Monday 23 January 2006

In the kitchen

Hello and welcome to my new show: Tina's kitchen

Each week, I'll be impressing you all with my culinary skills and offering you some top tips to make life easier in your kitchen.

People who know me will vouch that I'm exceedingly easy to please when it comes to being served up a sumptuous feast - so long as I'm served up a sumptuous feast and not some shitting pigswill that other mongs might find acceptable. There's nothing like well-prepared food that's made from decent ingredients and I find that, armed with good basic equipment, a bit of common sense and lashings of good taste, anybody can cook.

The basics
To start off with, you need to get the right basic equipment:
  • Chef's knife (6" blade), paring knife
  • Knife sharpener (no point having knives unless you keep them sharp and scary)
  • Chopping boards
  • Stirring implements (spatulas, spoons and the like)
  • Colander
  • Sieve
  • Set of kitchen scales (perhaps)
  • Set of pans (medium & large sauce pans, frying pan, that kind of affair)
Obviously, it's not rocket science - it's not fucking rocket science, it's cooking for fuck's sake - but you're supposed to be equipping your kitchen with things that are supposed to make your life easier. That's right, you're trying to make your life easier, so why then do complete and utter fuckwits buy this shit:

Le creuset_3

That's right, this is France's finest "Le Creuset" cast iron, enamelled cookware. What a pile of crap.

When I first started university, I was packed off to Leeds with some cheapo crap pans. They were ace, they lasted me all my time there and that was all that was required. Imagine my horror when some posh bird from Northern Ireland rolled up with a full set of Le Creuset pans and casseroles (in orange, of course).

"What the fuck are they?" I asked her as the cupboards started to sag under the collective weight of a casserole, milk pan and a couple of saucepans.

"Oh they're the best you can get you know."

"Oh right, they look a little bit heavy... and doesn't stuff stick to them?"

"Oh I don't know, I can't really cook that well, but I'll get used to them."

"Oh, and the name's Tina, by the way."

Fuck me. This was the lass who always prepared parsley sauce with fish fingers and proceeded to eat them using a fish knife. A fish knife.

This was the lass who did biochemistry with me, who used to sneak into my room to take my finished lab reports so she could copy them because she wouldn't have written hers up in time because she'd have been out clubbing or shagging. "Audrey, I'm not seeing [enter current shag's name] this evening, shall we get some ALCOHOL?" Bitch. We called her "Mort" (for Morticia) because of the black rings around her eyes from all the late nights. She only got a 2ii. HA!

Anyway, I never used them, but watched in awe as she managed to carry a fully-laden saucepan of cooked pasta (and cooking water) to the collander in the sink. "Heeeeeeeave!!"

And it was always pasta in mushroom and creamy sauce, which is like "pasta 'n' snot" as far as I'm concerned, but I'd watch on as they perfected their roux and then mix it in with bogeyfied mushrooms to produce something that looked like a slug mating fest.

Christ. Why do they do it? I pondered, as I tucked into whichever pasta dish I'd be having that evening (always a tomato-based sauce for me - ALWAYS!).

And then there was Jo "I've only had a Twix all day". She was the thinnest person on the planet, but she used to work as a surveyor to fund her studies. She'd come in from work, having only had a Twix all day, and start preparing a casserole (in Le Creuset) and drop scones (on a Le Creuset hot plate thing). Baking! Baking is not compatible with being starving hungry. Eating something cold out of the tin is compatible with being starving hungry. Or those 2 minute noodles - they're ace when you're hungry. Casseroles. Jesus.

Jo didn't like the smell of garlic: "It smells of body odour". This was a student house. Garlic is the prevailing smell of a student house. All student houses smell of garlic because students have to cook with overpowering amounts of the stuff because they don't know about other flavours. Added to this is the pan of four day old chilli con carne on the stove and an overflowing kitchen bin. Student house = GARLIC.

Jo was lovely though: very polite and very hard working. But she didn't like garlic. She did however progress to onions in the time that I knew her, which is just as well for the number of casseroles she made.

Back to Tina's kitchen. After years of watching in wonder at people using Le Creuset pans, I found myself having to use them myself when I was house-sitting in Grimsby in the summer of 1991. Fuck me, they're hard work. I was on the verge of knocking up a block and tackle to lift the fuckers before I got a man to pick them up for me.

