Monday 16 June 2008

Greater than the sum of its parts

Take a look at these images...

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

They looks like they could have been taken at three entirely different locations, in different eras perhaps.

But no, on my wander through the city on Saturday, I saw this.

River buildings

How old is that building? It looks like something from them days, when Dickens was around. It looks like it's ready for falling into the river. No idea what it is, but I liked the bricks.

Anyway, not much else to report, other than my new lens.

It's a Sigma 10-20mm f/4-5.6 USM etc, etc, wide angle thingy. It kicks asssssss. I figured I could get some pretty decent shots with this baby and it just about completes my lens collection... I think... although, hrrrm, yes, it'll probably do.

This is the sort of effect you get with a wide angle lens - see what it does to the clouds, how it makes it seem as though they're rushing to/from the horizon?


Anyway, we hope to be saying a fond farewell to that field in the coming weeks. It's nice for walking Rocky, but it's a total pain in the arse when you get the local numpties riding motorbikes on there like total lunatics; plus the fools who set fire to anything that moves on bonfire night.

There's a "residents association" that was formed when the field came under threat of somebody who wanted to build a couple of football fields and changing facilities on one half of it. I thought this would've been a decent use of the space and would still have left plenty of room for the dog walkers, etc, etc. But their protests were successful and the field remains as it was. They now do things like make suggestions for the best use of the field; like planting trees, although I don't know what powers or permissions they have to do this, if any.

So they're really handy when the local youths are tearing around like chimps on their motorbikes and quad bikes; they always come out to challenge them and see them off... by planting a shrub or something.

But hey at least they try. Whereas I stand back and do something useless like phoning the Police, who came in time to see the little shits off yesterday.

So HURRAH! for Greater Manchester Police... until they piss me off again.


Anonymous said...

Yay! First!

I think fields like that are pointless. The kids can't play on them because the grumpy fuckers call the cops on them.

No burying of bodies in them, because they are too easy to find.

No dogshit on them to infect the kids (because the kids are banned).

Yadda, yadda.

For an awful moment, I thought you were going to tell us the pics were of your new house.

Anonymous said...

Isn't the field covered in used condoms and discarded hypodermic needles?

Fish eye lenses are nifty.

Anonymous said...

The kids have enough fun on that field, believe me. And there's plenty of dogshit too (not Rocky's, unless he tricks us by doing two poos and we have to leave one, or cover it up with grass cuttings).

Condoms? Hypodermic needles? Get with it Garfer, those kids don't bother with condoms anymore and Stella is much cheaper and effective than anything you need to inject.

The lens is cool.

Anonymous said...

I thought Salford was White Lightning, 2 litres for 99p country?

Isn't Stella too expensive for all the dolescum up there?

Obviously not expensive for the shoplifters, I know.