Saturday 14 January 2006

It wants washing then

Unusually for me, I commented to somebody the other day that their hair looked different. She then told me "Oh, I've not done anything different with it. I washed it last week and then it got wet yesterday and dried like this".

Eh? You washed it LAST WEEK? This isn't some blue-rinsed old lass who goes to the hairdressers once a fortnight for a wash and set, it's a forty year old woman. She's not a skanky mare by any stretch of the imagination either, so I think that's why it took me by surprise.

Last week?

I have to wash mine every day, not because it gets particularly scummy, but because it needs "styling" and I obviously need to wash the crap out of it that's been there from the previous day.

I remember when I was a teenager, none of my class mates ever washed their hair more frequently than once or twice a week. If the entire lot of us washed our respective barnets on a Sunday, the RSPCA would be washing marine wildlife with Fairy Liquid come Monday afternoon.

But how often should we really wash our hair? If you have a shower every day, it's just part of the process. It's actually quite therapeutic, a nice head message in the morning, all that warm foaminess cascading all over... Eh, Piggy? I have a routine: wash and rinse hair (twice); wash face; apply conditioner; wash pasty white body; rinse hair; rinse body; rinse foam from bath, etc, etc.

On the other hand, there are those manky bastards who do that "If you leave it for about six weeks, it goes through a really manky stage then it's just as if it's washed every day" thing. Yeah right. I bet it stinks of shit.

League of Gentlemen
I went round to a friend's house last night and we enjoyed watching the League of Gentlemen's Apocalypse. We ran through the extras on the DVD and it struck me how lucky this group of four blokes, who have been friends for years, are. It must be wonderful to have the talent and the opportunity to be in a position to work with your friends, making a living out of making each other laugh.



Anonymous said...

Yay! Etc...

You went OUT? Did I read that right? Fucking hell, so you're not as agoraphobic as we'd assumed!

We wash our hair (what little there is of it) every day, if we remember. A bit like having a shower.

We think you should get a skinhead of your own. Much more managable. And we think you'd look quite sexy with one too. Well, let's face it - it surely can't look any worse. Can it?


Anonymous said...

Shanky bitch - did you say that? Did you tell her she was a skanky bitch?

You should have.

Remember when you were at Uni and there was always some cunt who reckoned they were gonna let the natural oils or whatever return to their hair and so you just hand to put up with it smelling like shite for weeks on end.

That someone was me.

I wash my hair everyday. Can't even start to function if I don't have a shower in the morning.

My main fears are a lack of toilets/ toilet paper/ no access to B.O. bash and no daily HOT shower. I'd have hated to live in the past knowing I couldn't get any of these - or in LOST.

Anonymous said...

You just have to look at Bob Geldof to know what a low hair maintenance hair regime results in.

Natural oils my arse. He looks like a skankier version of Worsel Gummidge.

Anonymous said...

Do you think April has facilities for proper daily ablutions? She might be one of those that rolls around in the dust or something weird like that.

Anonymous said...

Oh and yes, "out". It almost fucking killed me, but all I had to do was make it from the car to her front door and then back again, so it wasn't too bad.

Anonymous said...

I too am an every day washer by necessity, however, I was rather shocked to learn that most black women can only wash their hair once a week or less due to the texture and whatnot....and since me and the husband want to adopt a couple of kids from poor countries, this is making somewhere in Africa look even more attractive than ever.

Anonymous said...

A couple of my colleagues are black West Indian women and I always want to ask them how often they wash their hair and stuff, but I daren't in case it comes over the wrong way.

Anonymous said...

Stupid bastards. The League of Gentlemen, that is. Not because they're such good friends that they work, play and shit together but because they've brought out a DVD that. Won't. Play. ON. MY. MACHINE!



Anonymous said...

Excuse me. Well, excuse the host. He does like his profanities. I've just posted an explanation... Sorry.

Anonymous said...

Your post is quite poignant or should I say pongnant.

I have just managed to fix our electric shower as the bastard has been broke for the past 2 weeks.

Lets hope the oldest isnt fried during her club preparations tonight.
DIY fuck up see?

Anonymous said...

So you've had to have baths then? Gosh, how very old fashioned.

ID: all bad language is excused here. Consider this blog to be a sanctuary for people to let it all go, be free of their constraints.

Anonymous said...

Oh good. Because I've just about given up with him.

Fucking crap-mouth.

Anonymous said...

I guess you won't be doing the dreds thing, then, aye? Bloody hell. I want my husband to shave his head, just once. He won't though, says he has too many moles on 'is head. I've never seen them peering out at me so they must be well-behaved, ye think?

Anonymous said...

Funky dreds - quite literally.

Anonymous said...

I wash my hair every other day. It's quite dry from the constant dyeing to cover the gray. I've been going gray since I was 12. Once I turned 18, I started dyeing my hair because it was really noticeable.

It's time to dye it again, as the WCM called me skunk-woman again today. He was referring to the stripe, not the pong from going without a shower for a day.

Anonymous said...

I'm an everyday washer too. It just about killed me when I had the C-section and I wasn't allowed to shower for 2 days. Blasted hospitals & their rules!

Anonymous said...

well here's a tough personal grooming question. I have such dry skin/hair that I only have to wash the hair every 3 or 4 days. It doesn't look bad or smell..honest. My two closest girl friends would never go more than 24 hours without washing the hair though, that seems to be more the norm. However, I can't stand to go a day without a bath, even if the hair washing is on a lower frequency! Thank god we don't live in a time when bathing was frowned upon. Maybe you had a bath once a month...can you imagine how stinky people were? Mind boggling.

Anonymous said...

I feel sick.

Anonymous said...

Awww, poor pigster. In today's high-class "Sunday Mirror", there's some advice column or other to which a woman has written to ask what the best things to use are for "internal washing". The response was to "Leave it alone, you skanky mare".

Anonymous said...

Funnily enough Sniff, when our pipes aren't frozen I wash my hair daily too. I'm like Herge... I don't go out unless I groom myself daily and wouldn't think of leaving the house without a daily cleanse.

I don't get those people who don't bathe daily. My friend just informed me she bathes every couple of days whether she needs to or not.

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