Sunday 27 July 2008

Lazy Sunday

At least that's how I hope it's going to pan out - I've had a busy week or so and I could do with putting my feet up.

It all started with looking after Casa Cakesniffer and the Mousesniffer family of moggies while the venerable ones were away on holiday.

Those bloody cats are such hard work. Only Max does his toilets outside so this means twice daily litter changes. Then there are constant demands for food and biscuits, although I couldn't find the cat biscuits in the disaster zone that is my dad's shed, so the cats followed me round whinging for four days until I finally discovered the bag of biscuits behind a chemical toilet.

Then there's Max. Dear, lovely Max with his seemingly ever-growing ears. He has a habit of demanding to go out at 10pm, but he always likes to sleep inside overnight, so he has to be called back in at bed time. Only he doesn't come in unless you play the "come and get me" game. This involves me going out onto the main road an calling him (generally after midnight) until he appears from his hiding place to follow me back home.

And my long term back problems were exacerbated by all four cats insisting on sleeping on my bed overnight.

But they're lovely and it's nice to be able to look after them.

TUESDAY brought the fabulous B52s to Manchester. They were wonderful. Approaching their sixties, I'm quite certain that there's a fair bit of botox been injected into those faces (esp Fred and Keith) and I think Fred even left the stage for an emergency top up while the girls were singing Roam.

The B52s in concert



However, this was probably my last chance to see my favourite band live and I'm so glad I did. They played a good selection of tracks from their latest album Funplex, but a good few of their classics too, including:

Mesopotamia (I think this was a bit political, Mesopotamia being today's Iraq)
Give me back my man
Private Idaho
Strobe light
Party out of bounds
Love shack

Finishing with
Channel Z
and the fabulous Rock Lobster

(Rubbish video that lost resolution during conversion)

Apparently they did Planet Claire as a second encore. What were they thinking of?

Yesterday was our local Pride event that Trump helps to organise. It's OK these big cities having their Pride Parades and using the whole thing as an excuse to milk the queers for all their commercial worth, but smaller towns really need to get the message out that gay people exist there too.

So well done Trump and her colleagues.

We went out to the town's only gay pub last night, Trump's mum came too. It was full of people who would never be allowed into any of the bars on Canal Street, with the exception of Paddy's Goose perhaps.

Don't know, but sun is shining and it's warm. Enjoying this rare event is what's on the cards today.


Anonymous said...

"We went out to the town's only gay pub last night, Trump's mum came too"

You know that just sounds so wrong, don't you?

As for the bad back... Have you considered a smaller arse might be the trick?

Anonymous said...

It was, but there wasn't anything we could do to stop her!

Anonymous said...
