Friday 27 January 2006

Soft shoe shuffle

I really hate it when people don't pick their feet up when they walk. Instead, they slop and shuffle about, dragging their stupid feet along the floor.

Lazy twats.

Of course, there may be a cultural aspect to this as I've noticed that a fairly high proportion of oriental-looking students walk in this way, arms folded across their chests or linked through those of their companions. These are the ones that have those really miserable expressions on their faces (as opposed to the oriental folk who always have really smiley expressions). They always dress very fashionably though, well, I wouldn't call it fashion, but I guess it's very "in" if you're of that age.

There's a thing that (usually straight) couples do when they walk along, holding each other. This is quite entertaining when there's a considerable size mismatch as the woman's height (lack of it) means that she drags the man down to her. They stumble along looking as if one is holding the other up, or perhaps rugby tackling them. A very odd way of showing one's affection I think; giving your loved one chronic back and hip problems. Just hold their hand, they won't think any less of you. Unless of course, the bloke is actually holding the woman up because he's slipped her a rohypnol and she can't stand up on her own... blimey.

Luckily I never find myself in the position where anybody wants to be seen anywhere near me as I plod and list along the pavement and my weird Jemima Puddleduck way of one-sided waddling. I'm sure there's a difference in the length of my legs that means that I have to concentrate really hard or I end up walking in a circle. I therefore never have to suffer the uncomfortable situation of somebody leaning on me. It'd end up looking like a gay three-legged race.

Somebody once slipped their hand into my coat pocket and took my hand in theirs. It was lovely and I don't think they noticed the collection of used paper tissues in there. That sounds like I've only ever held hands with somebody on one occasion, but you know what I mean. I still do that non-gender-specific way of talking about people, errrm WOMEN. Weird that.

Ho hum.

IT Nazi bastards in spying scandal
Word has it that all our managers are receiving lists of all the websites we visit while at work, and the time spent at each site. If that's the case, I'd like to give a big warm welcome to Sarah and assure her that I only check my Yahoo account every 15 minutes to pick up the NHSnet e-mails that get forwarded home and that I only check into my fave blogs first thing in the morning while Outlook wakes up and while I'm on my dinner break.

Oh and this is my blog yes, please don't laugh at me too much. Thanks.

A pressie from Connie
The NHS is BRILLIANT! All that free at the point of use healthcare and they give you controlled drugs even when you don't need them. Mum was given a load of codeine phosphate after her op. She told the nurse she couldn't have them because they upset her tummy, so instead of taking them back, the nurse gave her some paras as well!

28 days later

You see, it's not only that April who's handy with a scanner!

So, it seems that my weekend is sorted (yeh!), so I'll be back here, chirpy as ever, once I've had my stomach pumped.

An edit. To the person on aol who came to Cakesniffers after doing an MSN search for "dogging in Swinton": You dirty little bastard! But I suggest you try Clifton or Worsley woods...


Anonymous said...

I occasionally shuffle when I'm wearing sandals and the shoes are inclined to fly off my feet if I lift my heel too much.

Perhaps this is the issue with the Asian students

Anonymous said...

Of course! Backless shoes! You could have a point there. I can't walk in flip-flops without shuffling because they fall off, don't they? And Japanese, Chinese, Korean (etc) youngsters often wear little sandals. Either little sandals or those big fuck off shoes with HUGE soles.

Still, either way, it REALLY pisses me off, so if you feel yourself doing it, STOP!

Anonymous said...

I worry about you and the codeine. Do what you need to, though.

I'm a shuffler because most of my shoes are backless. It stems from the days of Miss Peanut's infancy when we had to remove our shoes to enter her classroom. I got tired of unlacing & retying twice a day every day, so I switched to mules. Much more comfortable, too. When I wear sneakers, I don't shuffle.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps I could make a point here and state that, for everyone's sake and to save embarrassment, should I ever get to meet any of you, make sure you're wearing proper shoes.

Fuck's sake, slack bastards.

I do joke about the codeine, well sort of. I sometimes have one or two of the weekend for a laugh. I suppose this is bad enough.

Anonymous said...

Shufflers drive me bonkers!

Yikes! They had to fit Connie with a pace maker?!? That's major! Hopefully it will keep the beat!

Don't you just LOVE the computer Nazis at work. Every stroke you enter into your computer & every phone call you make, they have recorded somewhere.

Geeze, you would think that they'd have better things to do with their time, like keep the network going...

Anonymous said...

Well yes. It's just a shame there's no way of documenting or auditing how many hours people waste by just sitting round and talking shit all fucking day. Then again, I'm sometimes guilty of doing that too when I'm fed up...

Yes, Connie has a pacemaker and she doesn't like the way it makes her heartbeat increase when she stands up and moves around. Tsk. She's actually quite sore at the moment, so I'm hoping things start to ease off for her quite soon.

Anonymous said...

I hope so too. She a diabetic too, right? It might take a little longer than normal, since diabetics heal slower.

So, are you almost set for the plane ride to Vancouver? Wish i was going with. It sounds like a fun trip!

Anonymous said...

