Monday 16 January 2006

"I really don't think "cock" is polite"

Coloquialisms are great. All over the UK, you can go from place to place and, despite people supposedly speaking the same language, it's often quite difficult to understand what people are saying to you. Particulalry difficult are the Jocks and the Yorkshires, oh and not forgetting the Newcastles.

After being taught some Hul'qumi'num by everybody's favourite squaw, I thought it only fair that I reciprocate - in the name of intercontinental cultural exchanges and such. She got my best "Salford":

  • You're dead right, love!
  • Y'righ' thenorwha'?
  • Y'arigh' cock?
"Cock?" she spluttered over messenger, "I really don't think "cock" is polite"

Anyway, some questions answered:

Connie said...

Are you going to come see us too?!?!?!

Jenn and I will take VERY good care of you... take care of your every need.

It's only a cheap 1 hour flight from Vancouver to the most wonderous place in Canada... The Okanagan!

Certainly hope to, Connie. We've got time to have a look at the itinerary and I'll hopefully get to get over and see the pair of you.

funny thing said...
So give us the itinerary then, T. I've got questions. Don't know yet. Land in Vancouver on 30th of June, take off for Manchester on 14th July

Are you: spending two weeks with PO or just popping in? Spending the time with April and her tribe (poor bastards)

Are you: Planning to move there (hurray!) (oops) I've only ever heard wonderful things about Canada and, looking at it, it's certainly the type of place where I'd be happy

Have you: ever done a whole holiday on your own? No, I've never really done a holiday

Have you: ever survived a plane crash before? No

Anyway, if things go well, there's a chance that there'll be blog news involving pizzas, Cakesniffers and YorkshireJockmen. Unfortunately however, my blogging activity may be curbed a little this week because Connie (awww) - no, not Connie, CONNIE - is in hospital: rushed in with a pulse of 25 and hardly any blood pressure.

Gotta go! Back to do my Sniffy Nightingale at mother's bedside.


Anonymous said...

I never get mentioned anymore...

Anonymous said...

CONNIE'S (AW) in the hospital? What's up with that, then?

Anonymous said...

Awww. I mentioned you over at April's place the other day, Herge.

Anyway, Connie's going to take care of your every need? Did she say 'every'? We think she might be retracting that statement some time soon if she's sane.

And why does the image of Sniffy as Florence Nightingale conjur itself up in my head as

'It's a cold dark night in 1837.

Conditions on the Victorian Emergency Ward 10 continue to deteriorate. The atmosphere is one of impending doom.

Infection is rife, leaping from bed to bed like flies discovering latest and freshest shit as Sniffy Nightingale, guided by her flickering candle, trots into the ward.

The undertaker, head bowed, hand over his nose, follows slowly behind anticipating his grim task ahead'?

Anonymous said...

A couple of weeks isn't really long enough. BC is enormous.

I spent a month there, and still only scratched the surface.

If you can wangle another week off work go for it.

Anonymous said...

Yes, just looking at a few of the things that April has sent me, and other stuff about BC on the internet, it's made me realise that a fortnight will only be a taster. I might phone in work dead and just stay there. Let's face it, who the fuck is going to know or care if there's a reclusive English woman living wild in the woods? Do you really think they're going to come looking for me?

I tell you what, that Herge is still by far the most creative and wonderful blogger the world has ever had the pleasure and privilege to encounter. We are truly blessed whenever he shares his talents with us. I wonder if he likes pizza?

Anonymous said...

When you said you were going back in time,don't you think BC is a bit too far?

Hope Mama Mia is ok

Anonymous said...

Give mum a hug for me, or at least a squeeze on the hand, not too hard mind you. Sending lots of love to you and your family. m.

Anonymous said...

Hope all turns out well with your mum.

Anonymous said...

Herge you're still tops.

How's Connie doing?