Cutting out the crap from my diet has made me realise that crap must be good for you. Without it, you feel completely wrecked. Tempted to succumb to sausage barm (with brown sauce) for my brekkie, I resisted and managed to hold out until cup-a-soup time. In the intervening period, I couldn't get the thought of chicken and mushroom Pot Noodle out of my head.
The women here are obsessed with their weight and there are a set of bathroom scales in the kitchen for them to check themselves on a weekly basis. Odd then, that in all the time such weight watching has been going on here (about 3 years), none of them seem to have altered in any way. I made the mistake of availing myself of this facility. FU-KING-HELL! I didn't really need to since too-tight clothes are generally a good indicator that you're a fat fucker.
After a couple of hours of gradual loss of brain-stem activity, I thought it'd be a laugh to check my weight again: a gain of 2lbs. How? How can this be when I'd had precisely one cup of coffee, a couple of high-volume wees and a satisfying poo?
What does this mean?
Trust no one. We're all victims of some conspiracy or other that taps into a person's insecurity du jour and plays on it.
Either that or the scales aren't particularly good and I'm better off relying on how comfortable my clothes are.
Fuck, I'm shagged. Not literally, obviously - this is me afterall. It's that sort of weird pre-cold/flu feeling and my brain (or my brain being manipulated by The Mysterious "They") is telling me that a Gregg's pasty and a packet of crisps is what's required to bring me back from the brink of death.
Jesus, Cynthia is whispering to herself ten to the dozen. She does it all the time: you can watch out the office window and observe her approach to work in the morning, rabbiting on to herself about goodness only know what. She's over-conscientious, taking it upon herself to try and solve the problems of the world rather than just doing enough to get the job done, or perhaps going that little extra. She's great, a wonderful, fantastic oddball, but an oddball all the same. I heard her on my approach to the kitchen as I hurried to prepare my coup-de-soup earlier. As I stirred in the hot water and watched in amazement as my hot, delicious soup appeared before my eyes, she said something to me and I swear it was in Russian. She's fluent you see, after living there for a number of years. I think she was testing me to see if I'd respond, perhaps checking to see if I was a sleeper who'd been planted in the UK at the height of the Cold War. Alas, this is not the case, I'm just an average, boring Brit.
I wonder what my desk tastes like. There must be a couple of calories' worth of accumulated food stuff that I've spilt on here over the years. I shall give it some tongue action and dream of Snappy Tomato Pizza.
*massively loud fanfare*
Yay! I'm first!
1. I love Pot Noodles, even though they contain no noodles, or pot. My faves are 'Bombay Bad Boy' or 'Sweet and Sour'. That nasty chicken and mushroom one is exactly that - nasty.
2. Scales in the kitchen don't work. Partly because they are bathroom scales. Meant for the bathroom and not the kitchen. The steam from the kettle affects the delicate and intricate weighing mechanism.
3. Gyms are a waste of time. Unless you were healthy to start with. I know this fact and I'm sticking to it.
4. Diets or gyms will have no influence on your arse mass. Whoever led you to believe such a thing was fooling you.
5. Diets are for blondes and the obese, none of which you are. Unless your camera lies.
6. I enjoyed typing this comment.
7. Don't listen to any of the other comments below me, they're all talking shit.
8. And they're cunts.
You're right about the gym, it just makes my waist a bit skinnier and any weightloss from my face makes my nose look massive. My arse always stays the same size.
Posh noodles eh? I'm more of a traditionalist.
I liked points 7 & 8, thank you.
p&t, are you calling tina a cunt and her comment shit? her comment is below yours, after all.
tina, give it a few weeks before you give up. it takes time for your body to adjust. and remember to fill in with appropriate nutrition, don't just go cold turkey. cold turkey doesn't taste very good anyway.
Yes they are, but I'd accept nothing else from them.
When I first started doing gym things, I noticed a change after about 6 weeks, but lied and told people that I was the same weight and size.
All I'm doing is cutting out chocolate (not completely), crisps, huge bread rolls with my soup, sausage barms, mince pies, Christmas cake, did I mention chocolate (although not completely). I'm making sure that I have lots of lovely fruit, although it's not nearly as filling or satisfying as pie, chips and gravy.
tut tut, cutting out the sausage and passing on the nuts.
typical librarian diet.
You're such a cheeky one!
I hate the dieting. Hate it -- it leaves one so...listless.
More and more, I find tales of your office horrifying. Why, WHY must there be a scale at work? Can't people be horrified in their own homes?
Cutting out chocolate?
Oh my gawd, whoever heard of such dangerous nonsense!
You'll die, for fucks sake. The human body NEEDS it.
Jesus, I'm not stopping eating chocolate. I'm just cutting down from a whole chocolate orange and tin of Miniature Heros each day.
I'm just looking forward to my next cholestrol reading mid Feb.
I expect a perfect 10
Perfect 10 eh? That'll be good.
I'm having yet another orange. It must be time for a chocolate orange segment.
Thought Terry's had stopped making those?
Can you get them with pith?
Nope, Terry's still make em. I love them for the centre section that holds all the segments together. Yummeeee! Segsations are quite nice too. And Heroes.
