Thursday 26 January 2006

Coincidental controversies

After mentioning only last night the odd occasion when I've rubbed bloggers up the wrong way, I've got another one today!

(Did that rhyme?)

It's great when you mention other people's blogs in your own; all sorts of things can happen when people do Technorati searches for their blogs and they stumble upon something that I wrote about them back in July.

Back in July, while bored (as I often am), I conducted an experiment in pushing the "Next blog" button on all those blogs that were listed in my blogroll at the time. Most of the resulting blogs (and anybody who tries this will find the same) were foreign language or advertising shit, some were real, one was Fat Dan's.

At 26 January, 2006 14:05, Fat Dan said...

I have a blog on your list that you say is crap. So what. i will post my opinions and ideas freely as will you, and from what I can tell, you use big words and are basically a non-talented piece of crap. Just like the rest of us.


I didn't bother to read Dan's blog, so I don't know whether it's crap or not, it's probably a very nice blog. I didn't bother to read any of the blogs because it was just a quick look-see to find out what was out there and where clicking "Next blog" will take you.

Fucking hell, some people are so sensitive! Perhaps if they read what I wrote, they'd see that I didn't actually slag them or their blogs off. Titwank.

I've not been in work today. It's quite naughty of me, but I told folk that, since Dad doesn't drive, I was picking Mother (awww) up from the hospital and getting her car MOTd so as I can get her road tax before it runs out. I did pick Connie up, but that was last night and I have had to get her car MOTd and shit today. I'm knackered, having walked from and to the garage and stuff, but I shouldn't be. And it's freezing out.


Thinking about Base 2a, it dawned on me today that there's a woman there that hasn't actually spoken to me, or acknowledged me, since I got back after Christmas. Then again, it's the one I bought BuckaRudolph for when she really wanted something from Tiffany's, so it's hardly surprising. Some people are such ignorant fucking mongs. But do I care? Not at all. What would she say to me if she spoke to me? Sod all of any interest.

In the town where I was born
That's a rather unfortunate reference to one of the worst songs ever recorded. The Beatles were actually quite shit when you come to think of it.

But anyway, I wandered around my town this morning on my way back from the garage. It was quite comforting in some ways, the familiarity of the shopping precinct, knowing that things never really change there that much (and the meat 'n' tater pies from Greenhalgh's bakery are fuckin' delsih!). In other respects it was quite sad when I realised that, given a lot of opportunity and promise, I never managed to move away from here.

I was in the Morrison's buying Corn Flakes for Mother, a lady picked up a box and asked me whether they were Corn Flakes and I confirmed this to her. She mentioned something about them changing the packaging so she couldn't tell. I realised that she mustn't have been able to read. It's amazing what you take for granted.

Tina's kitchen
Tonight's delight is lemon couscous with chick peas, potatoes and olives.

  • Cous cous (did you know that cous cous was made of pasta?)
  • Half a medium sized onion (finely chopped)
  • Bit of olive oil
  • A lemon, washed and cut into quarters
  • Some stuffed green olives (as many as you can tolerate)
  • A large potato, peeled (if you like) and cut into quarters along its length
  • A can of chick peas
  • 1 litre veg or chicken stock (add some lemon juice to this if you have any knocking about)
  • Knob of butter (if you must)

Making it
  1. Fry (sautee) the onion (or shallots if you have them) in the olive oil until they are soft
  2. Fry three bits of the lemon for a bit, then squish to release the juice
  3. Add the potato and the stock and boil until the potato is nearly cooked
  4. Add the cous cous - I add as much as is necessary to have it all a but liquidy still - turn off the heat and put the lid on the pan for a couple of minutes until the cous cous is cooked
  5. Give it a stir and add the chick peas and olives and a bit more stock if it takes your fancy, butter too if you're a lard-arse like me
  6. Eat like a pig until you have cous cous, chick peas and olives coming back up through your nose


Anonymous said...

HA HAH! I'm first (notice the absence of "YAY!").

Very brave. Every time I've slagged off the Beatles people look at me as if I've just said I fancy Hitler or my favourite meal is Baby au Gratin.

Anonymous said...

How many would your recipe serve? How large are your portions?

I said portions, not baps!!

Anonymous said...

Well, if you use 2 spuds and not one, I'd say that'd serve 3 easily if you use enough cous cous.

Anonymous said...

Thatnk god for that. I figured I was the only soul who thought of the Beatles as overrated. You tell people that and they get mental, liek they knew them personally or something.

Anonymous said...

