Sunday 11 January 2009

Goulash in the Gulag

I'm having goulash for my tea. Well, it's beef casserole with lots of paprika in it, so I guess that makes it a goulash. We used to have it loads when we were kids and I doubt it'll taste the same as Connie Cakesniffer's, but I've made it in one of those traditional casseroles, so there's some semblance of authenticity there.

Look at my tea:


It's currently cooling down as I don't fancy putting something that's just come out of a 200°C oven in my mouth. Smells nice enough though.

Anyway, I could hardly describe my living arrangements as being a "Gulag", but perhaps mentally they are. I was accused of titivating my bedroom by Jo when she was having one of her rants about me living of the life of Riley here. This accusation is based on me putting up some curtains in there to keep the heat in:

Oo la la

Unfortunately, I bought completely the wrong size and they cover the entire tiny radiator so block the heat coming into the room. The chandelabra is nothing to do with me.

Rocky worries me sometimes; he pulls so hard on his lead that he makes himself vomit. this is nothing new, but sometimes he makes himself vomit so violently that he collapses onto the floor. He did again today when I was taking him for a walk, I thought he was having a convulsion. But he got to his feet, shook himself off, had a big poo and was OK again.

The problem was that he'd been eating cat food at my mum's and now his beard smells of rotten Felix. Makes giving him a cuddle a bit unpleasant.

Ritorn' a Fuckbook
Yes, I caved in and reactivated my Fuckbook profile. It's actually quite good fun at times, especially now that I've deleted some of my most irritating "friends"; those people who just add you so they can send you shite.

In all honesty, I only did it so I could check out the photo's of a former colleague's new baby, but you know, all babies look the bloody same anyway. Anyway, at least I know how to deactivate myself again if needs be.

Wouldn't it be fabulous if you could deactivate yourself in real life? If only.


tickersoid said...

Surely Rocky shouldn't be pulling. What happened to the word of bright toothed Caesar Millan?

Sniffy said...

You're right, Rocky shouldn't be pulling, but he does. Because he's a little bastard. I'm going to send him to spend a week with Cesar's American pit bull, that'll sort him.

Carabou B said...

On Animal Planet they have this show called, "It's me or the Dog" where they try to fix troubled pooches, thus bringing harmony back to the home. They had an episode where the dog pulled on the lead. The trainer said that whenever the dog does that, you turn around and start walking in the opposite direction. Yes, you look like an idiot, but eventually the dog learns that they don't get to dictate the walk by pulling on the lead

Sniffy said...

Tried that, he just ends up shouting at me and jumping up at me. And yes, it makes me look like a twat too.

Carabou B said...

Do you use a choke-chain with him or just a collar?

Sniffy said...

Just a collar. The choke chain is the next step; I need to get to a proper pet shop to buy one.

Carabou B said...

A choke chain is manditory for obedience training. Take Rocky with you when you go so that they can recommend the right size and gauge for your pup.

Sniffy said...

Yeah, I will get him one actually. I might take him to a decent pet shop at the weekend and get him sorted. It'll be useful to try it alongside all the other tips. That changing direction thing does work with him sometimes, it just depends on his mood - not that his mood should be dictating anything.. BECAUSE I AM PACK LEADER! (Says I with him curled up on my lap... awww).