Thursday 19 June 2008


I got this in the post this morning.


Hoping it was a stick of dynamite, I tore the paper open to find this!

Rock stick

Good eh? It's a stick of Brighton Rock from my good friend Mr Herge.

I think I like the idea of rock more than I like eating it. Just look at it, beautiful colours, and that lettering running through it, wonderful stuff.


Unfortunately, Royal Mail couldn't manage to get it to me without dropping it, but hey at least they managed to get it here within a day; almost unheard of around here, especially when something is addressed to "Tina, Levenshulme, M19".

See where it was made though? Yep, up in Blackpool. The cheek on it!

Rock label

I'm sure everybody's now heard the reports of disembodied feet washing up on the British Columbia coastline. The first feet (two right feet, both in trainers) rolled up in August last year. This was followed by 2 other right feet over subsequent months and the first left foot turned up on Monday.

And today THIS!

Yes, a sixth foot has washed up on Vancouver Island. I was there. My GOD, I even swallowed Vancouver Island lake water. That water may well have swirled between the toes of that foot.


And all this not long after that pig farmer killed loads of women and fed their remains to his animals... that no doubt ended up as sausages and bacon sold in Vancouver.... that I MAY HAVE EATEN!!!!!!

A holiday of a lifetime may well have been a holiday from hell.

It was a colleague's birthday today. During the civilised celebrations over cake and biscuits, somebody inquired as to the birthday girl's year of birth - 1976.

Ahhh. A number of us sighed, reminiscing back to our childhoods and that summer. I was approaching six years old during that summer; the longest, hottest summer ever - the one that we still refer to today.

I just remember the sunshine, and popping tarmac blisters on the road (and getting told off for making a mess of my clothes). The good thing about being a child is that you're never too hot or too cold - I certainly don't recall being uncomfortable in the sunshine (or the snow that we used to get in the winters back then). Adults are whingers.

A lot of people criticise the 1970s, and I'm sure it was rubbish if you were a grown up back then, but it was a fantastic time to be a kid. Proper summers, no responsibility, power cuts because of strikes, Father Christmas, The Banana Splits, Mohammed Ali, Elvis, Evil Knievel, snow... and then... The Sex Pistols, Blondie, The Bee Gees.


Were the late seventies really that good, or is it always good for every kid at that age, no matter when? (Apart from in them days before sanitation, healthcare and education of course.)


Anonymous said...

Fucking royal mail! Sorry it was bust - Piggy got his in one piece.

Be interesting to see if Garfer's makes all the way to Scotty land, and indeed whether April's makes it through customs... we'll see.

Anonymous said...

Let's face it, it doesn't stay whole for long anyway! Or was I supposed to keep it untouched for posterity?

Anonymous said...

Good thing you provided photographic evidence of the sugary sweet inside the wrapper. I thought it might be something...naughty. Somehow, I feel slightly disappointed.

Anonymous said...

Ah, a big stick of sugar to rot your teeth with... mmm.

We're the same age, but I have to say I prefer the early/mid 80s to any part of the 70s. The 70s clothing was a travesty - bell bottoms & prairie skirts, I ask you! And earth shoes? Do you remember those? Did they even make it across the pond? The music was pretty freaking awful, too - way too much Frampton Comes Alive, and then we had Disco, which was vilified where I grew up. Of course, if you weren't a hardcore AC/DC fan where I grew up in the late 70s, there was something wrong with you...

Anonymous said...

Haha - We noticed it was made in Blackpool too.

You got a rainbow one!


At least we got Garfy's, which makes the mistake worthwhile.

Anonymous said...

The late 70's were better because I was born at the end of 75. I don't remember any of it really. Apparently I spent the last of the 70s stuffing whole toilet rolls down the lav and painting the walls with nail varnish. And picking my nose.

I remember hearing Tragedy and thinking it was a woman singing.

Anonymous said...

I have it on good authority that Thai pirates chop off one of their victims feet, hurl it into the South China Sea, and then laugh at their groveling victims as they steal their possessions.

The prevailing currents carry the feet to the Canadian Pacific coast where they are mostly eaten by Grizzly bears.

No mystery there.