I'm glad to see you're having some chocolate now. You really scared me with that licking-the-desk comment. Yeesh.
I hate giving things up. All my life, society has sent the message "Don't be a quitter." I don't want to let society down by quitting my chocolate habit.
Bronwen, I'm allowed a treat for goodness sake. I'm just taking chocolate out of my staple food categories.
Maybe I'm a c**t (I can't bring myself to say it nevermind type/write it) who's talking shit but I love the name Cynthia. I think more people should be called Cynthia. Or Cynfia if they're a bit common...
That's all. No comment about diets because they're shit - I eat whatever the Hell I like, which isn't much because I'm so fussy. Can't abide slimy food. Egg, blancmange, tomato, mushrooms, pasta... the list is endless.
It's one of those words that you can either get used to or be repulsed by. I'm sure I'd like to be addressed as a cunt by somebody spouting hatred and venom, but I just see the comedy value in it most of the time. It's just a word, four little letters.
Anyway, you'd absolutely ADORE Cynthia in real life. If only i could bottle her up and send her to you. Perhaps little parcels of body parts through the post...
Do you only eat things like twigs then? Or dry crackers adn the like?
Yum - I love twigs. And I did once break the world record for eating dry cream crackers in two minutes. It was a couple of years ago after they did it on Big Brother (not that I watch it of course, I just heard about it), I ate loads more than the record but tragically, Norris McWhirter wasn't around to verify it.
P.S. Looking forward to my first Cynthia package. Will it be like those ads for crappy "Collect a new part each week. First issue only 99p (every subsequent issue £499.99)"?
Yes the word cunt is strange.
My eldest girl is doing Chaucers Wife of Bath for A Levels, she tells me its full of cunts.
Olde English version "queynte"
Prefer cunt though
It's those bloody Victorians who made all sorts of words "unacceptable". Prudish wankers.
ID: there's no way I'd charge for bits of Cynth, I'd pay for somebody to take her away!
I love dry crackers.
Too right Tina...Bloody Victorians....who'd have them as ancestors??
Bet Cynthia was a Victorian name.
My mum's a bit of a Victorian, she almost faints when I say cunt. I call her Chastity Pariah at times.
Cynthia, I don't know where our Cynthia came from, but she's one of a kind.
Must go over to P&T to call them a couple of queyntes.
Simple pleasures
I once and once only heard my mum say "fuck" in her Yorrshire accent.
The accent shocked me terrible.
They won't understand, they'll think you're coming on to them.
My mum's never said fuck, or cunt for that matter. She's told me to piss off on a number of occasions though.
Which one would you choose?
Between Piggy and tazzy or between my mum calling me a fucker or a cunt?
Between the fucker and the cunt,sorry Piggy and Tazzy.
I couldn't and wouldn't choose between them, they're both very charming fucking cunts.
Queyntes, very funny and fucking queyntes
Yes, and very funny.
I might scour my entire blog and do a global replace of cunt with queyntes.
The first person to use the C word at Cakesniffers? Good old Herge, back in May or June I think. I'd avoided using it because I know that certain people can find it offensive - consider this a type of immersion therapy (is the the right terminology?). Anyway, Herge just came out with a "You never use cunt, is this the first time somebody has used cunt on your blog?" It was, and it's been downhill since.
Actually, queynte I can deal with. Hooray! I'm not a prude! I can feel a "word of the day" coming on...
It's already been 'word of the day' at out place numerous times.
Stupid cunt.
OK, from now on in, all cunts are banned* from Cakesniffers and must be replaced with the exact same word, just spelt differently: queynte
*Not really banned, but the old English spelling should be used if you can remember to, you potty-mouthed fucking cunts.
How about 'cunny'. That was popular in ye olden days.
Sounds much friendlier than cunt.
It also rhymes with 'bunny'.
It also rhymes with runny.
Did you think of that garfer? Eh? eh?
What, a bunny with a runny cunny?
You have an interesting way with words sid.
Runny cunny bunny curry.
I'll have an extra large portion, please.
Be a good fellow and pass it to SID will you? He's bored of potatoes.
*gasp* P&T called me fucking cunt! *even-more-gasping* I just said cunt! *all air gets sucked out of room* I said it again! Right, I'm off to theirs to say queynte...
Actually, they called me "stupid" not "fucking".
They appear to be right...
Or dyslexic. When means the same thing, doesn't it?
Stoopid queynte :)
And what is it with all those queynte's that use Blogger and don't allow 'others' to comment?
Can we please get back to the main topic, you runny bunny queyntes? A set of bathroom scales IN THE OFFICE. If I was around, I'd crush the toes of the moron who brought that in. Yep, 200 pound me in my 200 pound wheelchair (just how many stones is that? enough for a wall?) would pin them in a corner and run into them over and over until I'd knocked their fat cells right on the floor. Then I'd make them hike the stairs forever. Fuckers.
Morgan, I'm sure that you have probably realised that these people are completely mad, obsessed with a multitude of insignificant things that only they see as being vitally important to the spinning of the earth. They probably wouldn't notice even if you did run them over.
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