Saturday 7 January 2006

Tesco suicide

There's a Sneaker Pimps song called Tesko suicide on their album Becoming X (which is still one of my favourites after many years). I'm not one for delving deep into the meaning of song lyrics; I just tend to enjoy the music and the way the words fit into it, but during a trip to the Tesco store in Dereham, Norfolk on Monday, "Tesco suicide" seemed a relatively painless option for getting me out of there.

The UK had a bank holiday on Monday because New Years Day had fallen on the Sunday. This meant that Monday was the first day the supermarkets had been open since Saturday evening. A whole day of not being able to stock up on provisions and the people of Dereham and its environs had gone into panic - entire families of Norfolk folk were out in force.

Now, I've not had much contact with real Norfolk people, but if those present in that store on Monday are representative cross-section, I don't think I'll bother much in future. I was actually quite scared. There I was, minding my own business, when a 6 foot woman and her two unruly kids literally ran at me with a trolley. What the fuck?, I thought as I picked myself up and dusted myself off.

Blimey, they were a bit odd. Turning the corner to find Cath - we'd become separated - I bumped into a huge man who was wearing sunglasses. Eeeek! My heart raced, I listened intently for the excited squeals of Beanie, but she'd become occupied with chewing a label.

On finding my companion, I calmed down a touch. There was another family where the two children were dressed in dressing up clothes (like ballerinas, or fairy princesses). The children were following their parents down the aisles: pirouetting, bowing, leaping along.

Why do people have to make shopping trips an entire family outing? Can't one parent stay at home with the frenzied offspring while the other does some shopping? Nobheads.

And to add to the agony was the layout of the store itself: no space for queueing because the aisles were within 2 metres of the tills. To cap it all, none of the tills had conveyor belts. So there I was, trying to pack up and none of the shopping items were reaching me. The checkout girl had to remember to push stuff down to me. I had to reach forward and overstretch my back to get to stuff. And you couldn't stand alongside the till to do the packing because there wasn't enough room between the two tills.

I was incandescent with rage. I almost stopped packing to get her to call for a manager, but I didn't want to make a scene in front of the baby - she'll no doubt suffer enough embarrassment at the hands of her parents. I so wanted to say "Stop! I'm not doing any more packing until you get a manager here to explain why these tills have no conveyor belts. How am I suppose to pack my shopping? I want it delivered to me one or two items at a time in a nice steady flow, not be sent piles of stuff sporadically!"

So, Tesco, I am very disappointed that I AGAIN have to have a whinge about one of your stores. What the fuck were they thinking ofwhen they designed the layout of that fucking place? And no conveyor belts on your tills? Are you fucking mad? The patrons of that store looked like they had enough difficulty getting dressed! You don't expect them to be able to multitask by both reaching forward AND picking stuff up simultaneously, do you?

The catalogue of evidence against Tesco being my favourite supermarket is building. Let's review it:

  1. Not making sure that lazy bastard customers return their trolleys at the Prestwich store; the lazy twats just leave trolleys in parking spaces instead.
  2. Not selling items that I like all year round.
  3. Only selling chilled drinks from the Coca Cola company and providing shit customer service when challenged about this.
  4. Hiding the pickles.
  5. Not limiting the number of care in the community shoppers to two at a time.
  6. Crap store layouts.
  7. No conveyor belts????? Nobheads.
  8. Tesco Express

Tesco Express
Deserves its own whinge and this has been done most eloquently and very recently by Funny Thing. These stores crop up in town centres, often where there's a high student population, and they're also associated with Esso petrol stations.

The first thing you notice is the markup in prices compared to the standard stores. And then there's the queuing: if you time it wrong, you can be in a queue of about 30 people waiting to get served.

But the absolute worst thing about these stupid stores is when they're part of a petrol station. The forecourt is given over to parking, rather than petrol, so there are only 2 pumps. But the parking spaces are too close to the pumps so it's difficult to manoeuvre in either case. You go into the store to pay for your petrol, but although it's a Tesco, they don't give out Clubcard (loyalty) points on petrol sales.