Fucking plane ride to Vancouver. Don't remind me that I have to get on a bastard plane to get over there. It'll be Ok, I'll be fine. I'll get some valium from the vet, errm, doctor, and I'll be oK.

Flying... don't like it.

I think Mother's wound is at the "knitting" stage so she's getting a bit more pain around the scar. Either that or it's infected. We should be able to tell either way within a day or so.

Anonymous said...

Oh you will have to get me a pair of seal skin moccasins on your hols.

A pair for clubbed feet?

Yay for a codeine night in!

Anonymous said...

How many, one or two? They're 30mg each.

There's nothing on the telly. I might watch a bit of Victoria Wood on vid (VHS of all things!)

Anonymous said...

I hate shufflers, too. My own stepdaughter, at 19, still tries this around me, and I just want to knock her on her fucking arse. It's disgusting.

Anonymous said...

I shuffle when its icy but that's about it.

what kind of scanner are you using?

Anonymous said...

Everyone shuffles on ice, it's because of the latent penguin gene.

Scanner... It's a cheapo one from that fantastic store, Aldi. They sell a load of consumer electronics made by a company called Medion/Tevion and this is a Tevion scanner. It has up to 4800dpi resolution and comes with a negative/postive film cassette too. All for the princely sum of £50 (about $6000CDN - or a few bear skins).

Anonymous said...

I don't necessarily hate *shufflers* but I *DO* detest the sound of shuffling feet.

For those who insist on backless shoes, for fuckssake wear these instead of crappy "sandals".


Anonymous said...

oh, maybe 1 bear skin. thanks. I have to get a new scanner. My old one doesn't work with XP

Anonymous said...

Wake the fuck up, ya lazy! "Shifty Clicker"? Whaaa??? WOMAN!

Anonymous said...

Beg pard? Is there a problem?

Anonymous said...

So let's get this straight, T.
Are you saying you're a skirt-lifter????

That's disgusting.


*shuffles off*

Anonymous said...

Grilled breast of chicken and a tomato salad.

Skirt lifter? Charming. You going to come up here and gay bash me? Go on, you want to fight with me, don't you? You want to knock seven shades of shit out of me.

Anonymous said...

Oh, go to bed for fuck's sake. Shifty Clicker? I dunno, it doesn't have the same "mouth feel" that Shift.Click does. Whaddya think? What'd ye have for dinner, anyways?

Anonymous said...

These are the best things ever.

I want some.

Anonymous said...


She's got a knife!

Anonymous said...

£25 is a small price to pay for such wonderful footware.

Go on, I want to fight a Welsh and I want to do it now.

Anonymous said...

You wouldn't stand a chance. We have huge handbags in Wales...

Anonymous said...

We have HUGE eye bags in Manchester. Well, I do.

Go on, I want a scrap with somebody.

Anonymous said...

I want to scrap with Aas, because those shoes were fucking ugly!

Anonymous said...

Alrighty then, I'm standing back.




Anonymous said...

Sniff... you can bring the extra codeine over here... we'll have an excellent visit.

Anonymous said...

Codeine will make you shuffle. Makes me ding walls.

I have a friend in Boston who says DWA (Driving While Asian) every time she gets behind a dumbfuck driver. She's usually correct.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, there's a bit of a difference in language here I think. When we say "Asian" over here, we're referring to people from the Indian subcontinent, not Oriental folk.

Anonymous said...

I've noticed recently that I only shuffle (and only with one foot and only once) when walking past someone when no one else is around.

Why? I don't understand...

Anonymous said...

I used to walk with my feet pointed inwards at primary school. The other kids called me pigeon. Cunts. None of the little mongs passed their eleven plus I can tell you.

My ma bought me some Start-Rite shoes and the problem was solved.

I know a girl who wears those ridiculous flared jeans. You can't see her shoes, and the things are so wide you can't see her legs moving. She looks like she's floating along. Most unsettling to observe.

Anonymous said...

bronwen, bring it on....

but just to let you know, i don't wear those myself. some co-worker just pointed to them for some reason.

they seem eminently *practical* at least.


Anonymous said...

Again, you guys are making me laugh all the way over--------> Here! :-D

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

What other drugs will affect Evista? � Do not take ketoconazole (Nizoral) or itraconazole (Sporanox) during treatment with Evista without first talking to your doctor.

Anonymous said...

I was surfing and found you. Ever wonder about who came up with the term "surfing"? The wave of the Internet. Back to looking for purses and stuff. Have a good one.

Anonymous said...

Why must young people always use the F word in their Bio. Free speech and all that I know. I used to be that way when I was young too. Now I am middle aged and have teenagers that insist on using the F word. Now I find it disgusting.

Anonymous said...

The three SE's that really can dish up a way wide variety of search results are not working well lately. Your site came up while looking for lv handbags sites. I actually liked your blog, but I am having the most terrible time finding anything exact. You know the old story. Anyway, gotta run.

Anonymous said...

Hi, I'm taking a sports related degree at university and doing a study on various topics around Hiking such as 'hiking partner'. I need walkers from around the world to participate in the study. I use this (hiking partner) site to find potential contributors, do you know of any other ways I could get input.