Saturday 17 January 2009


Bomb's just left.  I'd invited her and Little Con over for the afternoon so we could all go for a little walk to the canal, say hello to the ducks and geese and stay for some food.

They arrived at 3.45pm, it was going dark, the sunshine of the morning and early afternoon had been eliminated by the heavy clouds that had been blown over by the winds that were increasing in intensity.  By this time, Rocky, whose walk I'd postponed, was climbing the walls with pent up energy.

After lots of bouncing from Rocky, after the street lights had come on, we finally got our coats on and left the house.  With the temperatures plummeting, Bomb gave up before we got to the end of the street and headed back.  I continued with Rocky, but aware that Bomb would be waiting, our walk was only short and we too made our way home.

I prepared our meal while Little Con ate hers, but not before Bomb had commented with astonishment at the absence of a microwave.  At the moment our food was ready, Bomb decided it was time to go and change Little Con's nappy, thus allowing her own food to go cold while I ate mine on my own.  I'd prepared tuna with herb and olive salsa, new potatoes and curly kail.  I discovered that Bomb can't eat kail; not only might it send her stomach off, it might actually send her to hospital!

Oh the fucking drama with her.  All the time, everything is a drama.  She complains that Con won't let her do anything, but she won't leave the child alone.  Since she was born, the slightest utterance from the baby has elicited attention and coddling from her mother. And she wonders why the child won't leave her alone, always demanding attention from her.

One instruction that was absolutely critical - "Don't let her go near the telly!".  Connie ended up kissing the characters from Ice Age that was showing.

Why do people have children?  They need so much attention, cause so much hassle, ruin your lives and mess up your house.  Messy, messy little bags of snot, poo and sick.  And they make so much noise.  And they whinge and moan and misbehave.  This, in combination with a woman like my sister, is a recipe for much stress and shouting, and not a great deal of fun.  Ever.

Fuck, what a day. What a fucking day.

But now it's peaceful.... ahhhhh.  Let's have a look at some nice things, if I can find them to upload in this new-fangled file system.

Unfortunately, this poor little feller had to be put down yesterday.  Wasn't he handsome?  Such a big, strong, healthy animal, suddenly killed off by a cancer that we couldn't do anything about.


Hrrm, I think the other image is on the backup disk from before I wiped my machine and I can't frigged to find it.

I have a pay as you go 3 Skypephone. I think it might be a bit dodgy because it just turns itself off and won't power up again unless I take out the battery and put it back in again. Anyway, I went onto the 3 website and they have this really useful troubleshooter that takes you to a returns page if they can't help you online. When it came to the pick up date option, I decided to change it from Monday to Wednesday, but you don't get any information about the confirmed pick up date once you've booked the thing in. So bugger only knows when they're coming for it. I'll work from home on Wednesday, but if they come on Monday, they can go ninnies.


Miss Congeniality
I took a personality tests, here is the overview of my character:

You are a leader - an independent thinker who approaches problems with a rigorous, rational and systematic mind. And with your curiosity, persistence, irreverence and logic, you tend to find innovative solutions to complex problems.

You tend to be bold, assertive and hard working. You are good with details, particularly technical details, and you enjoy talking about your work with others.

You are highly loyal to friends and family. You like nothing more than to share life's little comforts you've earned, with those close to you.

Although you are good with people and enjoy being part of a stable and secure social network, you easily spend time alone, pursuing your own projects and goals.

You tend to be protective and pragmatic. And your friends and family find you innovative and interesting to be with.

So there you go. I'm going to hunt round for more online personality tests to see if they all give the same answer.

Oh look, another one!
Personality test

I want some pudding, but there isn't anything sweet in the house... other than fruit. For fuck's sake. I want something like hot apple pie with warm custard. I'll just have to have a fucking orange. I haven't even got any bloody chocolate. Bollocks. Or biscuits. Tits.

Talking of tits, I taught Little Con to say "norks", "knockers" and "bugger" today. It's great, she just repeats everything you say. Oh, those sponge-like minds.


Piggy and Tazzy said...

I did a personality test yesterday! Quite an in depth one which ended up telling me that I was wonderful, the best friends one could wish for, caring, sharing, supportive and all round just fucking fabulous.

All of which I already knew.

How could you possibly not have any chocolate in the house? What's wrong with you woman? You'll die without it. And anyway, what was wrong with your fucking legs? The shops are open all kinds of hours these days.

And I hate apple pie.

Sniffy said...

Which one did you take? Where can I find it? I want to see if I get a better score than you.

I've kind of gone off chocolate of late. I only had a little bit over Christmas - other peoples' - and I've not bought any for absolutely ages. I really fancied some earlier, but it was so horrible outside that, weighing things up, an orange was the more attractive option.

I'd love a Chunky Kit Kat though.

Remind me not to get apple pie in if you ever come for tea. What's your favourite pudding? And do you like cream, custard, ice cream or mascarpone cheese as the accompaniment?

garfer said...

Pudding fanciers are lethal maladjusted sociopaths who kill innocents to satisfy their infernal cravings for sticky toffee pudding ,and spotted dick (which PigTaz adore).

I'm an apple crumble man myself, and thus normal and well adjusted.

Sniffy said...

By pudding, I mean "dessert" or "afters", Mr Picky. Although "afters" could be misconstrued to mean a scrap, which I could've had with my sister I suppose, but it'd have made Little Con whinge even more.

Piggy and Tazzy said...

Oh, it'd have to be mascarpone. If that wasn't available (or if it was of the Asda variety), then I'd opt for custard. All depending on what the pudding/dessert was, of course.

Fave pudding is, without doubt, jelly (blackcurrant) but it doesn't match with custard.

If it just had to be custard, then I'd have that with banana's or a big hunk of Granny Cake or some other 'havy' kind of cake. I suppose Spotted Dick would suffice, even if it wouldn't be half as appetising as Tazzys (which has it's own built in custard).

In the absence of either of those, I'll happily sit down just with the Mascarpone, which is a dessert all by itself.

Failing that, a chocolate digestive will do.

Piggy and Tazzy said...

Bugger - almost forgot... The personality test.

It was this one:

Carabou B. said...

THe only thing I understood in any of that was apple, chocolate, and orange. Your desserts frighten me.

BTW, sniffy, the last sentence of your post is the answer to the question, "Why do people even have children?"

Sniffy said...


Carabou B. said...

Additionally, when did personality tests become a competitive sport. I'm not sure that you can get a "better" score than P&T just a different one.

Sniffy said...

Oh just take the fucking test and stop analysing my motives. Of course I'm better than Piggy, I'm not a nasty little homo!

Piggy and Tazzy said...

Average then, CB?

Carabou B. said...

Seems that way. But I tend to make up for my rather lackluster personality by being an easy lay ;)

Sniffy said...

God, you're a dirty bitch, but I like you!

Carabou B. said...

Only when in Sniffyville, which isn't a whole lot different (as I am discovering) from Margaritaville. In my real life, I am boring and old, and a bit prudish.