I work day-to-day with adults who can't read. One in three people have reading problems, in the community where I work.

You can tell who they are - they usually have bad teeth and piss-stained shell suits.

Maybe you should come and live down here, T. You'd fit in lovely.

Anonymous said...

Is that an invite, FT? I'm on me way!

I'm not saying that ALL Beatles stuff was shit , just a lot of it. The stuff that George Harrison did was probably the best. I think they arrived on the scene at a time when there was nothing much else like it. Good timing, a tiny bit of talent (not much) and an awful lot of hype certainly took them a long way.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a lovely recipe, but I'm not sure on the lemon bits. I've never understood why somebody wants to put lemon in anything other than a lemon cream pie or something. Weird. Can you explain it, Dr. Tina?

Anonymous said...

It's just to add flavour to the oil I guess, you can take the lemon out once it's all cooked,

Anonymous said...

I think there's something kind of satisfying about the angry comment. It's sometimes fun to touch just one nerve.

Perhaps that's just me.

And this is not an invitation for angry comments.

Anonymous said...

I'll have to take it out on the cat then - he's doing my fucking head in.

Anonymous said...

Next blog...

I seem to remember that you were more concerned with blogs that didn't have the 'next blog' button. So much so that in blind panic (mine didn't have one at the time) I added one to my links in desperation. Subsequently I calmed down and found how to turn it back on.

Glad to hear your Mum's back home.

Anonymous said...

Yes, your lack of a next blog button really threw me Ed. In my usual obsessive-compulsive panic, I was like, "But there HAS to be! Why hasn't he got one? I don't understand. Should I call the police? What if there's been an accident and he needs an ambulance??". Summat like that.

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear Big Chief Connie has returned to Sioux Tina's wigwam.

I love cous cous too. Why?

Just be cous

Anonymous said...

Controversy, eh? You want controversy, yet you're posting couscous recipes? (I hate olives, by the way - anything you'd add instead?)

I don't do much couscous. It's too small, and it has a weird texture. Risotto, though, is the business.

Anonymous said...

Oh, and I forgot - Welcome Home Connie!

I bet you'll have trouble keeping her off her feet now. Make sure she rests!

Anonymous said...

You see, you claim that recipe ideas aren't courting controversy, then go on to diss cous cous and olives! How fucking dare you!!! This is MY blog and I can write about cous cous and olives to my heart's content.

Risotto is nice though, I do agree with you on that one.

Anonymous said...

Sounds tasty. :-)

It always amazes me when I come upon a person who is illiterate and am usually grateful that I didn't pick that moment to be an asshole.

Anonymous said...

There! Are you feeling less splenetic now that someone's taken the piss? Or must I go so far as to say that couscous is the foulest pasta on the planet and that olives should only be consumed in oil form?

Anonymous said...

put that on the menu for when you're over here Sniff. That sounds delish.

Anonymous said...

and pickles.

couscous and pickles.

fuckin delish!

how ungrateful of fat dan. it's not like you completely *ignored* his blog, ya know?


Anonymous said...

Cous-cous is fucking 'orrible.

Even when I was still a veggie, I still couldn't stomach that shite.

Anonymous said...

Oh and I LOVE olives!

Especially with garlic and lemon.

Anonymous said...

Well, cous cous can get a bit slimy if it's left to go cold - like it's usually prepared. This is a hot dish and is much better.

Anonymous said...

hmmm, interesting. I think you annoyed me once when I first started seeing your comments on Whinger's blog and I said something nasty. Now that I've seen your comments elsewhere and read quite a few of your posts it becomes clear that you're an articulate, funny, and smart person. I feel bad about that earlier incident. Tsk, tsk, I shouldn't be judgemental eh? (it was something along the lines of us people with children making life so dang hard for people without and I got my back up.-sorry) On the other hand, the way you go at it with P&T you probably didn't even notice! Am I surprising you with this?

Anonymous said...

Opinionated, irreverent, bad-tempered, foul-fucking-mouthed. That's me. You see, I just see it as healthy debate and I'm of the opinion that I shouldn't dish it out if I can't take it in return. I don't generally mind what people write in response to my posts or comments.

Thanks for dropping by and thanks for your kind comments.

Anonymous said...

Right, that's done it! I'm going to have to write something about my time in Sheffield with that fucker The Scaifoid. Stand by your beds. Grrrrr.

Anonymous said...

good, I'm glad.
Carry on (couldn't help myself). :-)

Anonymous said...

Chop her head off!