Tuesday 3 May 2011

Sooooooo, anyway......

Crikey, I've been crap at this.  Have we had winter and Christmas yet? 

Yes, well, anyway (:@) I only popped in to check on things, but it might be nice to regale you all (two of you) with stories of skiing exploits (twice) and other stuff that hasn't really happened.

Sniffy, what are you doing?
The words echoed around my head for weeks after my first encounter with alpine skiing in France in January.  Poor Noel, my instructor.  Poor, poor Noel.  I'd be taking a rest, or being unsuccessful at what I was trying to make my skis do, or falling over and his words would ring out through the crisp January air: "What are you dooeeeeng?"

I never really had an answer for him, so I just smiled, hoping that the pain would go away at some point.  Because it hurts, you see, skiing.  Everything really, really hurts.  Mainly shins and knees, but also arms (from using poles), feet, head (from concentrating), lungs (through lack of oxygen), stomach (from overeating).

But yes, skiing: it's actually fun.  I never thought I'd find myself admitting it, or even trying it in the first place, but it's great fun.  And nothing can beat the fresh air, the wonderful views, the feeling of achievement in actually being able to do something physical rather than intellectual.  And that feeling of cruising along, with only the sound of crisp snow shooshing beneath you (because you're on a spaz slope that accomplished skiers wouldn't be seen dead on apart from the end of the day on their last run into the village).  But you find yourself at peace.... until you inexplicably lose it and have to figure out how to get up.

So that's skiing for you.  Painful, but fun, and every ache and pain is worth it when you consider the boutique catered chalet life that you enjoy for the week.  My word.  Spoilt.

Falling apart at the seams
Life is blissfully dull, although my 41st year has brought with it the onset, or aggravation, of a number of persistent niggles that are achy and annoying and ridiculous.  I recently gave myself a stomach ulcer from prolonged use of ibuprofen (back); I can't walk more than a couple of miles without my feet giving me crippling pain; I'm having blood tests "for my glands".

But life's great.  The sun, it shines, and with it I am filled with happiness.  I still detest people  (hateful, selfish morons), but my shouty episodes are soon forgotten and I find it very easy to appreciate that I'm very wealthy and terms of love, contentment, and shiny things that make it all better. 

Hot water
One thing that I really appreciate is hot water.  Nothing is more soothing than being able to take a hot shower whenever I like; washing my hands under hot water with nice soap - an absolute luxury.  Just think about it, washing your hands in cold water, or not being able to at all.  *shudders*

And people are whinging because they have to wait for a bit until they can have their next gadget or a new car.  Get a fucking grip.

I'll come back to this one.

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