Tuesday 17 June 2008

Shiver me timbers

Bloody hell, it's a Coldplay love-in at the BBC and Guardian at the moment.

I hate Coldplay, they're shit. You listen to their new release (and you have no choice if you listen to BBC radio) and you think, My God, please take me now, spare me the pain! Awful, awful, dirge from a boring, self-satisfied, sanctimonious, but really shit band.








Make them go away.

What the hell is wrong with this country that they celebrate such utter crap as Coldplay and Radiohead? Fair enough, some people like that sort of thing, they can't help it, but why does the national broadcaster have to impose this shit on the licence-fee paying public? They appear incredulous that some people, most people, don't like Coldplay. Shock, horror!

But what REALLY got my back up was learning that Coldplay's front man Chris Martin, walked out of a BBC Radio 4 interview last week because he didn't like the questions. This man gets so much free advertising from the BBC, yet the fucking shit-for-brains didn't have the manners to sit out an interview.


Point made. Just gone to the BBC website and look at this:

BBC advertises Coldplay again

The Guardian is the same, but let's face it, the BBC is essentially Guardian Lite so what do you expect?

Thank goodness for Johnny Rotten, he called them "a gang of poncy little masturbators" and added: "I pity the poor bastards who have to watch them".


Anonymous said...

Yay! First!

I listened to the twat walk out of the interview the other day. Not live, but when I read it on the Beeb.

Listening to him, I wondered what the fuck he was doing there in the first place. He sounded like a complete nob. Or exactly as Johnny Rotten (another complete nob) said...

I really hate almost everything British at the moment - from the music, to the movies. It's just the same old shite over and over.

Anonymous said...

Music for bed wetters. And he called his daughter Apple. And he's middle class.

Apparently Coldplay are the saviours of EMI.


Anonymous said...

I love u sniffy, but u can't lump radiohead in with coldplay. Saying that ur spot on with your brave coverage of this shite, especially as this means I don't have to suffer it.

Thank you.

Did martin name his daughter after the brand? Being a marketing type I can see that is a cunning move... And a cunty name.

Anonymous said...

I agree re Radiohead, they're far far better than Coldplay. Radiohead get on with things but have principles. Coldplay just ram their sanctimonious bullshit down our throats.

And in association, Gwyneth Paltrow actually said in an interview that she and Chris Martin owe it to humanity to have a 3rd child. They have lots of love and lots of resources apparently. Thank you Gwyneth and Chris for doing what all the infertile people can't do.


Anonymous said...

Perhaps I've been unfair to Radiohead; I don't know a great deal of their music. But it's the over-exposure granted to them by the BBC that really gets on my tits.

Humanity doesn't need any more people - there are far too many people on this fucking planet as it is. People who breed are fucking parasites and they should be burned alive. Well, the ones who give their offspring ridiculous names certainly should. Morons.

Anonymous said...

Chinese rules should apply here - no more than one child.

Breeders... I hate 'em, although I love The Breeders. I still remember the ace Kim Deal line 'Motherhood equals mental freeze'.