Friday 2 January 2009

Another lightbulb moment

There are some things, the simplest things, that cause a great deal of torment every time I encounter them.  One such thing is changing the headlamp bulb in my car; I've never been able to do this without it being the cause of a minor disaster.  The trouble with my back is due to an incident trying to change a headlamp bulb back in 2003: bending over the engine compartment for forty minutes while attempting to get the bulb out was enough to render me crippled for a fortnight and unable to walk without being in pain for months afterwards. I actually went to the doctor at the time and, during the consultation in which he made no eye contact, he told me "Well, that's you with a bad back for the rest of your life". He wasn't wrong, I can't stand or walk for more than 20 minutes without it seizing up.

My previous car still had a snapped-off bulb floating around inside the headlamp housing when it was written off in an accident.

And yesterday, while trying to pull the connector off the back of a spent bulb, a portion of the bulb housing itself snapped off.  The new bulb is now held precariously in place with some rather  ineffective glue and a foam sticky pad to stop it wobbling about.  I also bashed the back of my hand on something very hard and sharp.  My efforts were accompanied with lots of swearing as my dad stood by, ready to help if I decided to climb onto the engine and start pulling the HT leads off and sticking them on my tongue with the engine running.

What is it with these things?  I think the latter two episodes are symptomatic of my apprehensions in dealing with car light bulbs because the first incident.  Wary of my weak back, I feel I need to rush to get the job done in case stooping over the car for a millisecond too long will lead to my back going again.

Or it could be rubbish design on the part of Nissan.  Trying to negotiate things like electrical connectors and bulb clips among the intricacies of the cooling and air conditioning pipes, while also trying to avoid getting covered in shite from a car that hasn't been washed in seven months, it doesn't make it easy finding the right position for successful bulb extraction and back injury avoidance.

Anyway, that was my excitement for New Year's Day.

New Year celebration

I actually commemorated New Year's Eve this time, I usually hate it.  This year, it was spent with a bunch of, mainly, queers round at the house of some friends.  It was actually OK, with great food, decent company and a  rather disturbing discussion about penises.  I was shocked to find that one ultra lesbian friend has what I would say is an unhealthy obsession with cocks - she likes cocks but not men, whereas my position is that men would be much more attractive without cocks.

Despite the freezing temperatures, we managed to enjoy the spectacle of a setting off a Chinese lantern to celebrate the New Year.  Look at all those people, freezing their tits off, going "Ooooh!" at the pretty fiery lantern as it floated off into the night sky... and see if you can spot the Straight.

Chinese lantern



I spent a few days with friends in Norfolk after Christmas.  It was nice to finally get away to see them, after trying to arrange a visit for a long time.  The journey is a pig and I hate the distance between us as it would be so nice to be able to see them a lot more often than the once or twice a year.  The little dog would like to get to see them more often too, well, he'd like to get to see their dog Peggy more often as he likes the challenge of trying to touch her with his willy as many times as possible during our stay with them.

We went to the seaside on Monday. It was freezing, so I didn't bother taking my costume, but the dogs had a good time tormenting other animals.

Rocky runs

Rocky beach

Rocky Pegger nuisances

Rocky soggy

It was quite cold down there and I was privileged to witness a beautiful starry sky one night. We don't get to see this too much up here because of the light pollution from the big city, so it's quite spectacular to see when it does happen. I tried to take a photo, but the long exposure (and it being too cold for me to have the patience to attempt more shots with a tripod) made the image a bit wobbly. You get the idea though.

Starry sky 1

So that's me for you. Struggling with the tail end of my winter depression and the start of my new year blues. Just January to get through and I might just make it.


graceless said...

your dog is lovely. which one is the hetty though, i can't tell? is it the man in short sleeves? the woman in a skirt?

Sniffy said...

Ah the woman in the skirt! Nope she's not straight. Nor is the bloke in the short sleeve shirt, come on, a short sleeved shirt when it was minus five?

My dog is gorgeous, I love him.

Bronwen said...

The one in the Santa hat? IDK.

Since I am a delicate flower, I have all of my automotive maintenance needs performed by big burly grease-stained men. I figure they need to get paid, and I need to not be bothered. It all works out.

Your Rocky looks like he had a load of fun at the beach. He's getting big now, though! My mother just got a Westie who's frigging adorable. Puppyhood is the best.

Pissoff said...

The guy in that dreadful sweater?

I wouldn't change my headlight... I'm with Bronwen, I pay someone to do it or belittle the nemesis (that never seems to work so I usually pay).

What up Sniffy?

Sniffy said...

The Santa hat woman is the cock-loving ultra lesbian. The guy in the dreadful sweater is gay, but Welsh.

Carabou B said...

I'm with Bronwen about all of that automotive nonsense. I'm not so goodbwith vehicle (or home) maintence but I am colossally handy with a check book - so that usually gets the job done.

The hetro is either the guy standing behind santa-hat, with the blue jeans and black coat, or he is the horribly gay looking fellow in the black sweater with white collar and cuffs.

Carabou B said...

BTW - it's nice to know you have a token straight friend at your parties. Do you have a token minority as well ? :)

Sniffy said...

Lisa, that "guy" is a woman, you tit.

Actually, we did have a minority: Louise (the guy in the black sweater) has a son with Down's syndrome and he spent the night with us too. There was also a minor, well, she was just 16, but only just.

Carabou B said...

Looks like a fellow to me. Perhaps a sign of some sort so that us ignorant folks might be able to tell you apart. You know those gays, they all look the same to use straights :)

In truth, one of the funniest converstations I have ever had was when one of my Chinese co-workers told me that all white people look the same to her.