Tuesday 13 January 2009

Seventh heaven

I've downloaded and installed Windows 7 beta; it's very nice, a bit like Vista was supposed to be. Very fast, with some great innovations going on in the technical bowels of it... well, it's got this good power management thing that turns things off when they're not in use then zips them back into operation as soon as you use them again.

And the new Windows Media Player is nifty to the extreme, allowing previews of tracks and that. Lovely.  Are you watching, Apple?

But anyway, techno-schmeckno. Although pissing about with your PC can be quite exciting, it's always with more than a touch of apprehension that I embark on such adventures. The idea of wiping everything off your machine - EVERYTHING - so you can install a new operating system and start again is pretty alien, given all the shite you have to put back on when you're done, and the prospect of it all going horribly wrong. Nonetheless, I managed it without any problem and it's like having a new machine.

It'll be like having an old machine again when the beta version expires on 1st August and we all have to rush to buy a licensed copy for about £200 (v clever, Mr Microsoft)... or go back to Vista.

God, this is a bit techy.

Anyway, if you're feeling a bit nostalgic having just updated to Windows 7, perhaps you'd like to take a walk down memory lane and have a look at these screenshots from previous incarnations of our beloved operating system; took me right back, so they did.  My personal favourite was Windows 95, no it wasn't, it was totally shit - especially with that fucking bouncy paperclip thing.  Windows didn't get anything like half decent until XP.

Yes, I'm working from home today (I've checked my e-mails periodically); this means that I was here to accept a parcel for Jo. We have a front door, with a bell, that is easily accessible. Mr DHL decided to try to come in through the back gate (locked), thus alarming Little Rocky and setting him off on one of his frantic barking tantrums. When Mr DHL realised that perhaps it's not that common to break down somebody's gate to deliver a parcel through the patio doors at the back of their house, he decided to come round to the front door and bang on it as loudly as possible, sending Rocky's tantrum into megadrive.

Total nob.

Fuckbook is brilliant!
Well, that's how I feel today at least, and my opinion is subject to change on a whim, or as the result of being "poked" by some cunt from years ago who I only added as a friend out of politeness. Be warned.

I found myself in hysterics the other night after I decided, goodness only knows why, to post some images of me that had been taken for official documents, ID cards, passports, that type of affair. Now, if I hadn't just wiped everything off my PC, I'd be able to upload those images to Flickr and show them here. Here's the link instead. Actually, forget that, I don't want this page to link to anything that has identifiable information about me. Not that I'm paranoid or a shrinking violet or anything.

Anyway, here it is, my own personal gallery of shame:

[gallery columns="4"]

Hrrm, can't explain the big gap between the rows, but fuck it, you get the picture. I'm essentially a big fat bloater screaming to get out of my otherwise silf-like frame and, in general, I succeed in expressing the inner me very well.  I particularly like the photo from my driving licence and UK passport: see how I've skilfully plucked one eyebrow, but not the other?  And people wonder why I always travel on my Italian passport.

E-mail scam
"Hello, I am Prince Ngoloki Hokey Cokey from Western Nigernya and I would like to share e-mailing with you"

I am becoming more paranoid by the day and it won't be long before I'm wearing a tin foil helmet to try to keep the thought police out. From March, all our e-mails are going to be stored on huge snooperbase for the purposes of criminal investigations and antiterrorism efforts. Well, that's the government's excuse at least. Great, isn't it? I'm just going to have "Hydrogen peroxide source" as the default subject for all my messages and I'm going to change my name to Wahida Al Jalabi (apologies to anybody who happens to have that name!). I'd like to think everybody will do the same so the whole thing comes crashing down around Home Secretary Jacqui Smith's stupid deaf ears.

I'm Spartacus!

Surely saving all our e-mails for snooping purposes is no different to having all our post opened and checked before we send or receive any?

I guess it's quite comforting to know know that the government is so scared of its own people that it has to erode our civil liberties on a daily basis, but watch out for legislation preventing people from voting if they speak too loudly against them.



Piggy and Tazzy said...

I'm with you on the email snooping one - although I do find it quite funny that their database is going to be filled with 90% of the world spam. That should take them a while to sift through, before they get to reading anything juicy in ours.

Like a great many others, however, I'm well aware of the fact that those of us utilising those wonderful folks at Google for our GMail (Googlemail, etc) and the likes will ESCAPE the Govt's nosey bastard brigade - due to the fact that those emails don't go via the ISP's.

Even funnier... GMail now has an option to make sure that all your email comms go through to their https (secure and encrypted) pages - something we activated a couple of months ago and suggest everyone else does too. It's very easy to do - just log into GMail, then go to your settings and bingo! There's a setting right there marked 'Always use https' near the bottom of the settings page.

We love Google for that neat little trick all by itself!

Windows 7... We're loving it too.

The pics... We haven't laughed so much in months! :P :P :P

Piggy and Tazzy said...

Oh and for any of your readers with GMail that might be wondering what the 'https' thing is...

It's the same thing that activated the wee 'padlock' for secure communication in your browser. The same thing that you look for when communicating with your online banking and stuff. It makes sure that no-one - not even the Govt - can spy on your data.