Le creuset_4

This particular type, the one-handled saucepan, is an absolute no-no with my weak and pathetic wrists. There is no way I can even contemplate picking one of those fuckers up without breaking into a sweat and getting a panic attack at the prospect of the impending full thickness burns from when my arms give way and I get covered in scalding liquid.

Word has it that Le Creuset have signed up to be sponsor of next year's World's Strongest Man competition. The final event involves contestants holding an 18" single-handled saucepan filled with boiling water at arms length for as long as possible. Should be a short finale then.

Fucking useless French crap.

Completely unrelated, but perhaps a bit of good news.


Anonymous said...

Something is really wrong if I get to be first!

I look forward to the exotic recipes soon to appear here. Holly and I have grown tired of pizza and Chinese take-out. Neither of us can cook much beyond an occassional chicken and rice hotdish. Tantalize our tastebuds, Tina.

Anonymous said...

The boys are overjoyed.

Anonymous said...

I just got Partner a Le Creuset soup pot for her birthday. I think it handily combines fine cuisine with a workout.

It's very easy to clean, btw.

Anonymous said...

When the WCM & I got married nearly 16 years ago, we went to a LeCreuset outlet and purchased 2 dutch ovens, a "campagnard," a saucepan like the blue one you pictured, a frying pan, and another saucepan that had a lid that doubled as a saucepan. We still have and use all of these today. I have mighty muscles!

The cast iron pans really hold the heat well.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm. <--- worthless comment, but says everything.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry, but these pans are utter bollocks, used by posing dicks. I have no time or respect for people who use them.

Anonymous said...

Oh, and that was me (T), but I can't log in for some reason. Fucking work computer shite.

Anonymous said...

Well, there goes your invitation to dinner chez moi.

Anonymous said...

I thought a Dutch Oven was when you fart under the duvet.

Le Creuset rocks. I'm too poor and downtrodden to be able to afford Le Creuset, but when I grow up I will save up for a set.

Anonymous said...

Le Creuset cookware is shit. Anybody who thinks otherwise is wrong. A pan needs to be responsive to the heat, not take four hours to get hot then retain the heat while everythign burns in the pan. Without control, cooking can go completely tits up.

People who use or aspire to use this stuff need their heads testing.

Anonymous said...

Why does this thing keep posting anonymously? Load of bollocks.

Anonymous said...

awww, poor little tyke! good about the egg though, lets hope the advertising of it wasn't a m istake.

I've never heard of this type of pot/pan make, but sounds like it will last through the crushing of by a tank! I have supposed non-stick tripe that is quite the opposite. and ya know? the only thing I've ever wanted? a cast iron skillet....I really love the way food cooks on them, but not been fortuidous enough to find one. Plus I was hoping for someones seasoned one, but no one is willing ot part with it. ho hum

Anonymous said...

We KNEW you'd mention a block and tackle at some point.

Fucking dyke.

Anyway (fave word), we were expecting a recipe of summat. What happened to the recipe?

And why do they use that horrid fucking orange on Le Creuset stuff?

Anonymous said...

They use that orange colour because they are shit and they make shit pans.

I'll do a recipe at some point. What sort of thing do you want?

Anonymous said...

Well, something that doesn't include chopped up pig would be a good start.

Oh fuck, I don't know.

How about something like egg and chips?

Anonymous said...

Egg and Chips

1. Half-fill chip pan with good veg oil and put on a medium-high heat to warm up.

2. Peel and wash loads of good-sized spuds. Chop spuds into good-sized chips (about 8cm in length and 1.5cm in width/depth). Place raw chips into wire chip basket.

3. When fat is hot (test by dunking a raw chip and checking for immediate fizzing of fat around chip surface). Carefully place basket of chips into the hot fat and leave them to fizz.

4. Shake cooking chips occasionally to ensure they don't stick.

5. Fry your regg

6. Serve chips when a golden brown colour and put on a plate with the lovely egg.

7. Add salt, vinegar and brown sauce to taste, but don't forget white sliced bread and lots of butter for chip butties.

Anonymous said...

Oh, don't forget to remove the chip pan from the heat once you've finished or you'll set the house on fire. This will really ruin your tea.

