal footing once they'd decided to stock a product.

Gets right on my tits so it does. Queynting fuckers.

Cove and vomit indeed.


Anonymous said...

Sorted. This happens quite frequently. I find that if I go to "post edit" and republish, it sorts it out.

Anonymous said...

Imagine being first to comment on your own post?

How sad.:)

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I had to really fight the temptation to start that with a "yay!". But since only queyntes do that sort of thing, it wasn't difficult.

Anonymous said...

Queyntin Crisp eh?

Anonymous said...

Fuckin' hell! You're sharp for such a late hour. That was very funny.

Anonymous said...

Oh, You're all over here now? I've just wasted my time at the other one...


I didn't say anything very interesting anyway.

Loving Queyntin Crisp - Bwah hah ha!

Anonymous said...

I Can't sleep due to lack of nicotine.
And I hope I don't get any sharper or I'm back on them.

And yes, I am going to fucking whine on and on and on about it.

Anonymous said...

Have a gum, but try not to shit yourself. Have some codeine or a glass of wine or something.

You need to learn Tai Chi.

Anonymous said...

Im chewing...Im fucking chewing!

Tai Chi?

I would only end up doing the motions of lighting a feg and smoking.Slowly.

Im off to cry in my pillow.

Anonymous said...

um no, it's never fun to play monopoly, its a method of annoying the other members of your family to no end.

Anonymous said...

That's us Americans again, screwing with your minds. The Walkers logo gives it away. They have the exact same logo as Lays' Potato Chips. Go to and you'll see what I mean.

Kinda like our GM cars are called Vauxhall on your side of the Atlantic.

Anonymous said...

Ohhh Scrabble. I'm polishing the pieces as we speak....

Anonymous said...

Hmm. I remember cheese and onion being green too.

And the comment about being first is noted.

Is that Irish fucker still whining about his lack of cigs?

Anonymous said...

I was only having a laugh Pigster. I love for you to have first comment because your enthusiasm lifts me right up.


Yes, fucking Walkers crisps. I think the problem isn't the availability of Golden Wonder multipacks in supermarkets, but if you're after a single packet, it's invariably Walkers that's the only brand available. Like i said, they're nice crisps, nothing wrong with them, I just prefer Golden Wonder and I disagree with their packaging.

It wouldn't surprise me if they were part of a larger American company, not one bit.

Onto more important things, is April building up to Scrabble Smackdown Challenge for when I visit? Or how about Twister challenge? I'm sure that'd be lots of fun.

Anonymous said...

I haven't seen Golden Wonder in the shops for years . . . just feckin' Walkers. Can you remember on the really old packets of Golden Wonder a little man chucking a crisp in his mouth? he had a little hat on (Scottish?). And can you remember Smiths crisps?

Anonymous said...

I have a feeling that Smiths/KP became Walkers.

You can still get Golden Wonder multipacks from the supermarkets, just not individual packets of crisps. Golden Wonder also make Monster Munch, Nik Naks and some others.

Anonymous said...

Monopoly sucks. My brother always won because he cheated and he was a bad sport. The game usually ended when one of those losing would jump across the board at him and shove a couple hotels up his nose.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I remember wondering where these 'Walkers' crisps had come from. Only posh people bought Walkers.

Monopoly is great, but only if you stick 1/2 your fines onto Free Parking for a cool windfall for some lucky bugger.. and to prevent the game going on for 2 1/2 days.
I'm always the car.

Anonymous said...

All marketing people are cunts.

Anonymous said...

Herge is right. They are.

And something you might find interesting, Walkers is owned by Pepsico, believe it or not.

*clever and knowledgeable Pigster trots back out*

Anonymous said...

Har har, Herge.

Pepsico? REALLY??? Well if they're so fucking good at product placement for their friggin colourblind crisps, why can't they get a few cans of their pop in the shops? Hmmm, HMMM????

Still, it doesn't alter the fact the consumers want CHOICE!


Anonymous said...

You have hissy fits over there? I thought that was a unique southern American term.

Live and learn, I always say.

Anonymous said...

Ahh, but you know the only choice they want us to have is what they allow us to choose from.

And who the supermarkets accept the biggest 'placement' bribes from - in this case, the Coca Cola company (who don't make crisps as far as I know) clearly pay more for drinks placements.

Looking through the shelves at Morrisons recently, it fucking stunned me just how many brands of drinks (with a huge range of names) are actually made by Coca Cola - almost the whole fucking lot!

Anonymous said...

I think hissy fits are contageous and we've caught them.

You think the Coca Cola company has an impressive portfolio? Even bigger has got to be Mars. They own: the choccie side; the dolmio side; the uncle ben's side; the entire pedigree chum/whiskas/trill/waltham pet foods side of things plus a load more. Now that is something else.

Anonymous said...

I don't like Pedigree Chum.

I tasted it once, many eons ago, for a bet. Ate half a tin I did.

It was okay, nothing special. Would probably have tasted nicer if it had been warmed up.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, that's not quite right, is it Piggy?