Saturday 14 June 2008

Sniffy's car buying guide

I've bought a number of cars over the past ten years or so; I'm currently on my FIFTH car, my fourth Nissan.

I tend to go for Nissans because
  1. they're reliable
  2. they tend to come with pretty good extras as standard (CD player, central locking, air con, etc)
  3. they're pretty cheap
etsetterar, etsetterar

They're also boring enough be be relatively undesirable to car thieves, although my first Nissan was stolen, recovered, and then stolen again from the insurance assessors before being written off.

Anyway, Nissans are OK if you can't afford a Honda.

After my previous car was written off, I decided to get a smaller car as a replacement and I picked up a nippy, but boring Nissan Almera - one owner, low mileage, good condition.

And here's Sniffy's first tip when buying a car:

If at all possible, don't buy a car in winter.

Why not? Well, you tend to wear things like coats and scarves and that in winter, and when you're test driving a car, you don't realise that the seat belt is slicing into your neck all the fucking time. Because of this, you don't bother to check whether the car has height-adjustable seat belts and you buy it because, it's a decent price, good nick, etsetterar, etsetterar.

Spring comes along, the layers - rightly or wrongly - come off and you find that you are constantly moving the seatbelt as it rubs against your neck.

I've adjusted my seat, bought a neck pad and now a seatbelt clip. None of these things work and I'm on the verge of selling the car because the only thing that will stop the seatbelt doing this is me growing by six inches - and that ain't gonna happen.

So I'm annoyed.

I can't believe they don't have adjustable seatbelts - is it a three door thing? Who knows, it's totally shite, that's what it is. I might get a booster seat.

Next time I'm going buy a German car, because I think drivers of German cars have some sort of special dispensation that allows them to drive and behave like total cunts and get away with it. There must be subliminal undertones of the Nurmberg Rally coming from the engine that turn the drivers into total fucking Nazis. "YOU WILL MARCH AS ONE AND ANNEXE THE HIGHWAYS, THE OUTSIDE LANE IS YOURS; NO ROAD SPACE FOR WEAKER SPECIES! ONWARD, ONWARD, ONWARD!!! FASTER, FASTER, FASTER!!!!"

German car owners club
German car owners club AGM, 2007

Either that or total neanderthal lunatics just happen to be attracted to them.

I suppose it's like most things, you don't notice the decent drivers of German cars; it just happens that most incidents where you're almost driven off the road involve an Audi, Volkswagen or BMW.... or of course, a Vauxhall. I think Vauxhall drivers are dyslexics who think they've bought a Volkswagen.

And now I've cricked my fucking neck.



Anonymous said...

I have never owned and never will own a German car. Not that I have anything personal against krauts, it's just that their cars are too clinical and master raceish.

I have a Jaguar for high days and holidays and a diesel Mazda for day to day shuffling.

I want a Maserati. I MUST have a Maserati.

Anonymous said...

We get a new car every two years.

Personal contracts are great - always brand spanking new with zero mileage, the monthly price (which actually isn't that bad) includes the insurance, servicing, repairs, tax, etc etc.

The best bit is that everyone thinks we're rich because of it. They've no idea that we're actually just 'renting' a car for two years at a time.

The only thing we grudgingly pay for is petrol.

Second hand cars? How common.

Anonymous said...

Oh and our current car is a Renault Scenic.

Next year, despite all my protesting about Chelsea Tractors and the like, we'll be swapping it for a Range Rover or something similar.

Our excuse is that we live in Yorkshire, surrounded by countryside, which necessitates a 4x4.

Thats our excuse and we're sticking to it.

Unless we end up with a hybrid car, which is another serious consideration due to the frequent muggings at the petrol pumps.

Anonymous said...

I'd like a Mazda 3, or 6 for that matter, lovely.

Renault Scenic, less said about the better.

I don't subscribe to the "all 4x4s are evil polar bear killers" point of view. People can drive whatever they want; they pay for it and so long as they don't drive like arseholes.

Hybrids are OK, but they'll find a way of stinging you even if you don't use petrol to drive (congestion charge!).

Anonymous said...


But the Scenic is a really nice car! And driving it is lovely - feels like I'm driving a spaceship!

Anonymous said...

I don't really have a problem with 4x4's either. Well, not much of a problem.

The thing I do have a problem with is the drivers. The vast majority of them DO drive like arseholes.

I've also observed what appears to be a majority of wimmin driving them lately. Of either the air-head blonde, or the stinking chav 'my-boyfriend-is-a-drug-dealer' variety.

I think it's something to do with them having a slack fanny, myself.

Anonymous said...

I've only ever owned three cars, I had the shittest Atra for about a year - fucking stinky piece of poo, smelt really bad when it was sunny.

Then I had a Nissan Almera like you - very very boring.

And then i bought a GERMAN CAR. Yep, not a really big one, just a little Audi A3. It's all right I guess. Had it years now, maybe even 5 years. It's going in my mum garden under a cover when I'm away. Poor little bugger.

Oh, and I do drive it like a cunt, who knew?

Anonymous said...

Women with big sunglasses in 4x4s = complete and utter bitches. And crap drivers at that. Blokes who drive them tend to be arrogant, aggressive wankers, but apply this to women and you're heading for disaster. Arrogant, aggressive, no idea of lane discipline, speed limits, how to indicate appropriately, park - and all this while using a mobile phone and applying lipstick.

I really hate people carriers; people who drive them (women) tend to be the same breed as the worst of 4x4 drivers only self-righteous with it... and with kids.

Anonymous said...

I just got a new Honda Civic, after my Chevy Malibu up and died - busted transmission. I wanted a hybrid, but the WCM was not convinced of their long-term/maintenance record. Arse. I should've bought one anyway.

I didn't even consider the German cars, as they're too expensive for me (and the maintenance cost is a bitch!).