Monday 30 January 2006


I am going to KILL my dad.

I don't know how, but it'll involve lots of shouting and spitting and me being red in the face while I get all my internalised anger out of my system. Not that much of my anger is internalised, but I'd like the opportunity to make him ackowledge all the fucking stupid and annoying and down right MENTAL things that he does that put my nerves right on edge.

Tonight's teeth-grinding is brought to you in association with Fairy washing up liquid. Yes, my dad's "method" for doing the pots has my blood pressure rocketting into the danger zone to the point where I need to ensure that I'm out of reach of all sharp objects, heavy blunt instruments and Glocks.

My method for washing dishes:
  • Rinse used plates and pans and leave to the side of the sink
  • Put all cutlery into empty sink
  • Clear draining board
  • Put on household gloves in order that nice hot water can be used
  • Use a washing up sponge/scourer throughout the procedure
  • Squirt some washing up liquid into sink, start running the water
  • While the sink is filling, start washing glassware, followed by cups - rinse each one and allow to drain
  • Follow glassware and cups with plates and dishes
  • Pan lids
  • Cutlery
  • Change water
  • Wash pans
  • If the draining board becomes too full, drain the pans on a tea towel that has been places on the worktop
  • Wipe down work surfaces with soapy sponge followed by a Flash wipe
  • Leave dishes to dry
  • Put away

Dad's method for washing dishes:
  • Chuck everything into the sink (irrespective of whether it contains manky cold water from when the pasta, rice or veg were drained)
  • Add a blob of Fairy Liquid
  • Half-threaten with a Spontex sponge (no scouring capability)
  • Rinse in cold water
  • Dump on draining board that's still full of pots that haven't been put away
  • Leave everything, OR
  • Wipe everything and then put them back onto the draining board

I thought that, since I'd been at work all day and got home late after a meeting, he'd do the pots this evening, but no. No, he didn't (a blessing in disguise) but he really helped out by dumping a load of dishes into the sink (full of manky cold water), despite the fact they were covered in tomato-pasta sauce. No pre-rinsing for our dad, no way! That's for sissies and people who want to eat off clean crockery.

He's now clanging the dishes rather than letting them dry. If you rinse dishes in nice hot water, they dry on their own in no time, you do not, NOT, NOT need to dry them with a dish towel.

Oooh, my head.


Anonymous said...

Ahem, sorry about that.

Yes, your Dad needs sorting out. Sounds like you're the one for the job, too...

Anonymous said...

I always prefer no one help me with the dishes as they tend to just throw silverware or glassware willy-nilly into the water without checking to see what step I've made it to in my process.

Agree wholeheartedly with your dish cleaning ways.

Anonymous said...

As I see it you only have two options:

1. Dump your dad in a residential home for the aged and doolally.

2. Buy a dishwasher.

Anonymous said...

Jeepers! I'm somewhere between the two. I tend to wash up all in one go, changing water when it's dirty, then wipe with teatowel and put away straight away, before giving surfaces a wipe down.

Unless I need to clean the cooker, in which case I carefully...

Anonymous said...

Ship, your method is acceptable - drying dishes ain't going to get a person into my bad books, but smearing fluff on them from an inappropriate towel IS.

I really want a dishwasher, but there's no room, what with all the cupboard space being required so Mum and Dad can hoard useless tat.

I might make this a new feature on my blog. Bless him, I do love him (sort of) but he's an annoying twat.

Anonymous said...

See how he's got you wishing you were doing the washing up. Genius. I'm afraid he's got you where he wanted you.

Anonymous said...

After a lifetime of abuse, we got a dishwasher just before Christmas.

The greatest gift to man/womankind.

We just fight now on whose filling/emptying it.

Anonymous said...

You're not helping Ed!

Ahh, for a dishwasher. What some people fail to realise is that you need to duplicate all your crockery and cutlery when you get a dishwasher. It's not the emptying them that I don't like, it's filling the bastards up in the first place. Such a manky job when all the stuff gets sloshed about. Eeeuurrghhh. Still, wouldn't say no to one.

Anonymous said...

No, no, Tina, the kids go in the dishwasher,leaving me and Mrs SID to do the dishes in peace.

Tsk honestly!

Anonymous said...

Oh, you're such a lovely wit, SID!

Anonymous said...

"My Mate Da"

Anonymous said...

Everything goes into the dishwasher here - even the heavy pots. I rarely wash up by hand anymore. The WCM and I do argue a bit over whose turn it is to unload.

On the rare occasion that I handwash something, I follow almost the same procedure you do.

Anonymous said...

i don't use dishes or cutlery or pots. i eat out of the sink and stuff it all down the garbage disposal. i use a blowtorch to cook any food that's gone bad, just in case.


Anonymous said...

I use the dishwasher daily. Actually, you're right I have two sets of everything but it's not really necessary. However, I do end up handwashing loads of stuff even though I have a dishwasher. I then throw the dishes in the other sink to dry until I need them he next day. Rarely is my other sick empty.

Anonymous said...

The cook doesn't have to wash the dishes. Whoever is the recipient of the food washes the dishes. Cook relaxes after dinner while Washer slaves away in the kitchen.

Rules is rules. I cook, stay the hell out of my kitchen. I wash, stay the hell out of my kitchen. I don't do both.

Anonymous said...

You are so anal. I just wash the nice things (like cups) and hope that the washing up fairy will do the rest.

Off the subject. Have you ever noticed that your picture makes it look like you've got a few teeth missing?
Very attractive...

Anonymous said...

Crikey! We're more alike than I realised.

That is *exactly* how I do my washing up. To the letter!

I loathe anyone else doing it because it's always done wrong. The worst thing is not rinsing off in hot water. I HATE STREAKY SOAP SMEARS ALL OVER THINGS!

* and breathe *


Anonymous said...

thanks tina! i just tried your method last night. i really like the "rinse using the water that's filling up the sudsy sink" part, uses less water overall.


Anonymous said...

I find it frightening how similar our washing up strategies are!

About dear old Dad, is it possible he never actually had the chance to learn properly? Might be a possibility. I know of quite a few women who unknowingly 'handicap' the men and boys in their lives by pushing them away during chores because 'I can do it so much better' then the aforementioned males never learn properly. By the time they are grown up they have established bad patterns. This is an observation from having had a Dad, four brothers, two husbands, and working in a place that is 95% male. :-)

Anonymous said...

No, it's simply a case that he's fucking stupid and annoying.

Anonymous said...

clearly, he must be killed then.

Anonymous said...

I think perhpas you're anal retentive. But I feel your pain. I would be quite irritated if someone washed the dishes haphazzardly and then didn't put them away. I always seem to find that I too end up with a method for doing things like this..stangely I think it's subconscious. I must be anal retentive too!

Anonymous said...

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