Monday 9 June 2008


Look who landed in Scotland today...


Yes, it's Trump's Uncle Donald.

Their hair is remarkably similar.

Fucking cunting arsehole Government has backed cunting arsehole Manchester councils' plans for a peak-time congestion charge. The tax is essentially another penalty levied on people who work, since the fucking scumbag dolescum who actually vote for Labour will be wallowing in their pits, stinking of shit during the morning congestion charge time, by the afternoon, they'll be shitfaced down the boozer.

Of course, the politicians who want to bring this in will be able to claim it back on their expenses, if they can drag themselves into work before 11am.

This is what Cllr Leese, leader of Manchester Council has to say: "fewer than 20% of motorists in Greater Manchester would have to pay the charge.

"The scheme would be of great benefit to more than 30% of households who relied entirely on public transport and currently struggled to get to work."

So motorists are paying for other people to get about town, consequently contributing the profits of private bus company shareholders. How benevolent of us. It would've been nice to have been asked. Of course, they don't need to ask us when they know what the answer will be:


Please can we have a revolution? Or just a general election so we can vote these jokers out?

Talking of dolescum, I'm dressed like one at the moment - 3/4 sports pants, t-shirt and Crocs. Trump asked, not too subtly, "Are you going to wear that when we walk the dog?". I think I shame her at times.

So annoyed today. And the sun is in my face and my cursor has disappeared.


AND I forgot my bloody coffee and it's gone cold!!



Anonymous said...

The bastards will be taxing the air next.

Brown blaming high oil prices for our extortionate petrol prices conveniently ignores the fact that the stuff is taxed at 65%.

Green this and congestion that. It's just another excuse to fleece us.

I want to emigrate.

Anonymous said...

I want to annihilate the entire Labour Party and all who voted for them and wipe the last 11 years from the country's history - absolute disaster.

Anonymous said...

The way you're dressed at the moment is irrelevant. Especially seeing as we've never seen you dressed in anything else.

Get yourself a disabled badge (every other fucker has) and you'll be excluded from the congestion charge.

Anonymous said...

Get myself some semtex and blow up all the Greater Manchester Town Halls.

Anonymous said...

If only...

Do you think you might be able to squeeze Barnsley Town Hall in there too?

Anonymous said...

You seen V for Vendetta? This bunch of shites needs a good kicking into oblivion.

Anonymous said...

We could probably get a disabled badge, what with me being a bit special. I can never remember where the car's parked.

Anonymous said...

Never say you own a pair of Crocs, much less *wear* them?! Oh, the horror. The shame. The incredible ugliness!!

Anonymous said...

Oh yes, two years behind North America, the slobs of the UK have caught on to the rubbery delights of Crocs. They're quite comfortable; especially if you're you're a morbidly obese slobber dobber. Although the dobbers do tend to go for the £2.99 ones from the market - they show a bit more cracked heel skin, which is ideal for that sort.

Anonymous said...

Also looks like Boris Johnson's dad. Also a cunt.

The congestion charge is a major cunt - had to drive to the post office on Borough High Street with a big ol' ebay parcel, only 10 minutes down the road from my girlfriends flat but too far to walk with a big parcel. Had to pay 8 quid congestion charge for basically a five minute drive - no way to avoid the bastard.

And I've forgotten to pay twice now, thats 120 quid ta very much. Bastards bastards bastards.

Crocs = cunts. Simple as that.

Anonymous said...

I like Borough market.

I miss it.

How can you forget to pay the congestion charge? There are big fucking 'C' signs and camera's everywhere to remind you!

Anonymous said...

'cause I'm a tit!