Tuesday 24 January 2006

Carry on blogging

You keep doing it, don't you?

Blogging is weird. You want everybody in the world to be reading your blog; everybody except people who know you in real life (with the odd exception). But when your blog spills over into real life, when the prospect of meeting people from blogworld becomes real (i.e. you arrange a holiday to Canada or plan to stuff your face with pizza in the company of a pair nasty little homos), you start to mention to the "real world" people and then you're trapped.

"So who is this person?"

"Some woman off the internet."

"What, from an online dating thing?"

"Oh good Lord no, it's not like that! She has this personal website, and I have one too, and we sort of leave comments on each others blogs and then we got each others e-mail address and messenger log ons and we can chat using the webcams."

"You each have a webcam???? Jesus, do you... ya know... 'cyber'????"

"WHAT??? NO! We do fucking not!"

But then people become intrigued about this blogging business and they want to find out how to see your blog.

"I'm going to find your blog."


"Because I want to see what you write about us."

"I don't write about you."

"Well, I want to see what you write about."

"I write about pretty much the same sort of shit that I go on about while I'm here at work. Why would you want to read about it too?"

"To see what you write about us."

"Oh fuck off."

"You're offending my muslim sensitivities."

"Fuck right off then!"*

I reckon they're nosy fuckers who want to see if you're slagging them off on the internet - as if I would! Are they French and made of cast iron? Non! They seem to think that I write about them in my blog, which I don't, not really - apart from mad Cynthia, but she's too brilliant not to.

*I just need to point out that this is part of every day office banter and that I'm not a member of the British National Party or Combat 18.

So where was I? Oh yeah, carrying on about carrying on with blogs.

I'm sure that these things much reach a natural conclusion at some point. Surely my life can't be so dull forever that I'll continue doing this forever. I used to be addicted to MSN chat rooms, well one in particular, and I never thought that the day would come when I wouldn't be bothered about it all. But you grow out of things, you get bored of the way people behave in that environment. Tiresome wankers, some of them.

I've stuck to this longer than I did chatrooms. I like having the freedom to do what I like, rather than having a theme or a formula that I'd feel duty bound to stick to. Reading other people's blogs, which I do, I often see little concluding comments that folk use, for example, Wyndham's "My day is near", Indiaynke's "Good health and wisdom to you this day", or Surly Girl's "Carry on". I often wonder how pissed off they are that they started doing that and whether they wish that they could leave it off without anybody noticing. Of course, you'd be mistaken for thinking that Tazzy and Piggy conclude each of their posts with "cunt", but they don't, it's just that they're disgusting little homos.

So we say "NO" to formulas, but that's basically because I wasn't bright enough to think of one when I started out.

You don't need an airing cupboard when you've got Jesus

You see, I can't get away with it. Let's try another one...

Keep out of the black and in the red, you get nothing in this game for two in a bed


Get out, stay out!

Too much like FT's "Better out than in" ;). Tits.

Got it!



Anonymous said...

Better OUR than in?
That'll have 'em confused.

Okay how about this... work your way through the alphabet and come up with a different rude word for each letter.. ie:

arse, buggar, cunt, dildo... etc., etc.

That'll keep you off the streets for a while and by the time you get to Z you'll have thought of something a bit more original :)

And DON'T let your mum read it.

Anonymous said...

Ooooh, cocks almighty! Thanks for pointing that one out. I'll just go change it.

Yes, I really must stop my mum from reading my blog, her news pacemaker won't be able to cope.

Anonymous said...

Or "There's no point arguing with me because I'm right".

Bumchip could be the name of your new robot.

Anonymous said...

You should sign yours off with;

"I don't actually give a fuck what you think".

Mine would be;

"Your comment will never be as funny as my post (although occasionally it is)"

I actually detest the sign off thing, hate it hate it hate it - although to be fair Wyndhams does make some sense.

I like P&T's use of cunt. That's ace.

Monkeyfuck, bumchip, lickjuice.

Anonymous said...

How do you spell that flatline sound?


Maybe I should sign-on with that one?


Anonymous said...

I insist people in real life read my blog because it makes me feel somehow less of a geek. Although I am queen geek and the sooner I come to terms with this the better.

Anonymous said...

'Go to your room'?

I like saying that...

Anonymous said...

Feck, girls, drink, arse!

Although, you'd have to go drinkless, so it would be

Feck, girls, tea, arse!

Anonymous said...

Last word TOOFUCKIN'FUNNY!!!!!!

Had me laughin' too loud!!!!

Anonymous said...

i started blogging in october 2004. that was pre-blogger.com. i shifted over to blogger.com in june 2005, and now i've started updating my original blog again. perhaps you'll fade away and then one day find it comforting to come back to this pisspot of extreme cunttitwankshite. Just for kicks.


Anonymous said...

My god, I am immortalized in the blogging Brit's cakesniffing words-o-wisdom. I'll have to take a pill if I'm ever to get to sleep tonight.

'Tis my royalty showing through, you see - a wave of my hand, ever so graceful - good health and wisdom to you this day and then I can go off to my real world and ... and ... well. Anyways.

Anonymous said...

I see that people are quite liking this.

"Get to your room" is quite good. Unfortunately in our house, it was always "GET TO BED!" because to call it "your room" would be an admission by my parents that there was a special place in the house where I might expect some privacy. It was never "my room".

Anonymous said...

I don't actually know why I do it, to be honest. It seems a little bit tosserish even to me but once I started I couldn't stop and now it would feel wrong not to do it.Everything has to stay the same. Sorry.

Anonymous said...

Well, it's fine with me. It's just that if I'd done it, I know that I'd be well arsed off with myself for starting something that I couldn't stop.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Good night, and good luck

great movie btw if you like history or george clooney (i like neither, but i enjoyed the movie nonetheless and the company as well)


Anonymous said...

I'm glad I'm not the only one who doesn't want people I know from knowing I have a blog.
I don't mind if they read it without knowing its mine, though - Have I said "know" or "knowing" too many times? - Even my best friend and my house mate don't know. Well, my housemate might - Christ only knows what he thinks I get up to on this thing.

Hmmm... signing off... Shit off, fuckbox!

Anonymous said...

i hate the sign-off thing. it's like i'm wogan or summat. i don't know why i do it.

i'm adopting that one tho.

shit off, fuckbox.

Anonymous said...

I've always liked "shit off, fuckbox". Makes me laugh. Ha!

Anonymous said...

I've got a good one...

Anonymous said...

I occaisionally use 'that will be all' when I'm in a cunty mood. Ending with a statement or random slur is generally good enough.

Anonymous said...

I realize I'm hopelessly late to this party, but I find SG's sign-off quite comforting, really. Can't explain why.

Anonymous said...

Good. Carry on!

Does it sound really bad if I say that I don't like it, simply because it reminds me of one of the vilest men I ever had the misfortune to work with? He'd stride into the lab "Stand by your beds", utter some of his usual dictats, be a lecherous nob, a homophobic wanker, and finish whatever he was saying with "Carry on", before walking out. Grrrrrr, HATED HIM!

Anonymous said...

I've often thought about it. Naturally mine would be "Piss Off."