Coming up, a new addition to the Le Creuset cookware range: the Le Creuset chip pan. An excellent diet aid in that it takes so fucking long for the fat to heat up that you've lost 4 stones while waiting.

Anonymous said...

Le Creuset make them orange as a warning.


Grrr... wish I hadn't read the penguin story. I'm now full of rage and wish to kill the bastard who stole Toga for a christmas shitting present.

Anonymous said...

I didn't mean the bastard stole Toga to be a shitting machine. Perhaps I should've said "shitting christmas present"? No. That also looks like Toga is just an object that produces shit. Just like a Mr Frosty produces crushed ice.

God, I wanted one of those so badly when I was a kid. A Mr Frosty not a baby penguin.

Bastarding queynte!

Anonymous said...

Huh? It left my real name. What's going on?

It's doing it again!

Anonymous said...

There great for bathing the kids in.

For cooking with shit.

Anonymous said...

Ewwww, David eh?

That's a right poofy name, that is.

I feel a target for the next podcast has just entered our range.

Anonymous said...

What's a 'regg' sniffy?

And why only one of 'em?

And just on the matter of kitchen safety and that, every mong with more than 3 brain cells knows that you should NEVER fill a chip-pan more than one-third full.

There again, they wouldn;t know of such things in Salford, seeing as they survive on dodgy doner kebabs and baked beans straight from the tin.

SID's alive then, I see. You'd have thought he'd have managed more than 11 words after that extended absence. The lazy cunt.

Anonymous said...

Tina, excuse me using your comments section for this short reply to Piggy and Tazzy.

I was working you fucking cunts!

Thanks Tina

Anonymous said...

You cheeky bugger! I have a complete set of Le Creuset pots - including that one you've got a snap of, and they are the best - everything else is for pikeys.

Seriously - when it comes to pots that's me sorted forever.

Moving on...

Anonymous said...

Is it only supposed to be a third full of oil? How the fuck am I supposed to know? I only ever cook pasta.

Herge, after that confession, you are dead to me.

Anonymous said...

I lost respect for you first.

You bummer.

Those blues ones are horrid. The orange are best - blimey, you think they're bad - you should see all the Alessi I have.

Ha ha

You hate me now.

edwaado has Le Creuset as well.

And RIGHT, like you cook. Don't make me fucking laugh, you just go round a mates and scav - not before complaining first mind.

The nerve,

Go back to slagging off the French or Children and leave decent pots alone.

Anonymous said...


Only a complete queer would have those frggin' pans. I ADORE Alessi stuff, so I'll let you off.

The absolute BEST pans are Meyer Circulon Professional. When I'm grown up, I'm going to get myself a set.

Yeah , yeah, I'm always round at people's houses being fed - I'm so popular I am. The best is coming home from work at the moment (Mum's still in hospital) to find that Dad hasn't started preparing tea because he's watching Deal bastard No Deal.

Anonymous said...

Alessi and LeCreuset are interchangeable... they are both hideously over priced wank you can easily live without.

However, I quite like them, and I got all the LeCreuset as a prezzie.

They are ace. Big and heavy. Mind you I'd rather have a take away any day of the week.

You should see my Alessi colinder - if you want useless waste of money...

Anonymous said...

So long as Alessi's idea for great collander design wasn't leaving out the holes, then I'm sure it's a fine kitchen accessory.

You need some better friends/family if people's idea of buying you a pressie is that French shite. What do your other mates do, pour petrol through your letterbox and set it alight?

Anonymous said...

Collander!!! Jesus, I'm pig thick I am.

I've never used my Alessi Collander - not at £160 a pop! I have a placcy one for that.

Anonymous said...

I can't remember whether it's colander or collander, it might only be one 'L'.

Hrrm your Alessi colander is definitely a waste of space then. You should give it to somebod who'd appreciate it.

Anonymous said...

Balls to that.

I once had more money than sense, wasn't for very long mind. I'm dirt poor again now.

Actually even if I only had 4p, I'd still have more money than sense.

Hmmm.... Check out the Robot action at mine.

Anonymous said...

OK am I going to lose this one as well?

Anonymous said...

The final event involves contestants holding an 18" single-handled saucepan filled with boiling water at arms length for as long as possible

perfect ending to a perfect post. Very funny!