Sniffy said...

Oh yeah, I have that. Now, about that activation patch - did you read your e-mail earlier? And my iTouch won't work on Win 7. Yet.

Sniffy said...

iPod Touch now working fine - had to fuck about in the device manager, but it did it straight away - it was the Apple USB device driver that wasn't installed.

Bronwen said...

Don't listen to P&T (or H, as the case may occasionally be) - you've got a lovely smile!

So there's something to replace Vista? Shit. I just got used to this crap operating system! I hate how they've completely fucked up MS word - all the menus are ridiculously rearranged. WTF? At least they've left Publisher alone!

Carabou B. said...

Ignore P&T - I love your pictures, but... um, are you sure you have 'em in the right order? It seems as though you are getting, younger, thinner, and prettier as time passes as that's just not supposed to happen to anyone besides Heather Locklear.

Sniffy said...

Why thank you both, you are most kind. Let's just say I had a very rough 20s, fuelled by booze and pies.

Windows 7 is the operating system to replace Vista, and it is fabulous. Unfortunately, Office 2007 is still with us. I've been using it for over a year and I still can't get used to it. Something tells me that it's better, but it just takes too much of a faff to work out what that is.

Piggy and Tazzy said...

Ah, the dreaded 2007 ribbon!

*switches on helpful piggy mode*

Want it back the 'classic' way? Here's the fix for it:


Ain't we nice?

*back to cunt mode*

Now shurrup whining!

Piggy and Tazzy said...

Just so you know... It doesn't alter Office 2007 in any way other than displaying the menu/ribbon the old way that Office 2003 did.

Sniffy said...

Did you just get a nice warm feeling inside when you offered that help Piggy? Do you like the way it feels? Nice, isn't it? You see, being helpful gives a great feeling inside, like everyone's smiling at you and loving you.... But then again, there's something to be said for being a total cunt too.

Piggy and Tazzy said...

Yes, it did indeed feel nice. But only for about 3 seconds.

Then, I wondered what the fuck was wrong with me. I blame it on the Jehovah's that were knocking on the door earlier. They'd infiltrated my mind somehow - instilling niceness and caring and sharing thoughts against my will.

Well, not really against my will because I didn't know they were doing it in the first place. And I didn't even have any suspicions that they might be able to do such a thing through a locked and bolted door.

But did it, they did.

Thankfully, I'm strong of mind and my powers to overcome their actions prevailed. Moments after realising I was under the influence of Jehovah, I broke the mind-link and recovered my brain backup, restoring my head once more to it's rightful condition.

I'm unaware of any lasting side-effects at this moment in time and have updated my mind-firewall to ensure such occurances never muddy my thoughts and/or actions again.

Carabou B. said...

"And I didn’t even have any suspicions that they might be able to do such a thing through a locked and bolted door" - hahahahahahaha!

Thank you for the link. I just got my very first computer and it has Windows 2007 on it. I've been struggling to come up to speed with the nonsense that is '07. This will make writing my papers for school so much easier.

BTW - are Puppy and Hippo gone forever?

graceless said...

fucking government snoopers. thank the lord for gmail.

also, the italian passport one is quite glam.

Sniffy said...

Yes, thank goodness for Gmail.

And thank you for the Italian passport comment (thank you Photo Me too!).

Carabou B. said...

Gmail uses bots to scan messages and then uses that material to customize product advertising. Doesn't that bother you at all, to know that they are already datamining you, just not for nafarious purposes (at least not yet)?

Piggy and Tazzy said...

Carabou B - Ah, the GMail ad's problem!

Well there's a solution to that one too!

Note: This is for Firefox (which you really should be using anyway if you have any sense)

1. Go here : http://www.customizegoogle.com/

2. Install the plugin and restart Firefox

3. Voila! It's all done!

You can further customise the way it works (it works with ALL Google services - including Google Search, etc) by doing the following:

1. In your Firefox menu bar, click on 'Tools'

2. Click on 'Customize Google Option'

There, you'll find a wide range of things you can do.

I really must stop slipping into helpful mode. It's doing me no good at all.

Piggy and Tazzy said...

Oh and another option (which covers ad's on ALL web pages) is the EXCELLENT Firefox plugin called 'AdBlock Plus'.

You can get that one here : https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/1865

This one is the VERY FIRST plugin I install on any computer that I use. I highly recommend it for everyone!

Piggy and Tazzy said...

Shall I throw in a wee 'tip' while I'm here?

Okay then... Here goes...

The problem:

The icons on your desktop (you know, the ones for all your programs like Firefox, media player, etc) could do with being resized because they're either too big or too small.

The easy-peasy instant solution:

1. Click on your desktop
2. Hold down the 'Ctrl' key and scroll the wheel on your mouse

Like magic, all your desktop icons resize!

Was that easy, or what?

Piggy and Tazzy said...

Oh and Puppy and Hippo will be back very shortly!

Sniffy said...

Where did the desktop icons resizing tip come from? I didn't see anybody mentioning that their icons were too small.

Piggy and Tazzy said...


I just thought I'd throw in some added value for the fun of it.