Sunday 29 January 2006


It's approaching 9pm on Sunday.

How many of you are already groaning about the thought of going to work tomorrow?

Kitty opium den
I love catnip. I could spend hours watching the cats as they fight each other over a new catnip teabag. Max here only managed sloppy seconds after his sister had had first shot of the fresh bag of delights, but he enjoyed himself all the same.


Kitty frenzy


The instructions say that you can make a tea out of these bags for your cats to enjoy. I tried this once: ended up with a very wet floor after Max rolled in the bowl of the stuff.

After an afternoon of scanning old photos - the tip of the iceberg as far as my collection goes - all I can say is, thank fuck for digital cameras. I think I'd happily pay somebody to come in and scan all my old photos for me, it's such a tedious task. Saying that though, it's also very nice to be reminded of some good times. Like this for example:

Tina & David Bioconomy Dec 1990

This was taken at the 3rd Year's Christmas Review and Party in December 1990. We had to write and perform comedy sketches so that the postgrads, postdocs and academics could take the piss out of us. David was making me laugh so much that I think I actually wet myself a little bit while I was doing this. Yes, those are my real specs. Bastards.


Anonymous said...

The lippy is terrifying! And the glasses, well, you'd just survived the 80s. I suppose some compassion is in order.

Maybe not - holy specs, Batman, those are huge!

Anonymous said...

You know, I had those specs for another four years before I got some others. Then again, anybody of my age who wears them has had a pair of specs like that sometime in their life.

Anonymous said...

OH yes, I had specs like that - I even had a little 'star' sticker in the corner of one lens; all the fashion, you know. I tried finding something like that a few years ago and everybody I spoke to in the industry thought I was out of my mind.

My optician is starting to carry the LARGE frames again (oh no, they're back!) and I tried on a pair the other day. I asked for opinions, and the overwhelming one was "hideous". Why the fuck are they offering them for sale then???

I'm going upstairs and throwing catnip at Taz now. He's been without long enough.

Anonymous said...

Those glass frames were ALL the rage. I do not judge, and only wish we could see if you were wearing parachute pants.

Love drugging the kitties.

Anonymous said...

Your cats have obviously too much time on their paws.

Bet they walk back and forward like the polar bears in Belfast zoo.In fact any zoo?

Train them to fight Rottweilers

Anonymous said...

Oh and I love the Aunt Sally look.

Anonymous said...

You're brave, no way are my college pics coming out.

Good bit of cat action there, that's what we like to see.

Anonymous said...

Such cute kitty cats! Wish we were allowed to keep pets in our apartment building.