70's = Spangles, Sherbert Lemons, and Saturday Swap Shop. Can't remember much else.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps Herge should get his feet tattood... and remember to wear his trainers or his little tootsies won't float on those Pacific currents.

Spangles were fuckin' ace! Do they still sell them?

Anonymous said...

Seems the latest foot from BC was a hoax.

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure if bears are keen on dead white English feet.

Alas, Spangles are no more.

But you can still get Blackjacks, which is a relief.

Anonymous said...

Black Jacks were fuckin 'orrible.

As were Fruit Salads.

I was a fan of 'chewing nuts', 'toffee logs' and 'Cabana bars'.

The 70's for me was all about Magpie - I watched it avidly, just for the sight of Jenny Hanley who I fancied at the time.

I wonder whatever became of her?

As for Spangles.. They did release a special edition of them a couple of years ago. I never got any though.

Same with 'Toffos' and 'Callard & Bowser Cream-line Toffees' (they were my fave).

Oh and 'Super Bazooka' bubble gum - the chocolate one.

Anonymous said...

All rock is made in Blackpool. It's the law.

Anonymous said...

I love candy, and yet, the only thing that was mentioned that I recognized was Bazooka gum. Though a friend was recently in London and brought me back a tube of Fruit Pastilles which I adored (as well as a bracelet from Links of London - that I was also quite pleased with).

We've been talking a lot about the foot this morning. The latest on our end is that the most recent foot belongs to an animal.

-Lisa from AK

Anonymous said...

Damn those Canadian hoaxers! I understand it was a dog's paw inside a sock inside a shoe!

I was listening to Vancouver news radio station this morning (it was 1am their time) - so much talk of these feet.

Black Jacks are disgusting. They do Black Jack flavoured ice cream at our local indian.

Remember that weird root that you could buy from the sweet shop? It was like chewing a flavoured twig. What was that stuff called?

Anonymous said...

Hey Lisa, you back in blogworld yet or are you just visiting?

Anonymous said...

Just visiting for now. I've been thinking about a return. Since my divorce I've begun to notice how many really, really beautiful people there are in this world (present company included!) and have been feeling that tickling desire to want to share them with the rest of you (are you familiar with our governor? Google the name Sarah Palin and you'll see what I mean). As of yet, though, I can't seem to muster up the energy needed to do service to those in the blogosphere.


Anonymous said...

Well, it's just great knowing you're still around.

Me and Herge were reminiscing about 2005 in an e-mail exchange... ahhh, remember those heady days?

Anonymous said...

Of course, they were delightful - those carefree afternoons ignoring my child, housework, homework, etc. for some witty banter with the two of you. I really do miss those day!

Yet another obsticle to me re-entering blogger is that I am sans computer. My computer from 2005 fell victim to a virus (darn my internet porn addition!) and my baby's daddy got its replacement in the division of assets. As a result my social computer time is very limited.

Speaking of candy - how are you doing for Hot Tamales? I would be happy to ship some your way.


Anonymous said...

Finished the last packet the other week, so any donations would be welcome. But note... WE ARE MOVING HOUSE NEXT WEEKEND!!!! YAY!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

You're moving?! How exciting! Tell me, do you still have boxes left over from the last move that you never unpacked? I have a whole closet full of 'em. I think at the next move, I'm just going to throw them out. In truth, I'm not even sure what's inside them any more.

Do you still have my work email? You could forward your new address to me. The sooner the better as it will take me quite a bit of time to get up off my behind and get that stuff in the mail. Case in point - I still haven't sent out the christmas presents that I purchased for my sister's gaggle of children. The nice thing about her is that she keeps having more, so I only have to by a new gift for the oldest child and change the tags on the other gifts!


Anonymous said...

I may have your e-mail address, but drop us a message (the e-mail address on my blog still works (delete the no spam bit first)) and I'll send you the information.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Is that Lisa from way back?

Anonymous said...

Yup, Herge, it's the very same Lisa

Anonymous said...

Christ almighty! Look at the e numbers in that rock!

Although, I imagine they were rife in the seventies before the health conscious freak-thing kicked in.
The only thing I remember were the ladybirds. And falling over and ripping my big toenail out. I'm a seventyfiver like Trump.