Fuck that, their petrol's shit anyway and it's cheaper at the Shell near work.


Anonymous said...

Wahey, I'm first!!!

My other complaint about Tesco is that they ask you stupid things when all you want to do is pay and go home.

"Would you like help packing?"

" I've got ONE item. Abd besides, I've got my System and you always mess it up.."

"Have you got a Club Card?"


"Would you like Cashback?"

"No, I want to buy my ONE item and get out, which is why I'm standing at this till. If I'd wanted a chat I'd have rung the Samaritans. LEAVE ME ALONE".

I feel your pain, T.

Anonymous said...

Just been to Tescos and spent grand total of £44 for weeks shop.

Kids are to get some of their Chrimbo fat off.

And I bought a cheapo food mixer for a £5, as I AM NOT WHIPPING THE FUCKING CREAM THIS SUNDAY!

Anonymous said...

Whipped cream? Please elaborate. And after yesterday's discussions about kitchen items, I can't BELIEVE that you'd come here and confess to buying a fucking food mixer!

I really hate it when the checkout assistant starts a conversation with you. Just scan my bloody stuff and fucking shut the fuck up! Fucker!!!

I'm off to Costco now and I might call into the Asda next door. This will be quite good therapy as it will serve as a reminder as to how bad a supermarket and its clientele (sp?) can really be.

Anonymous said...

Sounds a bit like Wal-Mart here in the states. Prices are good enough to lure you in, but the clientele is scary. Clem, with his one tooth, in overalls and workboots, shouting "Hey, Ella Mae! Corn nuts is half price this week!"


Anonymous said...

There are certain stores here that I will not go in during certain times of the month because of the clientele. I call them, collectively, The Tribe. Although, if I do want some fun and am feeling in a mean sort of mood, then I do go. It's always a wicked hot time hanging out with The Tribe in the check-out line at the grocery store. Vastly entertaining. If you're in the right mood.

Anonymous said...

Those "people" (and I use the term loosely) are NFN - Normal for Norfolk. In fact, Dereham and the outlying area, is rife with such creatures. You did well to get out of there without being drooled on.

Obviously, not all of us are NFN. Luckily, my mum's side of the family isn't from around here - phew!

Tesco is shit. Long live Sainsbury's.

P.S. I'm going to chuck my toaster away. I hadn't realised just how pointless it is. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Tesco are shit.

My local store has one third of the aisles devoted to clothes, TV's, toasters etc.

If you actually consider the variety of food on sale, Morrisons piss all over 'em.

I hate to praise tight northern bastards, but at least their beef is edible.

Anonymous said...

Morrison's is OK and I love Sainsbury's. I went to Waitrose in Wymondham (Norfolk) the day after the Boxing Day bank holiday holiday and that was like something out of 1980s Poland. The cheapest bottle of fizzy water they had was 55p compared with 20p at Tesco. Robbing John Lewis cunts.

I did venture to Asda (part of the Walmart group) this afternoon. Jesus, I had a mental list of what I needed, but failed miserably because I just had to get out of there. In that store, they have pillars (supporting the mezzanine level) in the middle of the aisles, but slightly off-centre so you can only get round one side with a trolley. Spazzes.

Anonymous said...

Tesco is a dream compared to Walmart! Bronwen is right on there. Mouthbreathers invading your space CONSTANTLY!!

S.I.D., is whipping the cream a euphemism?

Anonymous said...

I do love the Tesco rants.

I find it strange that the supermarket is closed on a Bank holiday. Ours are open regardless...even until noon on Christmas. Heartless of us to make the poor supermarket employees work on those holidays, but convenient when an ingredient has been forgotten.

Anonymous said...

Tesco are poo (Sell pure poison) ASDA smell (Sell Pure Crap)
Morrisons Ok(Fish is good)Sainsburys good (Have organic Trout????!) Co-op loverlee, remind me of my childhood and Fairtrade is superb! Love the Co-op it's ace!